Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 336: Tear apart the mutation and examine the extraordinary

Accompanied by a dull and long roar.

Various parts of the flesh-crown strange creature's body were severely damaged, and the secondary strange creatures that split off were constantly killed by Yang Rihuan. The chaotic power returned and gradually fell into madness.

Although his strength had increased, he began to become disorganized. He only relied on instinctive attacks, which instantly reduced everyone's pressure.


Pei Jing joined the battle and used the power of time and space to involve him in various ways.

Not long after, under the siege of everyone, the body of this strange creature was exploded. The strange power lost its container and was quickly dispersed.

However, Nie Bao and others were not happy.

After all, compared to Su Qi's record of instantly killing dozens of strange creatures with his own strength, now that he has so many people surrounding him, he still can't kill with one hit.

Soon, though.

They put away their discouraged mood and turned their attention elsewhere: "Kill a strange creature, and you can clearly feel that the strange power around it is beginning to become thinner. If you can pull out a large number of strange creatures one after another, this mutated Heaven and earth will be restored.”

Immediately, a few people did not stay too long and went deeper again.

War broke out one after another, and the terrifying energy fluctuations shook the world. At this moment, they had no reservations and took action every time.


They have no worries.

Even if they consume too much power, it doesn't matter. After all, behind them, there is a more powerful Su Qi who can support them at any time to protect them.

As they continued to go deeper, they discovered that strange creatures were coming again in some of the removed nodes, but what they were sure of was that these strange creatures had nothing to do with the ones they had killed before.

“Fortunately it’s not reinvention.”

"If the strange creatures we killed can be reshaped in such a short period of time, then everything we have done before is useless." Nie Bao said with a solemn expression.

Pei Jing thought for a moment and guessed: "Even so, this trouble is not small. I think this changed world is like a flowing river. If we hit it with a punch, part of the water can be evaporated, but as time goes by As time goes by, the changes carried by the strange power will fill in this part of the vacancy."

"Then what should we do? It's obviously not a wise idea to compete with this weird world." Nie Bao asked.

At this time, Pei Jing recalled that after Su Qi destroyed part of the mutated world, there was no such backfilling phenomenon.

Perhaps only that level of collapse can prevent backfilling, or allow the speed of backfilling to drop to a freezing point.

So, he slowly said: "Perhaps, we spent too much time searching for weird creatures. Let's do it this way. We now have a lot of nodes where weird creatures appear. We use these nodes to form a circle and quickly sweep out those nodes. The strange creatures in the area will cause the mutated world to collapse and let’s see the effect.”

The others had no better way for a while, so they had no choice but to follow Pei Jing's words and go back to conduct a regional sweep again.

Due to their familiarity with the nodes, the efficiency of killing has been improved to a higher level.

It doesn't take long for an area to be cleared.

As expected by Pei Jing, this area seemed to slowly collapse after losing the support of the strange creatures, revealing the original appearance of the real world.

And during this collapse process, the surrounding changes were unable to be eroded for a while.

This strange phenomenon instantly amazed everyone, and at the same time, they couldn't help but look at Pei Jing with admiration.

Nie Bao and others had to admit that this was indeed the person who had trained the seedlings of the Holy Lord, and his insight into this disaster was actually more accurate than the old guys like them.

So, they began to ask Pei Jing about his next move, and their words had a hint of following the other party's lead.

At this critical moment, Pei Jing did not refuse too much.

He immediately decided to take this collapsed area as the center and continue to tear the cracks wider in all directions. This would not only consolidate the original area, but also minimize the backfilling speed of the weird power!

Before that, they need to quickly confirm the node where the strange creatures appear to improve efficiency.

After formulating the battle plan, everyone temporarily separated and quickly flew around to explore the nodes where strange creatures appeared. A precise killing quietly began.

at the same time.

On the other side, on the edge of the mutation attack, looking at the unceasing collapse of the phenomenon, Su Qi took out the beast crystal core and quickly restored his own energy.

I don't know if it's because of the terrifying consumption of the evil god Biraxiu, but his current recovery speed is actually several times higher than usual.

"The greater the consumption, the faster it is, and the higher the efficiency of recovery..."

"I almost forgot this extraordinary and basic common sense." Su Qi smiled mockingly to himself.

You can't blame him for this. After all, since he awakened, with the blessing of the state of God's Favorite, he rarely over-consumes.

At the same time, he also began to examine the extraordinary ability of the 'Evil God's Horashi'.

"This power of ghosts and gods is a bit overbearing. Although it is said that it uses the medium of extracting energy from my body and sacrificing other ghosts and gods to guide them to come. The more ghosts and gods are sacrificed, the greater the energy extracted, and the power of the ghosts and gods that descend will be smaller. The stronger!”

"But once this extraction starts, it cannot be stopped voluntarily. It will extract the energy from my body to the point where there is no trace left."

Su Qi clearly remembered that when the evil god Biraxiu came, he frantically extracted the energy from his body. He also tried to forcefully terminate it in order to preserve some of his strength. Unfortunately, he could not control it at all.

Maybe it's because the level of this ability is too low, or maybe it's because his current state is too far away from the evil god Biraxiu.

Whatever the reason, this extraordinary ability is a double-edged sword.

Once this move is used, either the enemy will die or you will die.

Unless you can use this ability in the future, like today, with a companion who can entrust your life to your side, it is better to use it with caution.

Also, the timing of summoning the evil god Borasiu is also very troublesome.

If it is summoned directly at the initial stage of the battle, the outcome will be determined. If you are defeated, you will not even have the strength to escape.

If it is summoned after the battle has become tense, the energy will be consumed, and the power of the evil god Horashi summoned will also be reduced. Of course, there will be no chance to escape if he loses.

"It seems that to use this ability in the future, two prerequisites need to be met. One is to have a trustworthy companion by your side, and the other is to determine the most critical moment that determines victory or defeat." Su Qi summarized while thinking Other attempts.

Will it be possible to summon the evil god Borasi and control its extraction of power when there are no sacrifices to other ghosts and gods?

When I think of this, I can't help but feel a little itchy.

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