We Will Meet Again

Chapter 93 - The Only One

Setsura shook her head, why is she becoming paranoid again? Snap out of it and be confident. After what happened in that mansion, it felt like she finally snapped out of her long dream. When Setsura re-assessed her situation in the Meiji era, she quickly realized that the best thing to do was to settle in properly and do her mission. Avoiding people and not getting attached, those two things are impossible, to begin with. Even if she remained cooped up in the mansion, she would still have to interact with others. Besides, if she remained cooped up in the mansion, how could she do her mission?

Then again, the only reason why she could get this far is because of Akito. If Akito hadn't been persistent with her, then none of this would have been possible.


Victor thought if his best friend were going to fall in love with somebody, it would be with a woman like Ekaterina. Despite the girl's flaws, she genuinely cared for Akito.

There was a certain time where it did look like everything would go one way, and that her role as an observer was not needed. A time period where you could go along with the flow. But even that time was ' false,' Akito from the very start has been a complicated person. Victor understood that all too well, but she would never have expected, just how many things her best friend hid from him and just how complicated his way of thinking is.

They were all convinced that he would go with - but Chauncey had always had a feeling, ' That guy is like the wind; she always does things in the same direction as the wind. That's why I don't think you can say for certain he will always remain with Ekaterina. Though he's the guy I lost her too, that doesn't necessarily  mean things won't change.'

When he first told her that, Victor had called him an absurd. Back then, Victor thought that Ekaterina and Akito were meant to be together. He didn't think of the possibility of anything else. Even after he discovered that his best friend possibly had somebody else in his mind, he quickly dismissed it. Because he wanted both of them to be happy, the two people who even now are so very important to her.

However, as one would expect, Akito went outside the range of anybody's predictions and fell in love with another woman. Victor didn't meet the wife before, so he isn't sure what she was like. But, considering how Chauncey fell for her too. It's clear what type of person she is.

"Victor, can you please tell Setsura that she has the wrong idea?" Akito said as he held up his notebook. It was filled with a list of girls' names.

Oh, " Is Yamashiro-San trying to set you up on dates again?"

"He is. You see? It isn't my fault."

Victor turned Setsura who took some files out the cabinet, "That may be the case. But I wouldn't be surprised if you provoked your companion into thinking that your a helpless, needy guy who needs a girlfriend."

"As usual, it ends up with insults towards me. Would you react the same if that guy was under the same situation, I wonder?"

Hey? He's bringing up the ' boyfriend' in this sacred time they have with each other. Then again, Victor is relieved. When he first heard about the situation, he had to admit he was surprised. But it made sense; the girl may think she's blended in now. However, there is something about her that is different.

"Could it be you experienced it already?" Victor noticed the girl's sudden unusual expression.

"And that is why you two are related."

Ah...that is exactly like her.

"Setsura-chan, you must have been bothered by it." Nobody would like it if their partner is harassed by other females/males every day.

Setsura smiles, " Perhaps bothered is not the right word."

Victor sends her a puzzled look.

"She's trying to say she isn't bothered by it," Akito murmurs.


Akito understood what Setsura-chan meant by just that line? He really can't underestimate the connection between these two.

"Listen. To put it nicely, Akito has high adaptability. He can change his ideas or behavior to fit with new situations, so anything unexpected. But that can also be a bad thing, no matter how absurd the situation is, he can deal with it.

Since it means he will not make any effort to change the situation on his own will. He's the type that needs others to lead him towards the next direction. Usually, girls would not go for such a useless man who can't decide things."

At that comment, he nodded.

" Hasn't he always been that way?" Victor asked.

"So, the one who goes out with Akito can only ever be someone exactly like himself. In other words, like me, a willful and egotistical woman."

His sweatdropped when he heard those words. Is that something one should boast about? But then again, this is her he is talking about.

"A woman who wants everything their own way. Akito is perfectly suited for someone like that. Because no matter what happens, he will always stand by that person's side."

His eyes go wide. This is the first time he has ever seen her like this. Akito, who had been listening silently the entire time, finally spoke up. Despite how oddly she phrased it, Setsura-chan means that Akito is a loyal man.

Victor watched as Akito reached over and brushed his fingers casually on her hair, "Leaf, you still had one."

Setsura smiled, "I planted it there on purpose. What do you think?"

Akito laughed, "Well, that's interesting."

Setsura reached over and touched Akito's face, " Your quite the selfish guy. Perhaps not as much as that person, but quite selfish."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?"

"Take it as you wish."

It seems like; he never will be able to figure out or even understand the relationship between these two. But perhaps not understanding it, is exactly why he can remain close to them.

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