Chapter 247 Huo Sicheng, get out!

  Huo Sicheng followed Huo Xuan into the bedroom.

  The tenderness on his sharp-edged handsome face was only revealed for Gu Qingcheng.

   "Hey..." Huo Xuan made a surprised sound.

  The next moment, he turned on the light on his little feet, and looked at the big bed in the room.


  Huo Sicheng's face froze with tenderness, because there was no Gu Qingcheng on the bed, and even the room was so cold that there was no trace of her breath.

   "Why isn't mom at home?" Huo Xuan hurriedly ran to the bathroom with short legs, opened it and it was empty, and then swept the entire bedroom, "Dad, where did mom go?"

  Huo Sicheng looked disappointed, as if he didn't expect that Gu Qingcheng would not be waiting for him at home.

   What worries him the most is that he deliberately told the servant that Gu Qingcheng must eat the decocted medicine every day.

  She must not have taken her medicine if she wasn't in Wanmei Villa.

  He frowned, he was worried about her body.

  Huo Xuan looked at Huo Sicheng, "Dad, call Mom and ask what Mom is doing and why she isn't home so late."

  Huo Sicheng took out his mobile phone. He wanted to check Gu Qingcheng's location, but thought that she hated him checking her, so he finally chose to dial her number.

"Phone off."

   "Shut down?" Huo Xuan was surprised, but also looked at Huo Sicheng unhappily, "I would have listened to me and called my mother in advance to tell her we are back."

  Huo Sicheng pointed, "I remember you agreed not to contact your mother in advance, so that we can surprise her when we come back. You can't blame Dad for this."

   "I was wrong." Huo Xuan admitted his mistake, "Then find out where mother has gone. It's not safe for girls to go out at night."

"Anyone can be unsafe, but your mother guarantees safety." Huo Sicheng put his fingertips on the positioning app, "Your mother has such a temperament, who dares to go against her, it's only because she doesn't tear her apart, no one dares to offend her. "

  Huo Xuan didn't want to hear what his father said. He just wanted to see his mother and couldn't help urging his father, "Look for mom, the baby misses mom."

   "I think so too." Huo Sicheng was full of thoughts, and finally checked Gu Qingcheng's location, "Your mother is in the cloud."

   "Cloud?" Huo Xuan asked puzzled, "Where is it?"

  Huo Sicheng: "Your mother's own home."

   "My own home?" Huo Xuan muttered these four words, "No, my mother's home is here, Wanmei Villa. Here are my father and me. The three of us are the real home."

  Huo Sicheng looked at Huo Xuan: "I'll let a servant take care of you. If you feel unwell, go to bed early."

   "I want to find my mother." Seeing that his father was about to leave, Huo Xuan hurriedly ran over to stop his father, and climbed onto his father's lap and sat down without any explanation. "I know that my father is looking for my mother, so I will go too."

  Huo Sicheng hesitated for a while, and finally took Huo Xuan to the cloud without saying anything.

   On the way to Yunyun, Huo Xuan fell asleep in Huo Sicheng's arms.

  It was already three o'clock in the morning when Huo Si got to the cloud, and he entered the room with ease.

  It was pitch black all around, he took out his phone and used the faint light to find the elevator and went upstairs.

  He carefully placed Huo Xuan on the bed in the guest room before he went to Gu Qingcheng's bedroom.

  Opening the bedroom door, he saw Gu Qingcheng lying on the bed, and his uneasy heart was instantly at ease.

  He came to the bedside, and the dark light in the room was emitting orange light, allowing him to clearly see Gu Qingcheng's peaceful sleeping face.

  Her beautiful face was so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

   Breathing steadily, maybe it was a little hot in the room, her cheeks were slightly red, and she became more and more beautiful.

  He raised his hand, and gently caressed her eyebrows and eyes with his slender fingertips, and finally landed on her slightly parted red lips, rubbing gently with his fingertips.

  She slept soundly and didn't even know about his arrival.

  He stared at her, his heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

   "I miss you." He lingered with her, telling how he missed her, "I miss you so much..."

  He confided many things to Gu Qingcheng, and finally his pupils shrank suddenly when he turned his head and saw the sleeping pills on the bedside table.

   "Have you taken sleeping pills?" His face was instantly pale as paper, and he hurriedly turned on the bedroom light, reached out and patted Gu Qingcheng's cheek, "Wake up, Qingcheng, wake up..."

  Gu Qingcheng took medicine, but the medicine she took was not the medicine he wanted her to take to heal her body, but sleeping pills.

  He was flustered and terrified, because he couldn't wake her up, which meant that she had taken a lot of medicine.

   Hastily took out his mobile phone, and he hurriedly dialed, "Come to Cloud Villa, immediately!"

  At this time, Gu Qingcheng's slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he opened a pair of sleepy and bloodshot eyes.

  The dazzling light made her squint her eyes slightly, and murmured as she just woke up: "Didn't I close the window, why is it so dazzling."

  Huo Sicheng was extremely anxious, and his body was drenched in cold sweat from physical and mental fear.

  Suddenly when Gu Qingcheng's hoarse voice sounded, his whole body trembled, his neck stiffened and he turned his head to look at her, only to see that she was obviously awake and her head was buried under the quilt.

  His frightened heart was ecstatic for a moment, and he quickly reached out to hug her in his arms.

   "Qingcheng, it's fine if you wake up, it's fine if you wake up..."

  If it is said that Gu Qingcheng, who was in a drowsy sleep, thought that the curtains were not closed, and the sunlight came in to disturb her sleep.

  Then at this moment, when Huo Sicheng was nervous and joyful, and his joyful and gentle voice reached her ears, she froze as if she had been awakened by a start.

  Her voice was startled: "Huo Sicheng..."

  Huo Sicheng hugged Gu Qingcheng tightly, as if he wanted to embed her into his body, as if only in this way would he not lose her forever.

   "Yes, I am."

  Gu Qingcheng's stiff body didn't relax because of Huo Sicheng's answer to himself, on the contrary, his body became more tense and at a loss what to do.

  There is only one thought in her mind now, she doesn't want him to hug her.


  She didn't allow him to touch her.

  He went abroad to end his love with his Miss Li, and then touched her with his body, she felt dirty!

   "You strangled me." She struggled immediately, her voice raised with a hoarse voice unique to just waking up, "Let me go!"

  When Huo Sicheng heard Gu Qingcheng's urging voice, he hurriedly let go of her.

  Gu Qingcheng was no longer sleepy. She raised her eyes and saw Huo Sicheng's sharp-edged handsome face.

  He is so good-looking.

   But he is even more annoying!

   "Why are you here?" She frowned, not hiding her anger, "Who asked you to come? You are trespassing!"

When Huo Sicheng saw that Gu Qingcheng was angry, he thought she was just angry when she got up, so he coaxed softly: "I miss you, my son won't see you when he gets home, and he wants to find you after making a fuss. I just broke into your house, I... "

  When Gu Qingcheng heard Huo Sicheng say that she missed herself, she only felt that she had heard a big joke.

miss her?


  He really missed her, why didn't he call her?

  He really misses her, why can't he first agree to her request to go to Peach Blossom Island for a few days, but must go abroad to meet Miss Li that day.

   "Get out!" She interrupted Huo Sicheng, "immediately!"

  Huo Sicheng was shocked when he saw Gu Qingcheng's fierce reaction.

   Seeing that Huo Sicheng would not leave, Gu Qingcheng said angrily: "Are you deaf? I told you to leave my house immediately, can't you hear me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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