
Vol 5 Chapter 1130: Case

The people with the second and second illnesses were very timid this afternoon. They actually obtained evidence of soliciting bribes from a director of the Confucianism Bureau responsible for route approval. This made Fan Wubing feel more optimistic.

Therefore, Fan Wubing brought his own people back to the capital very directly, and directly dumped the information on the desk of the person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

"Deputy Director Zhang, what do you mean?" Fan Wubing asked with a cold face looking at the Deputy Director whose forehead was flooded.

Deputy Director Zhang was stunned when he heard the words. Although the Civil Aviation Administration’s oil and water levels are high, the political status is not high. In principle, he only enjoys deputy ministerial level treatment, which is similar to the level of CCTV. He directly faces the great **** Fan Wuyi. At the time, I still felt a little nervous.

You know, Fan Wuyao has long been named a deputy minister-level nemesis by industry insiders.

"What does Fan always mean?" Deputy Director Zhang asked inexplicably about the information.

But when he saw the content of those materials, his face suddenly changed.

In fact, the Civil Aviation Administration involves different aspects of approval, such as domestic airline operating licenses, foreign air transport company airline operating licenses, civil aviation companies and airports joint, reorganization, participation and restructuring review, civil airport special equipment use license and so on.

Among the serial cases involving civil aviation systems, the most typical ones involve the issue of domestic airline operating permits and the procurement of airport equipment.

According to the materials provided by the Domestic Air Transport Department of the Transportation Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, air transport companies must conduct route approval and registration before operating routes.

Although a series of cases involving air routes have been shaken out to make senior executives aware of the need to restructure air routes, they have also tried to classify all routes and implement separate registration and filing work. However, after implementation, filing work is only applicable to those few companies. The airlines inquired about, and the operation rights of a large number of airlines that can bring economic benefits to air freight companies, are still within the scope of approval by administrative agencies.

This has also caused the directors and deputy directors of the Civil Aviation Administration of China to hold tremendous power in their hands.

There is only one director of the General Administration, and the number of deputy directors is also limited. Naturally, these people will not do specific tasks. Therefore, these directors and deputy directors are the key targets of bribery and compensation for airlines. Generally speaking, they The bribes and compensations can also be repaid very well, after all, they are the actual operators.

It is true that the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, which is exactly what the old saying goes.

Obviously, the information collected by Fan Wubing was not only related to the issue of a director. What he showed Director Zhang was not limited to the information that Fan's family was solicited for bribes. He also sent someone to collect some other airlines. With regard to the relevant information on bribery, it can be said that a considerable number of people with real power in the Civil Aviation Administration of China are involved in the case.

Suddenly sweat fell on Deputy Director Zhang's face, and he knew that if this thing was exposed, the Civil Aviation Administration would turn the sky upside down.

In fact, Fan Wubingda can directly pass these materials to the higher level, but after considering it, he feels a little inappropriate. After all, the news in the upper level is not serious. If they hesitate a little bit, this matter will be horrible. NS.

As long as the news leaks out, the main persons involved in the case will definitely be able to escape in the shortest possible time. This is an unexpected thing. How could officials who have mastered aviation advantages fail to do this? And it is also very important that some people in the country probably also hope that these people involved in the case will successfully escape.

After all, as long as these people escape successfully, then the guilt on themselves can be completely evaded.

Therefore, Fan Wubing used his brains. First, he opened a gap in the Civil Aviation Administration of China, which could be used by himself. Obviously, it was the best to use the other party’s person to dismantle the other party’s station. Deputy Director Zhang.

Obviously, Fan Wubing’s strategy was successful once. Under Fan Wubing’s signal, Deputy Director Zhang quickly surrendered, expressing his willingness to expose as a tainted witness, and to report these people involved in the case as a way of facing himself. Lightly dealt with in exchange terms.

Fan Wubing agreed to Deputy Director Zhang’s request. In fact, he also has the ability to ensure that Deputy Director Zhang is not implicated. With Fan Wu disease’s energy and Fan Heng’s power, if he can’t do this. One point, that's a joke.

Besides, the power that Fan Wubing can rely on is more than that.

After forming the offensive and defensive alliance, Fan Wubing, together with Deputy Director Zhang, took more detailed information and directly approached Boss Zhu, and stabbed all these things out.

After seeing it, Boss Zhu was immediately very angry. Li Hang arranged the matter and asked to set up a special case team to thoroughly investigate the matter.

Although this case is relatively low-key, it still caused a lot of waves among the senior management. Many people did not expect that the problem in the Civil Aviation Administration was so big, nor did they expect that there were so many loopholes in it. After researching, everyone It is generally believed that the collective violence of civil aviation executives still stems from the lack of fair competition.

Domestic airlines** are the largest black hole in the civil aviation industry. With such a black hole, how can ordinary people enjoy air services at a reasonable price? All ** costs are entered into the ticket price at the end. All the people pay for it.

The life of the civil aviation system is not surprising, but it is more worrying than other industries. This is because the civil aviation industry, like the food and pharmaceutical industries, is a life-threatening field that cannot but make people vigilant.

This time the route rent-seeking** also exposed the management system problems that should not be ignored. The right to allocate flight resources is more concentrated, which is not conducive to supervision. As a result of gray trading, marketing and services are useless no matter how good they are. Competent companies may be eliminated by those who understand the unspoken rules, causing inferior areas to chase good coins. Situation.

Because of the route rent-seeking, the winning airline will have to spend millions to tens of millions of yuan in over-the-counter transaction costs. Some large civil aviation companies spend at least several hundred million yuan in route transactions each year.

These costs will ultimately be digested through business operations. To ensure profits, either squeeze maintenance costs or labor costs, or make up for it in other ways. In fact, they will indirectly reduce the safety factor and increase flight risks.

In the civil aviation industry, the administrative monopoly of upstream resource allocation and the market-oriented competition of downstream terminals coexist. From this perspective. The anti-corruption storm can certainly demonstrate public opinion and punish corrupt officials, but it has not hit the stubborn seven inches. A thorough reform of the civil aviation industry management system is the fundamental strategy.

As far as the civil aviation transfer is concerned, routes and time resources are directly related to passenger flow and final departures, and the allocation of stretchers is vested in the competent authority. At present, there are many airlines in the market, which highlights the golden routes and time horizons. Scarcity.

Therefore, the competition between civil aviation companies is ultimately deduced as a public relations battle against key players. Various rent-seeking behaviors emerge in an endless stream. The air rights coordination fee is precisely the regulated rent of the regulator. This phenomenon has become a hidden rule in the civil aviation industry. This is also the main reason why many officials have been sacked one after another in this anti-corruption storm.

As long as the administrative decision-making situation of aviation resources, including routes and timetables, cannot be completely reformed, the various innovative measures surrounding the aviation industry will only stop at the surface, and there will be no real performance at all.

The huge capital flow of the aviation industry and the resource allocation method of black-box operation have laid a hotbed for all kinds of rent-seeking. The key to breaking the administrative ills is to truly and fairly open market access to all enterprises, promote route tenders in an open and transparent manner, and distribute financial relief funds in a fair and reasonable manner.

With the growth of private airlines, the government structure will naturally emerge without the need for disciplinary inspection departments to worry too much about supervision.

This also reflects the current huge loopholes in the management of state-owned enterprises. There are so many loopholes in the allocation of route resources, and there are so many loopholes to exploit. If there are loopholes in other aspects. So how can state-owned enterprises have strong market competitiveness?

More importantly, such problems not only exist in the aviation industry, but also in railways and other Kuidan enterprises. Many railway freight transportation capacity allocations and route arrangements often require the use of various irregular means and payment of various irregular expenses. , And even bribery and so on can obtain the corresponding resources.

Therefore, when Fan Wubing explained to the senior management, he repeatedly emphasized that the series of civil aviation life cases are by no means purely individual actions, but a reflection of the status quo of the entire state-owned enterprise. If the management mechanism that plagues state-owned enterprises is not innovated, the operating mechanism is not standardized, and the management loopholes are not plugged, then all kinds of ** problems cannot be fundamentally controlled, and if state-owned enterprises want to truly improve their competitiveness in the international market, they will also become An empty talk.

Of particular concern is that because state-owned enterprises have not paid enough attention to their own problems and loopholes and have not determined to change their attitudes, not only is it difficult to improve their own market competitiveness, but it also directly affects the participation of private investors in economic construction. The confidence of Hezhan makes it difficult to improve the vitality of the entire national economy, optimize the structure, and change the growth pattern. This is even more terrifying.

After the high-level officials learned the internal situation of the matter, they were still very shocked. Seeing that the meeting was about to be held in two months, Fan Wuyao suddenly made such a big thing, and it really interfered with the established arrangements of many people. In particular, the pressure on the judicial department in the capital is greater, and the various forces hidden behind the people involved in the civil aviation system. I also felt very uneasy, and they used relationships to find people, and the entire capital suddenly looked like a storm.

This incident also worries the newly established State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Generally speaking, if the starting station of the route belongs to the two regional administrations, it must be reported to the regional administrations separately, and some need to be submitted to the general administration for approval. In the case of non-airline operating seasons, air transport companies need to report to the Civil Aviation Administration or the relevant civil aviation regional administrations in accordance with the jurisdiction of the airline operating licenses they apply for.

In this way, the Civil Aviation Administration and the Civil Aviation Regional Administration have become angels who grasp the economic lifeline of various aviation enterprises, and basically restrained the effectiveness of aviation enterprises. Even the operational changes carried out by aviation enterprises according to market-oriented mechanisms are often due to the airlines involved. Destiny is uncontrollable and difficult to push.

However, if it has been completely subordinate to the civil aviation system, it may not matter if the meat is rotten in a pot. However, this year the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which is directly under the State Council, was established, and major civil aviation enterprises were incorporated into the jurisdiction of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission as central enterprises. Subsequently, the SASAC pushed forward the performance appraisal mechanism for the heads of central enterprises, and the remuneration of the heads of civil aviation enterprises began to be directly linked to the benefits of the enterprise.

In the first year when the performance appraisal results of central enterprises were about to be released, China Southern Airlines became one of many companies that falsified accounts and was downgraded punitively by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Although China Southern Airlines has been working hard since then, but because the driving force behind the economic benefit chain is not in the market mechanism, China Southern Airlines is still forging ahead with scandals.

In fact, if you look carefully at the past cases of aviation industry integration, it is not difficult to see that the shadow of the local SASAC has been following.

The Civil Aviation Administration indeed intends to improve the status quo of the domestic air cargo industry through various means, encourage airlines to implement acquisitions, mergers, and reorganizations, and form several all-cargo airlines of a certain scale that can effectively participate in international competition as soon as possible.

Of course, there are many examples of the SASAC and the CAAC managing the industry together. The CAAC has also been committed to industry integration, hoping to expand and strengthen China's civil aviation industry through industry integration. I have to say that this is a good idea, and it is indeed difficult to find another country with more airlines than domestic airlines.

The problem is that the industry integration carried out with the SASAC is not implemented in accordance with fair, just, and open market economy guidelines ~www.readwn.com~ For this reason, the integration process is nothing but another breeding ground. It's just the stage.

Despite the excitement of public opinion, the vortex of the typhoon is indeed the calmest. The executives in the aviation industry are far less panicked than the outside world imagined. Although it is a bomb on the rope, they all firmly believe that the rope will not break.

Many media have criticized the civil aviation industry from the perspective of mechanisms and systems. Of course, the civil aviation industry cannot be said to have problems with mechanisms and systems, but the key is that mechanisms and systems cannot completely disrupt the reconstruction.

Some people in the industry believe that if the aviation reform is really going to be overwhelming, then a fair, open and just market competition mechanism must be introduced. But in fact, everyone who pays attention to the aviation industry knows that this is just a show, in order to revitalize the market. The introduction of private capital is just a strategy.

Relying on internal reforms to eliminate the market has no precedent for success, at least so far.

The most important point is that only a few people know the news of Deputy Director Zhang’s rebuke. Because of this, the people involved in the CAAC believe that there can be no large-scale action against them within a short period of time. "Today's first update is sent to one... one (to be continued)

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