We Will Meet Again

Chapter 301 - Your idiot


Setsura's reason for meeting him this time was quite simple.

"That's not it. It's just this ..is a major event right?" Akito nodded, " I was thinking whether or not it would be right for me to participate."

So she's been thinking about that huh?

Certainly the girls job have been tailored around her jumping around endlessly. 'Taking on random job officers.' With Yang's current status, while Setsura obtains more field experience.. It takes a huge toll on her, and there is a chance that she will not get recognized for it. Of course, Akito understood the girl better by now. It doesn't matter if she gets recognized or not.

The others who have been a member for a long time may see it as unfair treatment, she's clearly been worried about it for a long time now. Perhaps.... His thoughts broke when the doors opened revealing his 40 year old companion, "Akito have you seen that girl, the advisor---"Shuhei trails of, " There you are. The advisor is looking for you."

A knowing 'ah' escaped the girls lips as she stands up, and waltz over to the door. Yet as she does so he noted the dark expression on the girls face, " ....The advisor asked for you also."

Huh? Why Setsura? But, she isn't part of the establishment. Akito glanced warily at Shuhei, but the man shrugged. "Relax, it isn't anything bad."

The two of them walked down the hall. It was awkward when Shuhei left them. After all that kissing they did, Akito understood Setsura's current mind set.

"You must be thinking that I'm extremely useless right? You can start to scold me now, to scold me mercilessly, just like you usually do," Setsura suddenly broke the silence.

Akito however only looked at her completely dumbfounded. What on earth is she talking about right now? "You..." Akito paused, he didn't know what to say to her. After awhile though he muttered. "The useless one is me and not you."

"If you're useless, then what am I...?"

Setsura who shouldn't be afraid of anything in the world, is now smiling weakly. She is desperately trying to stay strong. It genuinely pained Akito, seeing Setsura like this.

"You're still looking in front of you, thinking about solutions to your problems. You're looking straight ahead, so you can have a better future. But as for me?"

Akitl reached over and embraced the girl. Her sweet scent and her warmth. He missed this so much - just hugging her like this. It feels so right, even though it is wrong to hold her. She is in another relationship now. "Yeah, my present too is blurry. But at least I know I'm not alone."

"Your an idiot."

"I'm your idiot."


January 12th

The world is full of strange things; things that have reasons some may never come to know. Setsura always said that everything happens for a reason. Akito couldn't disagree with that, however even if there is a reason for everything. One does not always get answers.

Even after spending a week away from her. The words Setsura had said that night spent in the sky still dwindle deep within his mind. It remind fresh as when she first said them to him. Akito never slept much before. But after he met her, he slept a lot. So, when Setsura broke up with him, Akito became very restless and cranky everyday.

Akito would go many nights without a single wink of tender sleep. How could he possibly get any sleep, knowing that she was out there? With a different person who isn't him. Even if Yang and Setsura belong to the same time frame. Akito didn't trust Yang. The only reason he is leaving her be is because he respects her decision. The second was Katakura.

He still felt awkward talking to him. However Katakura reassured him, 'Setsura will return to you by herself Akito.' That's all Katakura said, and yet for some reason Akito believed him.

Staying up during the late hours was not uncommon for him, but for those hours to be spent on the simple words of a little girl was quite difficult to imagine. Every action of hers seemed to effect him greatly. Even if she just stood there. Akito knew his emotions would end a mess.

Extra heaps of work and real work gave the two time off from each other. With all the chaos happening in their lives. It was impossible for him to meet her whenever he wanted. However tonight, he would meet with her no matter what anybody said.

Unlike the previous nighgs the moon seemed larger - and brighter. A bright red moon, huh? It's not uncommon here but it's still surprising.

Still, he wondered if it was really okay to meet with her now. He received word from Katakura that Setsura would be alone at home for the next few days. 'Use this chance, huh?'


After she blacked out that day she slept for a full day; and when she woke up Akito was no longer beside her. She was in her chambers in Yang's place and when Yang entered the room he said with a scowl. 'Akito brought you here in a fit and you can imagine the reaction of the guards on duty. They already classify him as an enemy. So for him to show up with her clearly sent the whole palace in alarm. Fortunately I was already outside; and stopped the commotion from spreading completely. But since he was in the back it took him awhile and in that short period he got hurt.'

Setsura heard that he had gotten attacked by the guards. Are his wounds alright? He didn't fight back since he was considering her position. Yang briefly brushed over the matter but his wounds are definitely more serious than he described.

She wants to contact him and yet , 'Miss, I understand that you hold a somewhat special relationship with Akito; and in turn he also treasures her. I am relieved to know that he is no longer fooling around. But if that is truly the case then may I ask you to hold of your feelings for a little while longer? This has nothing to do with the final fight. But more to do with some old lingering feelings.'

The words Yang's assistance said to her remained fresh in her mind. Is it really wrong for her to meet with Akito? It's not like she is passing him intel or acting as a spy or anything.

In other words due to their friendship, he didn't say it exactly but Setsura understood what he meant. She also understands it to a certain degree, now isn't the time to confess. The girls gaze darted towards the huge stack of papers scattered on the desk as well as the long tower of books. She has had constant updates from Natasha, and it turns out that the guys in are being kept relatively busy.

Akito especially, right now there is something that they both have to do. That's why until then she should not meet with him.

She shouldn't meet with him. However, Setsura wanted to see him so badly.

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