
Vol 3 Chapter 37: It was an accident!

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to go forward!" Fan Heng patted his son on the shoulder and gave the order to die.

Fan Wuyao shook his head, saying, Dad, you are too good at it! Where can you push your son out to resist Peach Blossom? Besides, they are not even sixteen years old! This is no different from the poisonous boy!

However, what my father said can't be ignored. If, in case, once it is true, it is too late to regret it! It seems that the time has come for me to dedicate myself to safeguard the overall situation of family unity!

The sound of high-heeled shoes outside the door stopped, and then knocked gently, "Mayor Fan, the information you want has arrived."

"Well, come in." Fan Heng retracted into the chair and sat down tightly, looking like the mayor.

The beautiful female secretary pushed the door and walked in. Fan Wubing could see clearly. She twisted her round buttocks no less than 20 times within ten steps, but it did not give people a weird or uncomfortable feeling. There is obviously an indescribable rhythm in the twisting of the curve, which is invisible to ordinary people.

"This is definitely not a natural action!" Fan Wubing suddenly came to a conclusion.

Fan Wubing’s knowledge is very broad. He really can’t imagine a young girl who can adjust her body posture to such an incredible level. Let alone seduce someone like Fan Heng who has never seen the world. The temptation he brings is also very powerful!

There must be some problems in this! Fan Wubing’s vigilance immediately rose to a very high level. When the female secretary passed by her, a hand came out from behind her very quickly, and touched her hip gently like a dragonfly. One hand, the movement is very light, so light that many people will ignore this movement once.

The beautiful secretary seemed to continue walking towards Fan Heng without realizing it, but Fan Wubing could clearly feel that the other party had noticed it in advance when his finger was still a tiny bit away from the female secretary's buttocks. Her body trembled slightly, as if she wanted to avoid it, but she stopped in time for some reason, so the strange rhythm was broken in her actions just now.

Although this process only takes a few tenths of a second. But Fan Wubing, a person who has undergone special training, can naturally show the clues. This girl is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Fan Wubing stroked his forehead and sat back in the sand, staring at the slim figure of the female secretary in thought.

What is the origin of this person? Looking at her file, she is not a native of Panshi, but a student who was assigned to Panshidi a few months ago. She has a clean resume and simple social relations. There is nothing special about it. But based on Fan Wu's observation and contact just now, he felt that the other party was a little unspeakable.

What does she want to do? Even if you can seduce a mayor with a wife and children, how much benefit can you get? We must know that, apart from being able to solve a little financial index, an ordinary mayor now has a power that is completely different from that in more than a decade. Fan Wubing thought about it, but couldn't figure out the other party's goal of approaching Fan Heng's land.

It really didn't work, so she had to be forcibly removed from the position of secretary!

"Mayor Fan. Here—" The female secretary leaned down and pointed out to Fan Heng, who was sitting opposite, the areas on the document that needed special attention. Her expression was more focused, she looked like she was doing business.

However, Fan Wubing also noticed that the female secretary's very steady posture allowed Fan Heng to see the scenery inside through the neckline.

For this woman, Fan Wuyao shook his head and smiled and said to his father Fan Heng, "Dad, you won't delay your work. I'll go for a walk."

Fan Heng has such a female secretary swaying in front of him in a very ambiguous posture, smelling the faint scent, and there are white flowers shaking in front of her eyes. It is not easy to insist on reading the documents carefully. Hearing Fan Wu When the illness was about to run away, he immediately scolded his son for not being loyal, so he hummed vaguely, "Why are you going? The meat processing factory, how is it going now? Report the specific situation to Lao Tzu! And the glass factory. . Don't make it endless!"

Fan Wubing saw that the female secretary glanced at himself suspiciously, and then continued to take the documents to Fan Heng nonchalantly, with a very calm look. He smiled and said, "The meat processing factory. Naturally there is Boss Wang is responsible for the specifics. At the glass factory, I will give them all to Wuzhi Xiaoji to deal with. They are professional counterparts. They have been in the market for many years, and they are much better than me when dealing with specific matters. You don't have to worry about this."

Fan Heng looked at a document, "How can I not worry? The meat factory's matter involves the government's transfer of 5,000 to 6,000 acres of land, and the restructuring of the glass factory is related to thousands of employees, where? When something goes wrong, I can't get rid of it. What you said is light!"

Fan Wubing laughed secretly. He thought that Dad was really afraid of being seduced by this female secretary. He dragged himself to sit here and talk about these Chen Zhizhi and rotten grains. In fact, the two fathers and sons had already discussed these things clearly at home. Now, it happened to be dragged out as a topic of time.

"Mayor Fan, is this your son?" the female secretary asked Fan Heng in a low voice.

"Well, it's my third child." Fan Heng replied without looking up.

The female secretary raised her head, widened her eyes and looked at Fan Wuyi carefully, "Ah, she looks a lot like this!"

nonsense! They don’t look alike, it must be a seedling! After hearing this, Fan Wubing who was drinking tea almost choked!

"By the way, what were you doing here just now?" Fan Heng asked suddenly.

"Oh, look for Ouyang Xiaowei! When you interrupt, I forget about it!" Fan Wuyao patted his forehead, saying that he was going to chase and talk to Ouyang Xiaowei. Being pulled over by Fan Hyung to listen to his complaints, he forgot about his important things.

"You guys are busy, I'll go out and look for it myself." Fan Wuyao said that he would not stay here anymore, and he was about to leave.

Fan Heng was naturally a little anxious, how could he let his son run away? So he shouted, "Don't rush out, you are not familiar with the building, don't run around! I will let Secretary Lin Xiaotong take you to find it!"

Fan Heng immediately said to the female secretary, "Xiaotong, please take my son around and look for it. The girl who came in in the Mercedes-Benz is handed over to you!" Then he handed the two people involuntarily. Throw it out.

"Amituofo, finally handed over to Fan Wushen!" Fan Heng closed the door and let out a long sigh of relief, feeling relieved.

Yeah? Fan Wubing and the female secretary Lin Xiaotong are a little dumbfounded. Fan Wubing didn’t expect that he would come to Ouyang Xiaowei and he could be used as a shield by his father Fan Heng, and Lin Xiaotong didn’t know why Fan Heng had to let him I went to accompany Fan Wuyi to find someone by myself. With so many staff in the building, can I just find one at random?

Fan Wubing shook his head helplessly, then smiled and said to Lin Xiaotong, "Then I will trouble you sister."

Lin Xiaotong is also a little helpless, but this is Mayor Fan's son! Can't afford to offend!

So the two people strolled in the aisle of the building one after another. They opened this door and opened the door to have a look, but there was no trace of Ouyang Xiaowei.

Lin Xiaotong was anxious to go back, but he couldn't leave Fan Wuxie alone, so she had an idea, and deliberately tripped her leg and wanted to make a fall. Then she could find an excuse not to accompany Fan Wuxie. .

In the end, she didn't expect, or knew who was so ethical, and threw a piece of banana peel in the dark of the corridor!

So after Lin Xiaotong's foot slipped, it was better to step on the banana peel. The center of gravity of her body was already out of balance. After being slipped like this, she immediately couldn't grasp the direction, and fell forward with a sound of ouch.

In front, but the stairs!

If Lin Xiaotong fell like this, no matter how soft her waist was, she would not be able to escape the terrible consequences of high paraplegia.

Fan Wuyi took the shot. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. He grabbed the ankle of Lin Xiaotong, the nearest place to him, and pulled her with force to rescue her from the extremely dangerous situation and moved flat in front of him. The other hand steadily supported Lin Xiaotong's body and hugged her sideways in his arms.

"Ah—" Lin Xiaotong was frightened just now~www.readwn.com~ She was in the air, and naturally couldn't control her posture. When she thought she was about to hit the stairs hard, she was caught by Fan Wu. I was rescued by hand.

At this time, she was still a little frightened, and subconsciously, the host tightly closed Fan Wu's neck tightly, curled up in Fan Wu's arms like a koala, and hugged her so tightly that it made Fan Wu's feel. To some impulse.

This girl's figure is too hot, almost like a meat bomb, no wonder my dad is like a snake and scorpion, staying together for a long time, it is easy to make mistakes! Fan Wubing thought while his hand touched Lin Xiaotong's hip involuntarily.

Very plump! Very sensual!

Fan Wubing felt a little heart shaking, but then he felt that something was wrong. Suddenly there was a feeling that a small prey was being spotted by a cobra. This was completely intuitive.

So he looked back and found that Ouyang Xiaowei, whom he couldn't find, was widening at this time, looking at himself, and Lin Xiaotong in his arms somewhat inconceivably.

"Actually, things are not what you think!" Fan Wubing said to Ouyang Xiaowei with a wry smile.

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