
Vol 3 Chapter 36: Basically, it's hard!

The Minister of the Security Department Jiang Lue received two documents. One was a transfer check for 200 million U.S. dollars from Fan Wuyao, and the other was the latest information about Fan Wuyao from the intelligence personnel of the Secret Service.

"Is this stuff real or fake?" Jiang Lue took the check and counted the zeros on it. Some were skeptical. He couldn't think that Fan Wubing would really send 200 million US dollars voluntarily. Treat money as money, right?

It happened that the secretary came in to deliver the official documents, Jiang Lue handed him the transfer check, and then ordered, "Check this right away and see the situation."

After the confidential secretary left, Jiang Lue began to look through the latest information about Fan Wubing.

"Basically, it can be concluded that the grass sword incident in Japan came from him, and it has been very profitable. In addition, his friend Wuzhi Xiaoji has come to Panshi and will soon take over the business of the Panshi Glass Factory. Also, Fan's men gathered in Liushi. , Seems to do something."

Willow City? Jiang Lue frowned and looked for this place on the map.

Well, I found it, it turned out to be in Wenzhou!

But Jiang Lue looked at the map again. A rock and a Wenzhou were more than thousands of miles apart. I really don't know what kind of fame this Fan is planning to do.

However, his Minister Jiang’s affairs are very busy, and it is impossible to focus all of his attention on Fan Wuyi alone. During this period of time, he has been paying attention to Fan Wuyi, but there is a large part of the reason. , Because this person is the person that the elder elder specifically explained to be watching.

After all, his old man used the secret service for this!

Before I could figure out what Fan Wubing wanted to do, the confidential secretary ran in and said to Jiang Lue pantingly with the check, "Minister Jiang, really! Two hundred million U.S. dollars, a little more interest!"

"Damn! This happened—" Jiang Lue immediately scratched his head and said to the confidential secretary after receiving the check, "Don't tell anyone. I'll ask the leader for instructions before deciding what to do."

After asking the confidential secretary a few words, Jiang Lue put the check in his pocket, and drove in the car and rushed over to the old elder's residence.

After passing the guard gate, he was led to the small living room by the secretary of life. After a while, the elder returned from the outside. He looked good, but when I asked, I knew that I had gone fishing just now and I had a good harvest. No wonder I was so happy.

"What's wrong? It's working time now! You are not like me, you are a retired person. It is very inappropriate for you to run around like this--" The elder naturally knew that Jiang Lue was fine. I would definitely not bother myself easily, but I'm used to talking like this.

"Old elder, you always make fun of me--" Jiang Lue, after a bitter smile, took out the check and handed it to the elder, then said, "What happened this time really surprised me! You first check it out--

"What's going on? There are so many zeros--" Although the old man was not surprised. But seeing the long string of zeros after the number two, and the knives in front of the symbol, I also feel that there are some differences.

"This was all sent by Fan Wu-yin--" Jiang Lue told the elder from beginning to end, from Fan Wu-yin's call for help to his request for the Tokyo embassy to cooperate in the investigation. Then to the organization action, to the final result, I told the old leader in detail, and finally said, "I didn't expect him to actually send the money. I thought it was just a joke, symbolically It’s a lot to give a few millions, who knows that it’s two hundred million dollars at once!"

In fact, what Minister Jiang doesn’t know is that the two hundred million dollars is actually the price after shrinking. If it weren’t for Wuzhi’s small machine crying poor, and Fan Wubing was not too embarrassed to squeeze him, the total amount should be three thousand seven thousand. More than ten thousand dollars.

"Very courageous!" The old man looked at the check, sighed with emotion, handed it to Jiang Lue, and said to him casually. "There is nothing wrong with it. The international situation is very complicated. We are carrying out reforms at home. There will definitely be some people who want to make trouble. Your security department has heavy responsibilities. Since this money is paid to you by others, you can accept it. Why not. Anyway, this kid has too much money to spend." Then he said, "Especially your overseas departments. Money is needed even more! From my point of view, most of it is better to invest in overseas institutions. Well, it's 70%!"

"Yes, I understand." Jiang Lue nodded and replied.

"That's right, I'll give you a peach and repay me--" the elder confessed, "It is not good for you to show such great sincerity if you don't show your attitude. Telephone monitoring or the like should be withdrawn. The main reason is to monitor. Funding is the main thing, nothing is wrong, so don't follow other people's **** all day long."

"I understand, I understand." Jiang Lue nodded, indicating that he had remembered it.

Besides, Fan Wubing followed the rut for a while, and then he came to the city government. He looked up and saw that his Mercedes was parked in the city government compound.

"What is she doing in the city government?" Fan Wuyao suddenly felt a little scratching his head.

Before he could think about it, Fan Wubing walked in and asked the guard if he saw Ouyang Xiaowei coming in.

"I've been in for a while, and I haven't seen it yet." The guard recognized Fan Wushu and told the truth.

"Well, thanks! I'll go in and look for it myself." Fan Wubing said hello to the guard, and went to find someone on his own.

Fan Wubing entered the office building, and when he caught people, he asked if he saw a beautiful girl in a skirt coming in. When everyone saw him, he felt something abnormal. He ran from upstairs to downstairs. She ran from downstairs to upstairs, and there was no trace of Ouyang Xiaowei. When she was about to go down and look for it again, she was caught.

"Huh? No illness, why did you come here? I'm looking for you!"

Fan Wubing looked back, and now it was his father Fan Heng who had caught him. He couldn't help but was taken aback, "Dad, what are you doing with me? Have you seen Xiaowei?"

"Xiaowei? I didn't see it--" Fan Heng was still puzzled. "How did you find Xiaowei in the city government?"

Fan Wubing scratched his head, feeling a little strange. Ouyang Xiaowei drove the car into the city government compound, but people didn't know where they went, just such a building. There are not a few floors up and down, where can she go?

"Go to my office and sit down. I have a few things to ask you." Fan Heng dragged Fan Wuyao into his office without any further explanation, then closed the door and prepared to start questioning.

"What the **** is it that makes it so mysterious?" Fan Wuyao was very puzzled.

After Fan Heng sat down. Don't mention how much you scratched your head, and after a long time, he said to Fan Wuyao, "I don't mention how depressed I am when I talk about this! That is to say, I have to discuss with your son, and I can't talk to other people!"

Fan Wubing felt even more weird. What is it that I have to tell myself? So he asked casually, "Can't even talk to my mother?"

"I'm afraid she would know!" Fan Heng patted his thigh. Said bluntly.

"You--" Fan Wuyao looked at his father Fan Heng very vigilantly, and said sadly, "You let me say what is good about you! You have only been the mayor of the city for a few days, and you have learned how to pick wild flowers as a mistress. What do you want me to say? Huh? Capitalism! Sugar-coated cannonball! You touch your conscience, do you feel worthy of my mother?!"

When Fan Wubing said so, Fan Heng's forehead had several black lines on the ground, and he scolded. "What nonsense are you talking about! Do you want to buckle me for anything! I'm telling you serious things!"

"Isn't it this?" Fan Wuyao questioned.

"Don't mention that, I'm already upset enough!" Fan Heng rubbed the sun, and said to Fan Wuyao very depressed, "Am I that kind of person? But this thing is really very troublesome. Embarrassed, Youdao is ruthless with flowing water, but falling flowers are intentional!"

Oh? Fan Wuyao looked at his father Fan Heng, didn't he think he has become handsome recently? Why did you start getting lucky? I'm so handsome, so cool, so stylish, why haven't you attracted girls around? Could it be said that this mayor is big or small? Is it still more lethal to the opposite sex?

Fan Wuyao was thinking wildly there, and Fan Heng began to complain about his distress here.

It turned out that one of the two female secretaries assigned by the city government to Fan Heng seemed to be relatively open. For a while, Fan Heng was often discharged, which made Fan Heng very upset.

Originally, it didn't matter if it changed. The problem is that it hasn't been a few days since Fan Heng took office, and the police haven't settled down yet, and the female secretary is a bit ambitious for Fan Heng. But he was very effective at work, and this made Fan Hyung feel uncomfortable to deal with. Just staying like this, Fan Heng felt annoyed, but if he changed people directly, he was worried that he would come up with gossip. It is even more unclear.

"Hahaha--" Fan Wuyao said after a wild laugh. "Are you going to be wrong? Or someone lacks paternal love! I think Dad, you are still too confident! At your age, you can attract middle-aged women over forty years old at most. Twenty Little girl in the coming year, tsk tsk, it’s hard to tell!"

"Is your dad that bad?" Fan Heng knocked Fan Wuyao angrily, looked out the window angrily, and suddenly said to Fan Wuyao, "Come and see, it's the little girl! Holding the file The box that--

Fan Wubing stood up when he heard the words, leaned to the window, and looked downstairs on the opposite side. Sure enough, he saw a young girl in a light blue dress, walking over slowly with a file box, from above. Looking at the location, one can clearly see the height of the peaks and the whiteness of the outside of the collar that is exposed to the air.

"It's really good!" Fan Wubing praised from the bottom of his heart, "It seems that your government is still in place, and you have such a beautiful female secretary, but I doubt that there is such a female secretary. By your side, can your work efficiency be maintained in a normal state?"

Fan Heng glanced at Fan Wuyin contemptuously, and said, "You little hairy children will only get excited. We are all troubled by the sea. What's so fascinating." I'm afraid that you are fascinated and yet you don't know it! Fan Wubing snorted and watched the woman gradually walk into the building.

"Son, how about doing Dad a favor?" Fan Heng suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he asked Fan Wuyao.

"What are your bad intentions?!" Although Fan Wubing didn't know what his father Fan Heng wanted to do, he intuitively told him that it would not be a good thing, so he asked very vigilantly.

Fan Heng grabbed his son by the shoulder ~www.readwn.com~ and saw that his height was almost his own, and his appearance was even more heroic, and his temperament was extraordinary. He nodded with satisfaction, "Let's do it! My secretary You are not too old, so you have to sacrifice, come to Li Daitao stiff, and I will seduce her away for my dad. If this is the case, won't I sit back and relax?"

"You--you--" Fan Wubing was stunned for a long time, and it took him a long time to react. He smiled bitterly and pointed to his father Fan Heng and said, "Are you—are you still the mayor of a city? How do I feel that you follow a third-rate The pimps in the romance novels are a bit similar? The man from the old Fan family, which one is not standing upright, why are you so subdued?"

Fan Heng listened to the slamming sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the marble floor from the corridor outside, and said eagerly to his son Fan Wuyi, "Don't talk so much nonsense! Can my dad succeed in this mayor's seat? Now I’m all relying on you! If I’m thirty years older than you, or your mother is strict, do you think it’s your turn for this kind of good thing? Now, take out the old fan’s masculinity , Get her done, understand?"

"Oh, for the harmony and happiness of the family, I have to sacrifice my hue!" Fan Wubing looked at Fan Heng's hopeful expression, and nodded in agreement, but he said again, "People are targeting you, the mayor. Here, I want to get someone out of my office? Basically, it's difficult!"

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