Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 335: Take advantage of the victory to pursue and enter the mutated world

So, after a brief discussion.

Nie Bao and Pei Jing immediately set off and took the lead in rushing into the fragmented world.

Once inside.

They saw a shocking scene. The whole world was disintegrating in front of them. Wherever they looked, all the chaotic scenery was gradually falling apart, turning into dust and falling downwards.

But they know.

It's not the real world that's collapsing.

It is a different world that is invaded by mutations and constantly merged.

This mutated world was originally invaded by the strange power. Now that powerful strange power is suddenly hit hard, it will naturally affect the erosion of the other world.

They walked quickly, fully releasing their spiritual power, scanning the surroundings like a radar.

Trying to find traces of strange creatures among them!

In fact.

The disaster of this world fusion is already very clear. After this series of encounters, it is not difficult for them to find out through analysis that a different world that is about to disappear has merged with the real world for some reason (the key thing). .

Originally, such a process would gradually weaken and terminate spontaneously due to the collision between the two heavens.

However, the strange creatures left the battlefield and came to the real world, using strange power as a medium, like a signal base station, to continuously expand the process of mutation.

It indicates that countless strange creatures are wandering in the world of changes sweeping this wilderness!

This is an extremely terrifying force!

However, precisely because the mutation will spread quickly, this trembling power is destined to be dispersed, giving them the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

Soon, their suspicions were confirmed.

After running for dozens of miles, there was still no trace of the strange creature, but the strange aura permeating it remained unabated.

At this time.

Yang Rihuan, who was speeding in the air, secretly sent a spiritual message to Nie Bao: "Old Nie, tell me... Sir Su Qi doesn't seem to trust our strength."

"Obviously." Nie Bao glanced in Pei Jing's direction and replied.


Not only Yang Rihuan, but also several other people had a huge psychological gap.

Originally, they thought that they were standing in front of the future Holy Lord as a savior, attacking all enemies and creating the most solid backing.

But I never expected it.

Now they have become dispensable.

It is no exaggeration to say that even without their presence, with the strength shown by Su Qi, it should not be difficult to save District 9 in this disaster.

Therefore, Yang Rihuan was very sad: "No, I'm going to go crazy. Even if a strange disaster breaks out, I still want to let Mr. Su Qi know that we are here to help him in times of need! We are his most loyal and powerful protectors." Taoist!"

Once this spiritual thought was sent out, it instantly attracted the approval of others.

That's right.

Their potential has been exhausted. Even if they are lucky enough to seize the opportunity to be promoted to the natural disaster level, it is just a luxury to hope to move to a higher level.

You can leave a favor with the future Holy Master.

Even if they die in the future, their descendants will burn more paper money for themselves than other families!

For these Holy City families, the death of a Destruction Level Transcendent in exchange for blessings for several generations is simply a bargain!

Immediately, everyone was shocked, their energy and blood rose like smoke, and they looked around fiercely.

This sudden change startled Pei Jing who was standing beside him. He thought he had encountered a strange creature.

It takes about as long as a cup of tea.

Even if they found interference from strange forces, they still quickly found traces of strange creatures along the direction they were being spied on.

It was a strange creature that had not yet fully materialized.

With a crown of flesh and blood on his head, his exposed upper body covered a small half of the sky, and his lower body was covered in an endless thick fog. In the thick fog, there were even huge strange shadows swimming around, sometimes flashing greedy eyes.

The strange creatures at the source level, as well as the chaotic power that splinters from them, are all here!

Nie Bao and others suddenly stopped and stood in the air.

"This strange creature has not yet completely condensed into a body. Either the flesh and blood collected are too little, or the level is too high and requires too much flesh and blood. Please be careful!" At this time, Pei Jing reminded him with a solemn look.




Nie Bao and others responded in unison.

The next second.

Yang Rihuan's body was filled with green light, and then the ground within a hundred miles radius bulged high. Countless giant trees like vines broke out of the ground, surrounded by green light, and rushed towards the strange creatures high in the sky with the force of thousands of thunders!

At the same time, he drew out a wooden sword engraved with thunder patterns in the void, stepped on an extremely thick giant tree and meandered forward, as if he was controlling a swimming dragon, and killed it without thinking!

Nie Bao shouted violently, and the long knife in his hand trembled, arousing a hundred-foot-long sword light, wrapped in the aura of destroying everything, and slashed diagonally at the neck of the strange creature. Before the terrifying sword light fell, it had already annihilated countless people on the way. The strange aura lingering around caused a series of shocking explosions!

The other three were not to be outdone. They launched their strongest extraordinary methods from different directions, as if they were about to kill the opponent instantly.

The terrifying energy rushes like thunder, converging on the strange creature at an extremely fast speed.


Big explosion in the void!

The boiling ability surges like a tide, bursting out with endless light and heat!

The terrifying wave swept across the world in an instant, almost sending Pei Jing flying out as he didn't react.



"Didn't I say that when facing strange creatures, it's best to test the opponent's level first!?" Pei Jing's eyes widened. The Nie Bao just now was not so impulsive. He would at least use long-range attacks to test.

What kind of madness are you getting now!

However, now is not the time to think about this.


He saw that under the sudden explosion of Nie Bao and the five men, the body of the strange creature in mid-air was shattered with many wounds, and large amounts of blood spilled out. Even half of its palm was directly hit by Nie Bao's sword in order to resist it. Cut off half of it.

"not dead!?"

Nie Bao frowned. Even though he roughly knew that this strange creature was of a high level, he still seemed to have been insulted. He became furious instantly. He teleported and bullied him directly. He waved countless fierce attacks one after another. The sword light intertwined in vertical and horizontal directions, like a sky net, falling towards the head of the strange creature!

at the same time.

Yang Rihuan also aimed at the strange creatures that sprang out from the dense fog on the lower body of the strange creatures. He couldn't help but cursed: "So many people attack me instead of attacking. Do you really think that I am the weakest?"

In an instant, he raised his left hand, and countless giant trees sprang up from the ground, intertwined with each other, and attached themselves to his left hand, forming an unusually ferocious and huge claw arm.

Then, he shot directly at the strange creature flying over at extremely fast speed!

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