Chapter 6:- The Elven Village was Close

――Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ?? Shake! Shake! ??

"It's close, so it's okay"

 ――It's okay! It's not okay at all! !!

Sefie runs through the lumber, holding me in her right hand.

It was a terrible experience to get my body shaken up and down with a lot of force, but my desperate expectation of having to do this for a long time was betrayed in a good way.

If you think about it, you can't go that far with the feet of a young Sefie.

Without running through the forest without as much as a road in it, Sefie's legs weakened, and naturally, my forced up-and-down movement came to an end.

While walking with Tokotoko, Sefie raised me in front of my chest and said, "Look! and pointed to the front.

Indeed, there was a house there.

At first glance, I found that there were multiple houses.

Originally, it shouldn't be noticeable.

Because the house is on the other side of the "fence".

No, it may be a "wall" rather than a "fence". Long ago, as I know, when the human nation was at the city level, it was a city wall that surrounded a whole city. Or a defensive facility that acts like a castle wall.

But it wasn't made of stone cut from a cliff.

Wood that exposes the grain of wood-You can barely see from the top of the "fence" that it seems that many of them are cut out in the shape of a stick and stick out from the ground. Only the upper part of the bar-shaped wood is slightly peeping.

And a plethora of thorns, like wrapping around the stick or crawling from stick to stick, formed a wall as if no one had passed through it.

The word barbed wire comes to mind.

However, unlike the image that emerged, even if there are sharp thorns, they are not iron wires, but thorns, so each one is reasonably thick. Therefore, there are almost no gaps, and you cannot see the scene on the other side. It turned out to be something that could be called a "plant wall".

The wall of the plant probably surrounds the space with many houses.

Perhaps a community that should be called a tribe or a village.

And that's why you can't see the house behind the wall clearly from here-if it's built on the ground.

――Wow …… Shugoi.

I look up at them, leaking my stupid impressions.

On the other side of the thorn wall, there were many thick and tall trees that seemed to be slightly over 1000 years old.

And on those branches (at a fairly high position), ladders, stairs, or bridge-like roads that cross from branch to branch run endlessly, and many small houses are built here and there. Has been done.

A tree city- a little smaller, but still a sufficiently unrealistic sight.

But anyway, I think.

Somehow, the trees on the other side of the thorn wall seem to be unusually thick, large and magnificent compared to the trees in the forest. In terms of height, I think the trees make up the exact same forest, but that's how fast they grow.

After observing that much, I noticed that Sefie was strangely good at it.

Somehow, it's her face.

 --What happened?

"Hmm! It's amazing!

Apparently, she was listening to my mutter.

Well, I don't dare to deny it, and let's agree honestly.

 -Oh, that's amazing. Is it an elf settlement here?

Not all of them live in high elf.

If so, the rarity value of the high elf is slumping. Tsukkomi will say that it is better to take the letter "high".

However, Sefie nodded without denying whether she was aware of the unspoken question or not.

"Yeah, that's right! Made by Sefie! 

Is that so?

This seems to be an elf village.

Well, when you think about it, it's natural that a young child like Sefi doesn't live alone in a forest like this, and even a small number of people is dangerous. Isn't it natural to form a certain group? Yeah yeah yeah yeah! ??

--Yes! ?? Made by Sefie! ??

No, it's impossible.

What can a toddler make?

However, I don't know the detailed ecology of the high elf, so I can't deny it.

"that's right! Mmm! I did my best to make it! 

I don't think I can make something at this level even I do it with all my might.

There is a great possibility of expanded interpretation peculiar to infants.

--you're kidding? What did you make?

"It is not a lie. That"

Sefie points to the thorn wall.

"Sefie is awesome! I did it. And that one ”

Sefie points to the stupid big trees growing on the other side of the thorn wall.

"Sefie, did her best! I gave it a lot of effort "



I'm not sure, but there is no cloudiness on the throat and face of Sefie.

Maybe I helped a little with the magic of the high elf or something like that. However, it is troublesome to bend the belly button with extra tsukkomi.

 ―― …… Is that so, you are amazing, Sefi?


Sefie is proud.

I'd like to let you do as much as you like here, but ... it doesn't seem to be the case.

--Hey, Sefie Sefie.


――The elves are coming over here with great momentum, are you meeting with them?


The thorn wall that surrounds the elf village in front of you, but you can't go in or out if you close everything completely.

Naturally, there should be something like a gate as a doorway in these structures. The wall of thorns is no exception, and where we were heading, there was something like an arched doorway of thorns.

There were two elves standing there like gatekeepers, but they seem to have noticed the presence of Sefie approaching.

At that moment, They started running with tremendous momentum and approached us.

As a bonus,

"~~ !! ~~~~ !!"

They are  screaming for something and their expression is steep-or maybe they are angry?

Isn't it true that they misunderstands me as a monster or something?

I don't want to think that they will harm pretty weeds like me, but I can't deny that possibility when I look at that aspect.

In case of emergency, there is no choice but to have Sefie take care of it, but the little girl is a little unwilling to rely on.

However, it was Sefie who brought me, and I'm in trouble if I don't do something about it-when I look up at the little girl.


Sefie was in a panic state.

Ah, yeah.

I got it.

--Sefie? May I ask you a something?

"What, what, what? This is not the right time now. I have to get away quickly. "

Where are you going to escape? Don't escape from reality.

――You, maybe ... Didn't you come out in secret?

"Well, that's not the case. I came in properly after asking. ...... In my heart "

No, you don't ask permission in you heart.

While Sefie was rattling, the two elves, who had been sprinting, arrived here.

Both are men (possibly because their faces are too beautiful to understand, but they have no breasts) and look like young men.

"~~ !! ~~~ !!"

I don't know what he's saying because it's an estimated Elvish terminology, but it seems that he's scolding her because of his voice tone and facial expression. Well, of course.

After this, Sefie was insanely angry with two young elves,

Sefie slumps and hangs down, and when I think she's sorry, she raise my face as if she had come up with something, and for some reason, she holder me out in front of the young elves and said in an authoritarian tone

"'I had no choice as I was called by Seirei-san!'"

――Eh! ??

Don't blame me for your escape!

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