We Will Meet Again

Chapter 94 - Auction Part 1

Setsura was unsure how this auction would end up. When one thinks of the word auction, naturally, the word money comes up — spending a lot of money on the shard. Will it be worth it? She understands that it is part of her mission, but even then, she felt a bit bad. Spending Akito's money like that... Then again she didn't hesitate trying to bankrupt sir Long during that dinner. Why would this be any different?

Her thoughts broke off when she hears the sound of knocking. "Yes?" Setsura answered. The doors opened, revealing Akito, who was wearing a western-style suit. It seemed odd seeing him in such clothes.

"Setsura were leaving in a few minutes. Victor is just making some preparations--" Akito paused in mid-sentence. Setsura felt his gaze on her and rolled her eyes.

"I have to admit; this is disappointing."


"Since we're dating now, the moment you walked through those doors. I expected you to pay me a compliment immediately. Instead, I find you're the type to stare dumbly and drool silently.."

"I'm sorry, your sulking about Victor coming with us, aren't you?"

Setsura sighed, "I thought it would be a nice excuse for us to take a nighttime stroll afterward."

Akito laughed, "We can still do so. I'll chase him away, yeah?" He reached over and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You look good."

"Good, is that the only thing you can say?"

He brushed his lips against her ear and bit it slightly. "I'm interested in finding out what's underneath."

"If you can't say a compliment, then don't speak. A perverted joke isn't welcomed."

"But I wasn't kidding."

"Such a helpless person," Setsura turned around, so she was facing him. She pressed her lips against his. A brief kiss which quickly changed to a more passionate one in seconds. It never occurred to her that one day somebody would kiss her in this manner. The vague memories she had of that person showed that their kisses were always light and sweet.

But with Akito, it was different; the way he kissed her made her feel incredibly dizzy. Her entire body would heat up in a matter of seconds. Today he wasn't just kissing her neck; his lips made it's way to her nape right above her b.r.e.a.s.ts, and Setsura stared at him. "Akito?" she whispered.

He gently lowered her top half, and his lips descended down. "Nnngh…"

She was always sensitive to the cold, Setsura wondered if she ought to tell him that. Would he notice? His hands trailed on her thighs, one hand under her shirt. She shuddered slightly, "Akito...what are you...trying to…"


She only keeps quiet for a short time. Even if it's her, she cannot stay calm and rational during these times.

"Akito, stop for a moment," Setsura quickly felt how sensual the atmosphere had become. No matter how bold her words are whenever she speaks with him. Setsura isn't ready to do anything with him just yet.

"Setsura, it's okay. Trust me."

And trust him she did, like a naive fool - craving for somebody to love her. For somebody to want her.


"I wondered when you two would come out. Had a nice time?" Victor said, a huge grin plastered on his face.

Setsura glared at him and then turned to Akito, who looked very satisfied. He isn't pushy or anything, and he respects her boundaries. But, even then, she has her limits. Having him kiss her like that daily is not good for her. Even now, she could still feel the warmth of Akito's lips on her neck, her b.r.e.a.s.ts, and legs.

Much to her dismay, Akito didn't notice her peril; instead, he lifted her up so she could enter the carriage. He reached over and ensured the window was shut before he wrapped a blanket around her.

Victor entered soon after, "I'm just saying if you two act like that in public, people will talk."

"Let them talk then, me and Setsura are official now. We have nothing to be ashamed of."

The two of them only started dating not too long ago. But Akito is very confident in their relationship. She wonders why that is.

"Maybe I should have let you take a look earlier." Akito froze, and she chuckled, "You're usually so confident. Whenever I joke with you, though, you freeze."

Whenever Victor speaks about their relationship or anybody else, Akito speaks so confidentially. But whenever she talks about getting more intimate, for some reason, he acts like this. "I can't tell whether you're a dull person or simply cruel."

"I don't know what to feel about that."

"Are you saying you're a nice person then?"

Akito scratched his face, awkwardly, "Well, I can't claim I am."

"Then, the two of us are perfect for each other."

Akito wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. Victor laughed, "Indeed, your the only one who can control Akito."

"It's quite simple; he acts like a big baby half the time."

Akito brushed his lips against her ear, and she shuddered. She knew that later on, he would make her pay for saying those words that challenge his masculinity. But for now, he won't do anything more than this.

"How do auctions work in this era?" Setsura asked.

"Hmmm, let's see when you hear the words auction; normally you think of public trade, right?" Victor said.


"A process of buying and selling goods. These goods are donated by members of society, whether they are the working class or upper class. They inspect each item to see whether they can sell them. The valuable items are saved for the end; the mundane items sold at the start."

From Victor's explanation, it sounds like a standard auction.

"However," Victor spoke up. His tone seemed to have changed. "Auctions can get quite dangerous. The items and the people."

"The items?"

"As you know, we're living in a time where everything still isn't completely modern. We are in a process of modernization. But, we have not completely gotten rid of the old just yet. Things like demons still exist because there are still some places the creatures are attached to. They can still live in this land."

"Ah," Setsura nodded in understanding. "So, you're saying that creatures of the night have slipped in some items too?"

"Since it isn't easy to differentiate between a human and a demon. There is also a rule; the ones in charge of the auction can't refuse items from high-class people. There are many high-class demons; it is easy for them to blend in as a human elite."

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