
Vol 5 Chapter 1129: Snake has snake way

People say. In a gray transaction. It was supposed to be at the center of the earth but was marginalized.

"The airport does not have any right to speak, and cannot introduce an airline company based on its own operation and exhibition needs. Reasonable allocation of time resources 7" Panshi Airport executives said that Panshi Airport has always wanted to compete for the right to speak in flight schedules, and said, "The airport does not suddenly have this idea. Flight schedules have always been an issue that airports are very concerned about. Because the main source of income of the airport is non-aeronautical business income, such as airport service fees. As we all know, airport fees are charged according to the number of passengers. For the airport, there are more flight operations when there are more times, so as to generate more revenue. So the time of flight is very important for the airport.

But currently in the distribution mechanism at the moment. The airport is completely excluded, which is unreasonable. "

Fan Wubing nodded. Indicates understanding.

In fact, I invested so much money in airport construction. In the end, I had to listen to other people's instructions, which was really problematic. This shovel should be changed drastically. The time and route set by the airport. It was enough to report at most, and I didn't listen to other people's dictates at all.

It is precisely because of this that in a series of ** cases, the airport ** case does not even have the characteristics of civil aviation, just like the former executive deputy general manager of the airport, because it is suspected of illegal operations in the procurement of security equipment and is subject to double regulations.

The deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration was entrusted by his classmates. Say hello to the vice president in charge of bidding for security equipment at the airport. Please take care of an Israeli company.

Subsequently. The vice president did not perform the normal bidding process and purchased security equipment produced by an Israeli company. Some of the equipment was planned to be used for explosion-proof work. It is said that the problem of the general manager of Dalian International Airport, which is still under investigation, is also related to the construction project. , And these are each. The commonality of the industry. Does not have the characteristics of the civil aviation industry.

Therefore. Someone would say that the airport is excluded from the civil aviation industry's right circle.

The scarcity of resources at the time of flight departures and landings at busy airports is not unique to China. But the cosmopolitan present

Over the years, to ensure the stability of airline operations. The grandfather clause prevails internationally. Allow airlines to inherit flight schedules. Western aviation authorities have noticed that the grandfather clause has harmed the fair competition of later airlines. They usually stipulate that airports with limited flight schedules should give priority to new airlines and new routes instead of giving priority to base airlines. company.

And at home. It does not take into account the issues of competition and discontinuity at all. It's just who pays to pay for themselves. Just assign the limited number of routes and time to whom, this is already a complete industry**.

The civil aviation sector is highly funded and has ample room for growth. This makes civil aviation have more opportunities, greater risks, and more serious consequences. Civil aviation incidents in recent life. More than 90% are born in the fields of finance, investment, engineering construction, material and equipment procurement. The problems of chaotic investment, chaotic lending, chaotic guarantees and small coffers are also very prominent.

In fact, these are only the superficial reasons for the widespread civil aviation industry.

Civil aviation industry ** cases are almost all power rent-seeking cases, and China's civil aviation industry has too many approval mechanisms. Brings rent-seeking space. All business decisions are due to the establishment of a new company, the introduction of new equipment, the opening of new routes, the adjustment of time and even the overnight stay of the plane at the airport. Everything needs the approval of relevant departments, and what follows is the ubiquitous trading of power and money.

For example, if you want to operate a certain route. The only way is to apply for approval. The charter company took a fancy to a certain route. Need to report to the corresponding regional administration for approval first. And then approved by the Civil Aviation Administration. First obtain the right to operate the route, and then apply for the flight schedule, and then transfer it to other airlines.

In the course of a series of approvals and transfers, a huge black hole of rights has been cast, and the fall of many civil aviation system executives is related to the charter business.

For another example, bow into an airplane and follow the procedure. All airport planning and construction and the purchase of aircraft by airlines need to be reported to the Civil Aviation Administration, and after approval by the Civil Aviation Administration, they must be reported to the National Reform Commission.

Among them, how many planes are purchased specifically. What kind of plane, how many planes each airline divides? All approval procedures are critical. Under the condition that government airport construction funds and the total annual aircraft introduction are relatively fixed, approval not only means whether the project can be completed, but also whether it can obtain government investment and bank loans.

In addition to the government's ears, monopolistic airports also have the right. Even the state-controlled airlines that claim to be market-oriented also have the right. Power is everywhere. It seems to be interlocking. In fact, it creates a lot of loopholes for rent-seeking.

The reform has not yet begun, but the Civil Aviation Administration has already released the news that in the future, all cities and all routes in the country will no longer require airlines to apply for approval to the Civil Aviation Administration, and only need to report to the Administration for the record.

Of course, things are not as simple as they say.

Although the civil aviation industry has high safety requirements, the flow of funds is large. Technical, but fundamentally speaking. From the commercial nature of the market. Points, the civil aviation industry and the corner shops are of the same kind, both belong to

Therefore, the civil aviation industry needs to simplify the approval procedures, open and transparent its own working procedures, and treat them equally, break the monopoly, and truly open up to the private economy. Introduce a real competition system. Only in this way can we eradicate the soil that is widespread in the civil aviation industry and benefit the people.

But in fact, the regulatory loopholes in the civil aviation industry are far more than that. The flight schedules** black holes, charter black holes, and airline rent-seeking black holes that have been paid attention to are just the tip of the **** hole. The real civil aviation gray industry chain is still active. To run.

"Let’s put it this way, I have never had anything transparent in the civil aviation industry. Whether it’s the big things like applying for charter flights, obtaining flight schedules, and applying for air routes that you’ve talked about. It’s still small things like obtaining agency rights. There is no link. The procedures are open, and there is no open standard." An executive of Fan's Airline said with complaints. Although this opaque industry environment gives people like him great opportunities. But in it. It is not an easy task.

For example, everyone knows that there are many agency companies in the civil aviation industry, and each agency company relies on collecting commissions from various airlines for profit;

This is understandable in itself, and the sales channels in most industries are also true, but the key is. The sales commission commission in the aviation industry is extremely opaque. The commission ratio basically depends on the relationship between the agency company and the staff of the aviation sales department. The test in the middle is the agency company’s personal connections and public relations capabilities.

More seriously. Because the sales departments of some airlines are accustomed to fraud. Some people who are basically unqualified have mixed into the agency team, which seems irrelevant, but the basic data information of the aviation sales link may become uncontrollable as a result.

The public knows that the National Civil Aviation Administration has been committed to building a huge aviation industry information support platform, but it has not achieved the expected results. The inaccuracy of basic data may be one of the reasons.

It is indeed difficult to obtain true and accurate basic data in the civil aviation industry, and there is no accurate and true basic data. The idea of ​​the civil aviation industry to realize the so-called digital management to avoid some risks has no practical significance.

In fact, many people have overlooked one enterprise, that is, a certain guarantee company. At present, most of the domestic agency companies need to get the agency quota from the guarantee company. But it's a pity. The amount of this agent is as opaque as the commission.

"For example, I have a good relationship with the guarantee company. If I hand them a deposit of 500,000 yuan, I can get the airline's 2.5 million yuan pre-sale rights. But if you have a closer relationship, To talk about it, maybe you can get the pre-sale rights of 3 million yuan or more." The executive of Fan's Airline said reluctantly, "I am afraid that the problems of this guarantee company will be exposed sooner or later."

As far as he knows, there are some badly qualified agency companies that have obtained a huge amount of air ticket agency rights. Of course, these companies have made guarantees with the guarantee company. Once these badly qualified agency companies go bankrupt and escape, the guarantee company It is to pay the airlines, at that time. The larger black hole of funds may open again.

In aviation anti-corruption incidents. The public only pays attention to the affair of the management officials who are breeding route rent-seeking. In fact, there is another link that breeds affiliation, and that is the people who seek ancestors in various airlines.

It is understood. Whether it is state-owned or private. Almost every airline has a department responsible for running routes, and the public relations costs for all of them are very huge.

The most terrible thing is ~www.readwn.com~ It is difficult to reconcile all the expenses of all the doors, which is different from other industries. Airline public relations sometimes send cash. In order to prevent public relations staff from embezzling, occasionally people in the airline will ask the person who is being publicized, but of course the person who accepts the bribe will not tell the truth. Therefore, the person in charge of airline public relations in airlines often embezzles the public relations expenses approved by the company.

In fact, except for these links in the gray industrial chain that are prone to breed due to airline operations. The lack of power supervision in the civil aviation management system is also an important reason for frequent incidents in the civil aviation industry.

Similar to the telecommunications system, the civil aviation system still retains a relatively strong planned economy and is a highly monopolistic department. Under various monopolies, there are a large number of administrative approval mechanisms. These approval mechanisms or links, once they lack supervision. It can easily become a black hole for power to seek ancestors.

In the civil aviation system, even a small department. Just make good use of specific powers. Will generate rent-seeking space with good benefits.

"Since they don't put us in their eyes, it's natural to suffer a little bit." In the end, Fan Wuyao made up his mind, planning to tear a hole in the opponent's camp first.

One...One, the third update arrives today, ask for a monthly pass one...11 one by one (to be continued)

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