Chapter 4:- A little girl appears

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Using the remains of a goblin and a magic stone that had been cholera in a highly poisonous apple, he produced a fruit that was even more poisonous.

However, it was not a goblin but a horned rabbit who ate it, so the dream was to kill the goblins with a poisoned apple, use the corpse as a nutrient to make a poisoned apple, then kill the goblins and make a poisoned apple with the corpse. The overflowing loop ended without a doubt.

This is because Mr. Kakurabbit* did not have enough magical power to make a deadly poisonous apple.

(TL: Hornned Rabbit)

For the time being, Mr. Kakurabbit also had magic stones, but probably because his body size was smaller than that of goblins, the size of the magic stones was proportionally smaller, and the magical power obtained was also small.

However, I, who can do "energy drain" and "photosynthesis" from the ground, can get inexhaustible energy if it takes time.

He worked hard on photosynthesis, stored vitality and magical power as rhizomes, and if he could afford it, he continued to produce highly poisonous apples and kill the inhabitants of the forest.

It's already become a hassle to count, but has it been about 30 days since I realized my ego?

The level has already risen to 16th level, and my body is nearly 40 cm tall.

However, it seems that the higher the level, the harder it is to raise, and now the level does not rise just by killing one goblin, and the same is true for "Energy Drain" and "Photosynthesis".

But you won't be impatient.

There is no doubt that the level will rise naturally if you take the time again.

So, today and today I was working hard on "photosynthesis" -it was time.

"~~! ~~!"



No, no.

Is it a soprano?

A high, clear and beautiful "voice" spins a terribly cheerful melody.

It doesn't seem to be "words".

A series of meaningless sounds.

It should be called a humming song.


Goblins can't make such a beautiful voice.

Then it's not a goblin.

It's probably completely unknown to me, and I can't deny that it could hurt me. So I know I should be vigilant, but when I hear the melody and voice that are not fragmented and involuntarily depleting, I can't seem to be vigilant.

Not an enemy.

I thought so instinctively without any grounds.

And the lord of the cheerful melody seems to be getting closer and closer.

Let's use "magical perception", which usually complements sight and hearing, according to its original role.

That is, to feel the magical power of the melody Lord.

It was surprisingly easy to succeed.

Observe to touch the magical power of the main melody.


I felt a huge amount of magical power that was much larger than myself and goblins.

However, I don't remember mystery and fear.


Rather, I feel the warmth that makes me feel familiar.

The Lord of Voices came to this small square from the depths of the dim forest.

Illuminated by the soft sunlight, its appearance is exposed.

The main melody was still a small child.

Fine and glossy golden hair that looks like spun sunlight.

Clear white, but mysteriously delicate skin that does not feel unhealthy.

Innocent and joyful emotions float in the jade-coloured eyes.

Even a young and well-organized face is so lovely that anyone can unconditionally forgive  her in his heart.

She wears thick trousers on a young grass-coloured dress with a unique pattern embroidered on it.

Apparently a young girl, but I couldn't guess her age.

Before I was probably a human being.

And the girl-no, the little girl is probably not human.

Long, pointed ears that extend from under her blonde hair. As soon as I see it, a certain word emerges, as it has happened several times before.

Oh, this is an elf.

Perhaps I used to have a close relationship with the elf.

Not only the name, but also the fact that elves are called wilderness people, that there are many people with a well-organized appearance, and above all, that they have a longer lifespan than humans have emerged as knowledge.

That's why I can't tell how old the little elf girl is in front of me. My knowledge is not perfect, and the lifespan of elves is mixed from the theory that it is twice that of humans to the theory that it is ten times as long as humans, and I do not know which one is correct.

However, if the appearance of an elf girl is applied as a human being, she was about five years old.

For some reason, such a young girl is walking in such a forest, holding a stick (a tree branch) of a good length in her right hand.

I searched around with "Magic Sensing", but I couldn't feel the existence of a companion.

In other words, there was only one elf girl.

Seeing that, I instinctively--

 ――It's dangerous. What are your parents doing?

I'm worried about that.

This forest is a danger zone inhabited by horned rabbits and goblins, as well as squid deer and bears that are too big to cut through anything with sharp horns.

It was a place that was too dangerous for such a child to walk alone.

But, of course, my worries cannot be conveyed to the little elf girl.

So I was watching while screaming ...

 --Hmm? Are you looking for something?

Suddenly, I wonder about the little girl who started to look around.

The little girl seemed to be looking for something.

Did you come to pick up the lost items or the materials of the forest (medicinal herbs)?

She starts walking around a small square. Even if she looks for it for a while, she don't seem to give up. It's as if you're sure you're looking for something here.

A little girl who looks down on the ground doesn't seem to be an enemy, but the child doesn't know what to do. Suddenly, the leaves may be cut into pieces without any meaning.

So I would like you to finish what you are looking for and leave.

And above all, it's no wonder that forest monsters are coming at this time as well. I didn't want to see the elf girl suffering misery in front of me.

――It's dangerous here, go home soon.

I say such words to the little elf girl who turns her back unsuspectingly.

However, it is just a thought and a thought. I couldn't hear it because it wasn't a quivering voice.



The little elf turned around at the right moment as if I could hear my "voice."

The jade-coloured eyes caught me straight.

--By any chance?

Well, while concluding that it was just a coincidence, the little girl approached me with Tokotoko.

The little girl crouched down on the spot, approaching a distance where she could reach out and touch it. The line of sight, which is the same height as my height, is directed without moving.

The little girl gradually approaches me and looks into me.

――Chochocho! Close close close!

The trauma of being eaten by a horned rabbit revives.

I think this little girl also wants to eat me. By the way, I knew that the elf was herbivorous and did not eat meat. I didn't think it was wild enough to eat the growing grass, but the reality is stranger than I know.

――I'm not delicious even if you eat me! Are you hungry! ??

It is powerless to not understand the language.

But that's right. I have a rhizome. No matter how much the leaves and stems are devoured, I do not die.

I thought and relaxed (figurative expression), but the cry (?) Of a little girl who was released as if aiming at the moment of weakness created a blank in my thoughts. In other words, I was surprised.

"Wow !! ~~ !? ~~ !!?"

I could hear only the first cry, but I couldn't hear what seemed to be the words that followed.

Rather, it seems to be a language that I don't know.

The presumed Elvish little girl seemed to ask something, perhaps from its nuances. Maybe it's to me.

 ――No, no, I don't understand the language. Can you speak in Japanese?

If you think about it,

"Niho, go?

The little elf girl tilts her head.

At the same time, the words spoken by the little girl made me stiff for a while.

Only after understanding its meaning

 ――Uhhhhhhhhhh! !! ??

My consciousness has recovered from rigidity.

And I am amazed. That's incredible.

This, this, this one ... She can hear my words! !! ??

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