Chapter 5:- Let's give fruits 

――This, this, this one ... She can hear my words! !! ??

Repeating my remarks should be very likely.

To be convinced of this guess, I spun my thoughts with the intention of uttering to the terrifying little elf girl.

 -No way, can you hear my words ...?

I don't think that's the case.

No, but maybe I would expect it.

After the ego sprouted, I lived alone in this forest for a month without talking or interacting with anyone.

It was only one month, but I still felt lonely. The life of hunting goblins with photosynthesis and deadly poisonous apples had a sense of fulfilment, but there was a sense of ego. I wanted to have a conversation with someone like me who has a clear consciousness.

If you can't interact with anyone, and if no one recognizes the ego of "I", then one day I won't have to have an ego and I'll lose consciousness.

There was such a fear.

that's why--,


I think I was happy when the little elf nodded with a smile, as if to say, "That's right."

 --Oh, oh ...! Oh……! Seriously ...! !!

I am terribly impressed by the fact that communication has been established.

If I had a body that could shed tears, I might have been crying.

To me, the elf girl

"Hey, are you Seirei-san? 』\


What on earth is that now ...?

Suddenly, neither thoughts nor emotions can catch up.

Is it a hallucination? When I doubt my sanity,

"Hey, are you Seirei-san? 』\

I heard such a "voice" again.

It's not the sound of shaking the air. The little girl's mouth wasn't moving.

――This girl ... directly in my head ...! ??

That's the one.

It's an indescribable phenomenon, such as being talked to in my head directly with thoughts, or being made to understand the intentions of a little girl.

However, as usual, the word "telepathy" emerges.

Apparently it was a known phenomenon for me before. Goblins, elves, and telepathies, I know everything before.

However, this means that you can have a two-way conversation, although it is limited to the little girl in front of you.

By the way, the little girl seems to be able to hear the voice of my heart, but judging from the history so far, it seems that she is not listening to all thoughts. The little girl was reacting only to her thoughts.

So the little elf was still waiting for my reply.

What should I answer?

"Seirei-san" would mean "spirit-san".

Of course, I'm not a spirit. It is a weed. But if you answer so honestly, wouldn't you be disappointed? "No, it's just a weed." "Yeah, hmm. Well then, no." If I was told and left, I might never be able to recover. No, wait. But can't you think of this? Maybe I'm a spirit just because I'm not aware of it-not without it.


I answered the little girl.

--that's right. I'm a spirit.

"Wow! on second thoughts! I see! It was the first time for Kusa no Seirei-san! 』\

Is it because of Kusa?

...... Grass spirit, isn't it?

The text makes me feel a little subtle, but it seems to be a rare existence from the reaction of the little girl.

The guilt of deceiving an innocent little girl?

There can be no such thing. Because-I'm a grass spirit today, right now!

Well, anyway.

 ――By the way, what are you doing in a place like this? Isn't it dangerous to be alone?

It's a precious existence that can talk with me.

Even if you make a mistake, you can't let the monsters attack you.

So if you worry and ask,

"It's not you, it's Sefie"

 ――Ah, yeah ... I'm sorry.

It's not the answer to the question, but I apologize for the time being.

Did you not call the lady, even though you were young?

take heart.

 --So, Sefie. What are you doing in a place like this? If you don't come with adults properly, this forest is dangerous, isn't it?

You can come this far with your parents, right? I will include the nuance of the word.

Because if I couldn't meet anymore ... I will be lonely, right?

"I was walking. Also, since Sefie is a high elf, it's okay to walk alone, right? 』\

Her Reply.

Was it a high elf, not an elf?

I didn't even know how that would lead to "it's okay to be alone". I knew that the high elf was called the royal family of the elf, but it seems that I didn't know the detailed ecology of the high elf.

 --Oh really? Well, I hope it's okay ...

Well, in the unlikely event of being attacked by a monster, if you make a fruit that enhances the temptation effect of the sweet scent of the deadly poisoned apple, you will have enough time to let Sefie escape.

――I suddenly came up with a deadly poisonous apple.

I can make fruits. It's also a very sweet and delicious one.

What would happen if you gave such delicious fruits to Sefi?


"Kusa no Seirei-san is amazing! I will come to play here every day! 』\

 -I must be.

When I praised my good idea, I decided to put it into practice.

As I just came up with

-Yes, Sefie, I'll do this as a sign of our meeting.

"what? 』\

In front of Sefie who tilts his head, I activate "seed generation" to make an apple.

It's a sweet apple with plenty of honey, which has a large amount of magical power and a high sugar content.

A fresh apple that grows on the tip of a branch is presented in front of Sefi.

"Wow!  It's an apple! 』\

 -You can eat it.

Okay! ?? Thank you!

With a big smile, he drops an apple in her hand.

Sefie speaks without doubting the apple he received. Open her small mouth wide and take a bite.

After seeing the situation, I grinned inwardly so that my thoughts would not be read.

Things go according to my expectations. To that proof, Sefi

"Wow!! Delicious! !! 』\

She opened her eyes and shouted at the deliciousness of my apple (although it's a telepathy, her mouth is still chewing).

In addition, she shook her hands around and expressed how delicious the apple was with his whole body.

 ――Isn't it?

But I had a hard time trying not to laugh.

Did you eat it? --When.

Of course, there is no poison. However, you won't be able to taste such a delicious apple anywhere else.

In other words, Sefi has become a somebody that can't be without me!

here we go! Good to say!

When you come here every day!

"I want everyone to eat it ! Kusa no Seirei-san, you can make more apples! ?? 

But the reply was even more naive than I expected.

I don't know who "everyone" is, but it seems that Sefi didn't have the idea of ​​monopolizing. A good girl.

 --Huh? Well ... can you make it?

So if I affirm, Sefi's actions were really quick.

"Let's meet again "

 --Huh? Where are you going? That's a little bit! ??

Sefie had a half-eaten apple in his left hand, dumped the nice branch he had in his right hand, and grabbed my body with his free right hand.

And pull it out with all your strength without any hesitation!

Buchi Buchi Buchi! The root was cut off and separated from all the rhizomes stored under the ground.

I am--,

 ――dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! !!

Screaming at thos violent work.

What do you do suddenly, this girl! ??

However, when Sefie heard my screaming, she had a Kyoton face for some reason.

"... Do not you want to? 』\

 -It's  will definitely hurt,

When I said that, I suddenly returned to myself.

――I don't want to.

No, I was grass.

I didn't feel any pain. When I think about it, it didn't hurt when I was devoured by a horned rabbit.

No, but I don't think that's the problem.

 ――No, it doesn't hurt, but treat me a little more gently! The roots have run out!

"Sorry, I'm sorry"

Sefie, who obediently apologizes, also gets rid of the her forcefullnes.

 ――If you understand, it's okay ... Please be careful from now on.


After saying that, I noticed, but I want you to stop pulling out anything from now on.

"Well then! 

Sefie rushes out with me in her right hand.

From the square into the forest.

Sefie goes through the forest without any landmarks without any hesitation.

――No, so where are we going?

She answered this question properly.

Sefie ran and said heartily.

"Sefie's house!

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