Chapter 246 You cheated

   Huo Xuan's eyes widened when he saw this skirt.

  High heels...skirt...


  Why is there a woman in Dad's room?

  Is it mom?

   Not right.

  Dad didn't let mom come abroad with them. If mom came, she would definitely see him as soon as possible.

  Then why is there a woman in Dad's bedroom?

   Derailed... Derailed?

  He couldn't be emotional at all, but when he was agitated, he became very dizzy. Looking at the blue dress, he felt dizzy, and his eyes went dark for a moment...

   When he woke up again, he looked at his father's nervous expression.

   "Huo Xuan, is there any discomfort?" Huo Sicheng's phoenix eyes were full of worry, and his handsome face was tense, "Tell Dad."

  Huo Xuan stared blankly at his father with a pair of sleepy and **** eyes.

  Huo Sicheng rang the call bell, "I'll let the doctor come in to show you."

  The doctor came into the room, and Huo Sicheng stepped aside to let the doctor examine Huo Xuan.

   "Young Master Huo, there is nothing wrong with the young master's health."

  Huo Sicheng motioned for the doctor to leave, and he walked to the bedside with Huo Xuan's favorite panda cup.

"Drink of water."

   "Don't drink." Huo Xuan turned his back to his father, "You are a liar."

   "Why am I a liar?" Huo Sicheng said helplessly, "We are on the plane now, and we will arrive in Jiangcheng in three hours."

  When Huo Xuan heard what Huo Sicheng said, he turned his head and looked over, "Give me your phone."

  Huo Sicheng didn't give Huo Xuan the phone, but just asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Huo Xuan said without hesitation, "I want to check the time."

  Huo Sicheng's eyes flashed, "It's already the night of the second day."

   "You said that you would go home to accompany your mother that night!" Huo Xuan was very angry. When he got angry, he fainted very badly, but he forced himself to glare at Huo Sicheng, "You lied to me, you lied to me."

  Huo Sicheng comforted Huo Xuan, "Dad is busy with business, calm down, and you will be able to accompany mom when you get home soon."

"Busy with business?" Huo Xuan was even angrier, "You brought me abroad, you said you wouldn't take me to see a doctor, and as a result I was drawn a lot of blood. The so-called busy with business has been in the room with a woman all the time! "

  Huo Sicheng frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Don't talk nonsense!"

   "I didn't talk nonsense, I saw with my own eyes that the person who opened the door was a woman." Huo Xuan pouted, "Dad, you are cheating."

  A nervousness flashed across Huo Sicheng's eyes, and he asked Huo Xuan seriously: "You said that the person who opened the door was a woman, so let me ask you, have you seen what that woman looks like?"

   Huo Xuan was taken aback, he was stumped by his father's question.

   "I didn't see the woman who opened the door, but..." he said anxiously, "I saw her wearing white high heels and a blue skirt, I..."

"In other words, you didn't see what the woman looked like, so how can you prove it's a woman?" Huo Sicheng pointed, "Don't forget, when I opened the door and came out, you fainted on the ground. Hallucinations due to blood."

He paused, and then said: "Everything must be based on evidence. You open your mouth and shut up and say that I was in my room with a woman, and you didn't know what you looked like. Have you ever thought that if your mother Listen, what will happen?"

  Huo Xuan was startled, he bit his lower lip and said after a while: "According to my mother's temper, if she hears me say that there is a woman in your room, she will definitely beat you and even quarrel with you."

   "She hit me and quarreled with me, these are trivial matters." Huo Sicheng reminded Huo Xuan, "If it is serious, she will divorce me."

   Huo Xuan widened his eyes, frightened by his father's words.

   "No...can't get a divorce, I can't lose my mother."

"Your mother's temper, once she gets angry, I can't stand it." Huo Sicheng said meaningfully, "Think about what you just said, I live in the presidential suite, and there is a woman in the room, she must think I cheated , will definitely divorce me."

   Huo Xuan listened to his father's words, he was at a loss.

Huo Sicheng saw the change in Huo Xuan's expression, he leaned over and hugged Huo Xuan in his arms, and said softly: "You are not feeling well, and you fainted from your father's anger, and you have hallucinations, so you can't be with your mother." Talk nonsense in front of your mother to avoid misunderstanding."

   "But..." Huo Xuan hesitated, "I... I don't seem to be hallucinating, I was sober at that time, I..."

   "Since you were sober, how did you faint?" Huo Sicheng asked Huo Xuan, "How did you appear on the plane? Did you see the woman's face clearly?"

  Father's series of questions left Huo Xuan speechless.

  Because of the questions Dad asked, he couldn't answer a single thing.

   "Maybe... I'm really hallucinating..."

  Huo Sicheng apologized in his long and narrow phoenix eyes. With a sad expression on his face, he asked Huo Xuan softly: "Huo Xuan, when my mother asked you about our affairs abroad, how should you answer?"

  Huo Xuan said without hesitation, "Answer truthfully."

  Huo Sicheng asked Huo Xuan: "Do you want to tell mom about your hallucinations?"

  Huo Xuan thought for a while and said, "I won't say this."

Huo Sicheng was obviously relieved, he stroked Huo Xuan's back gently with his big hand, and said softly: "Drink some water, I asked the chef to prepare your favorite dishes, and eat some food later, you are weak Can't be hungry."

  Huo Xuan: "Okay."

  At the dining table, Huo Xuan ate well and gracefully. He looked at his father sitting opposite him.

   "Dad, hasn't Mom called you these two days?"

  Huo Sicheng was looking through WeChat with his mobile phone, and seeing that Gu Qingcheng hadn't sent him a single message, his eyes were filled with disappointment.


   Huo Xuan asked: "I didn't see you answering your mother's call."

  Huo Sicheng: "At that time, I had something to deal with and didn't answer it in time. When I called back, your mother hung up. Afterwards, I watched the live broadcast of the Taohe Cup. When I saw her participating in the Taohe Cup again, I didn't dare to disturb her work."

   "Your husband is incompetent." Huo Xuan said affirmatively, "You only called your mother once. You must know that it has been a few days, and no matter how busy your mother is, she will sometimes answer your call."

   "Father is busy too." Huo Sicheng explained to Huo Xuan, "If I wasn't busy, I would definitely contact your mother."

  Huo Xuan pouted, "Contact mom now and tell mom that you and the baby miss her."

   "No contact now, I'll be home soon." Huo Sicheng turned his head and glanced at the gift box not far away, "We will surprise your mother together when we get home, she will definitely be very happy to see the two of us."

  Huo Xuan tilted his head and thought for a while, "I agree, Mom must like us two suddenly appearing in front of her, she must be very happy."

  It was already ten o'clock at night when the plane landed in Jiangcheng, and Huo Si took Huo Xuan back to Wanmei Villa by helicopter.

"Mom must be in the bedroom at this time." Huo Xuan sat on his father's lap, pressed the button of the wheelchair and headed for the elevator, "You promised me to go back to Jiangcheng one day, but you broke your promise and lied to me. Anyway, what did you say? Listen to me, you will be in the bedroom later, you must give the gift box I gave you last time to your mother."

  Huo Sicheng hugged Huo Xuan with one arm, and put the gift box in his pocket with the other, with tenderness in his eyes.


   When he came to the door of his mother's bedroom, Huo Xuan got out of the wheelchair immediately. He tiptoed and turned the doorknob and walked in cheerfully.

   "Mom, Dad and I are back." He said happily, "Surprise? Surprise?"

  (end of this chapter)

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