Chapter 69-: Yug-Helian Status

( TL By GUST )

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My name is Yug-Helian.

The King of the Great Army.

It was established as the one and only existence specializing in battle among many Yugu.

Is the tone a little different from the main body?


Different bodies have different consciousness.

Everyone will have a similar experience. The difference is that when you are healthy, you are very positive, but when you are not feeling well, you feel very negative.

Or if you have a super handsome and high-spec body, you will have a confident personality, but if you have an appearance and ability that you are not confident in yourself, you will be subservient.

Well, I think it doesn't matter because of the efforts and feelings of the person himself.

However, the other Yugs are jealous and subservient.

Is that the difference between me and them?

In other words, I am the positive number one among the Yugs.

Besides, it's cool.

That is clear from the praises of Sefie and the three Valkyrie sisters.

I also know that the main body and Gangreli are unsightly and jealous of me. But let's forgive. Because I'm Helian!

"-That's why I want Brynhildr and others to lead 200 berserkers to capture Himinbjörg."

He explained the reason why the main body captured the labyrinth for a long time, and entrusted the command of 200 berserkers to Brynhildr and others.

Of course, I know it without being told, but I am the one who has the highest command in the labyrinth capture corps. Then I think I should give the command to me, but it seems that the guy in the main body can't be honest.

"I understand, Lord. Please leave it to me."

"make effort"

"Yeah! Hunt all the monsters in the labyrinth!"

The three Valkyrie sisters nod enthusiastically.

Apparently, I'm going to leave soon.

After all, I and the berserkers don't need to eat, and Valkyrie and others can eat, but even if they don't eat, it doesn't hinder their activities as long as they have water and light.

The small amount of water we consume can be magically produced, and we don't know how big the labyrinth is, but we don't need to prepare food or anything else, and we can start right away.


I put my finger on the brim of the hat and turned to Sefie and said.

"Sefie, leave it to me and wait for the good news!"



At this moment, Sephi's expectations for me are obviously the highest.

It's bad for the main body and Gangreri, but I'm sure that I will be the most reliable person for everyone by accumulating more achievements here.

"It would be interesting if I felt miserable in the labyrinth."

"That's it"


The howling of the losing dogs is comfortable.

"Then, I'm going"

I lightly dismissed the words of the main bodies and led the three Valkyrie sisters and 200 berserkers to the labyrinth.

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--Transfer to Himinbjörg 2nd floor.

Select the transfer destination by riding the transfer team behind the hidden village of the dwarves.

After a five-second countdown, we moved to the second level of Himinbjörg, being sent off by a large number of elves, werewolves, and dwarves.

That said, 200 berserkers cannot be transferred at once.

I transferred to it many times, and when everyone got together, I started again.

"Hmm, apparently a grassland stage,"

Looking around at the destination of the transfer, it was a vast grassland that stretched to the end of the horizon.

There are no forests or mountains, and there are only hill-like swells in places, but there is only a clear blue sky and lush grasslands.

There is a sky as a matter of course, but it is not somewhere outside the labyrinth.

In the first place, it is strange that the grassland continues to the horizon. Normally, there should be forests and mountains in front of us. I don't think it's a very real place.

No, that impression may be because I've only seen forests and mountains.

"What are you going to do, Lord?"

Brynhildr asks me for instructions.

For some reason, the main body gave her command, but it's a matter, of course, to ask for my main opinion.

"That's right ... First, give me some time."

While answering, I confirmed my status.

"I want to check my ability a little"


Make sure Brynhildr nods and stays by your side, then turn your attention to the displayed status.

The berserker's Yorishiro has changed drastically due to the fact that I, who is a ghost, dwelled. It wasn't just about appearance, but rather because he sensuously understood that the change in ability was greater.

So, my status is important, but it was like this.

[Unique name] "Yug-Helian"

[Race] False god spirit / eirei incarnation

[Level] 1

[Vitality] 2000/2000

[Magic power] 2500/2500

[Skill] "Imaginary Warrior Tatsunoou" "Secret Character Magic" "Foresight Suru Orbit" "Necessary Magic Spear" "Stored Regeneration"

[Attribute] None

[Title] "Sage"

[Divinity value] 1

First of all, the name, but this would be good.

It's a name that Sefie thinks for me and is suitable for me.

Then, next is [race], but "false god spirit Eirei incarnation Einherjar Avatar It was.

It doesn't matter, but don't be covered by "ghosts" and "ghosts".

Well, I know it's a rank name and an ethnic name.

Brynhildr and others looked at me now and said that it was not Einherjar, but the reason is that the "fake spirit" displayed in the part indicating "rank" has an influence. Is it okay?

There is no particular basis, though.

However, "false spirit" is a name that is difficult to understand whether it is exaggerated or not.

I can guess that it's a false because I'm a ghost, but that wouldn't be possible because the main body would be a "god spirit".

The body is like a god, and it makes me laugh.

So, I'm not sure why the ethnic name changed like this.


[Level] However, it would be good to be at level 1.

However, the numerical value of the limit level is not displayed.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that it doesn't rise from level 1 or that there is no level limit?

It's best for me to be stronger, so I definitely want you to be the latter.

But if so, I may not evolve in the future. Until now, evolution has happened when it reaches the limit level.

Well, it would be quicker to see if the level goes up as soon as you actually fight.

So next.

Regarding [life force] and [magical power], I have no choice but to have the impression that it is, hmm ...

Although it is a high value close to the main body, in the case of the main body, there are recovery means such as "photosynthesis" and "energy drain", and since there are abundant rhizomes in the first place, the numerical value on the status and the amount that can actually be handled are large. There is a difference.

It's a pity that I have the same memory as the main body, but I don't think there are so many.


Next is [skill].

Perhaps because Yorishiro is completely different from the main body, none of the skills possessed by the main body were inherited.

I'm a little worried that I don't have any skills I'm used to, but I can't help it.

Anyway, let's take a look.

[Skill] "Imaginary Warriors Noou"

[Commentary] A proof that he is the king who controls the warriors who live in the "Soulless Berserker Nokan". He has the right to command and command the warriors who live in the hall, and is suitable for all combat techniques because he is the king of the warriors. When the number of Einherjars living in the mansion exceeds a certain number, this skill evolves to release its true ability.

[Effect] You can command and order "Soulless Berserkers". Increase correction/medium for mastery of general combat techniques.

It seems that you can follow the berserkers, but in fact, this is also possible for the three Valkyrie sisters.

So, as a special effect, is there a correction in the proficiency of combat techniques? This is a nice effect.

Then, the reason why "secondary command / command right" is written in [Commentary] is probably because the main body has the authority above. So maybe, if I and the main body issue different commands at the same time, the main body's command will be given priority, or something like that.

However, there seems to be an evolution of skills, but what time will this be?

Well, let's look forward to it.

[Skill] "Secret character magic"

[Explanation] Has the authority of a higher-ranking user of the new world law created by <world magic>. The target is all magic-using "runes", and by drawing "runes" with your own magical power, the original effect of "runes" is exhibited. In addition, the skill of "magical power detection" is integrated as an aid to the skill.

[Effect] You can use the original power of runes.

The original power of runes ... Does that mean that magic tools that use runes do not have the original performance?

Since I possessed a berserker, I was able to grasp the surroundings just like the main body-that is, if I thought that I could reproduce the feeling by "magic sensing", because "magic sensing" was included in this skill. it seems like.

Well, it's okay to visually grasp the surroundings without it.

Apparently, this body has normal vision and hearing.

[Skill] "Foresight Sul Orbit"

[Explanation] A fragment of authority associated with a fragment of Munin was expressed with an adaptive yorishiro. The lost eyeball, which fits in the empty orbit, connects to an unworldly place and foresaw the world of the future. However, there is a price. It is a magical power that corresponds to the time when it deviates from the present.

[Effect] By putting magical power into the left orbit, it is possible to foresee the future according to the amount of magical power.

There are some explanations that I don't understand, but the point is that you can see the future a little further.

Isn't it a very powerful skill if you can master it?

[Skill] "Must-have magic spear"

[Explanation] If you put in magical power, it will turn into a magic spear, and it will have the power of extermination that is effective for all beings. Or a blow of a spear twists the cause and effect and always hits. However, the price is enormous [animation power] and [magical power], and if used extensively, it will kill the user's life.

[Effect] By putting in magical power, it becomes a magic spear that also affects the existence of intangibles. Alternatively, by consuming "1000" of both [Vitality] and [Magic Power], you can shoot a blow.

Apparently, by putting magical power into the spear that I have had since I changed to my current appearance, it becomes a magic spear with excellent destructive power, and it seems that I can always shoot a hit.

However, it seems that it costs a ridiculous cost to shoot a blow.

It's definitely powerful, but you'll have to think carefully about when to use it.

Probably, for the time being, I'm going to use only the power of the magic spear.


Is it something like this for each skill?

"Stored playback" is a skill that berserkers have in common.

All of these are skills that seem to be powerful just by reading the explanation.

If it's just a simple fighting ability, I think it's much better than the main body.

Assuming that this is good for the skill, next is about [attribute].

Do not experience the state without [attribute] for the first time.

It seems that only non-attribute magic can be used with magic, but if you think about it, you should be able to use rune magic with "secret character magic", so there may be no particular problem.

Rather, rune magic is more likely to be able to deploy a variety of attack methods.

I don't know about this area unless I actually use it.

Then, about [Title] and [Divinity value].

[Title] seems to inherit the title of "Sage" probably because it has the memory of the main body. There seems to be nothing else, but I'm sure I can get various [titles] soon.

It's only now that the title column is lonely.

Then, for some reason, the [divinity value] has already acquired "1".

Well, just because it's there doesn't mean you can do anything. Unlike the main body, there is no skill that consumes [divinity value], and if it can not evolve, it will be a meaningless numerical value in that respect as well, but there will be some use in the future. It may come, and it's better to have it.


For the time being, I checked all the statuses.

I understand why I have learned it as a [skill] and how to use new skills.

I once again overlooked the grasslands that stretched beyond the horizon-mostly exercising one skill.

It's "secret magic".

He collects magical power on his right index finger and runs his finger in the air with the intention of using it like a brush.

After the finger passed, the light remained as a line where I wanted to write, creating a letter.



Or, according to "I in front", Chinese characters.

I didn't do anything after drawing the letters.

Nevertheless, the runes began to collect demons from their surroundings.

For a moment, I was worried that I might eat up the demons around me, but I soon realized that I wasn't worried about it.

Mob Man-Originally, the genie of fire also used what seems to be rune magic through a magic sword. However, the amount of magic element consumed by this rune magic was far less than at that time.

For example, if I take in the magic elements that the runes have collected now, I will be able to recover the magical power of about "10" in numerical values.

When I sucked up that much amount of demons, the runes became innumerable particles of light and sneaked into my body.

The magical power I used to draw the "Uki" runes is obvious when I check the status.

It's only "1".

Therefore, the phenomenon that occurred after that was probably the phenomenon that occurred when the runes consumed the magic elements that they had collected arbitrarily.

My weight is getting lighter and lighter, and finally, it's zero.

And when I noticed, my feet were off the ground.

Slowly-it floated.

Apparently, I couldn't move with the "floating" runes, but I could imagine that I could slowly change the altitude.

I imagine it going up even higher, and it goes up to about 10 meters above the ground.

From the raised position, look around again.

The higher the position, the farther you can see.

After confirming that, the grassland-which direction is it? There is a light source that seems to be the sun in the first place, but it is uncertain whether it will operate in the same way as outside the labyrinth or even if it will not move.

So, I dared to say that the direction was unknown-I was able to confirm that there was something like a building far ahead of the grassland.

There's nothing else remarkable, so I decided to head for the building I found, and I finally landed on the ground.

The fact that I set my eyes on the place to go is exactly what I was aiming for, but suddenly I have a concern or a guess.

It's about rune magic.

As for the impression of using rune magic, I felt that it was a very efficient magic because not only the magic power I myself consumed but also the amount of magic elements collected from the surroundings was small.

If this is the case, there will be almost no impact on the environment due to the depletion of demons that the elders are concerned about.

However, I think it would be hazardous if anyone could use it because it is so easy and efficient magic.

I'm horrified, especially when I want to be able to use an entity with an idea like a state religion.

The skill [Explanation] of "Secret Character Magic" stated what "superior user authority" was, but I am convinced of that. This is dangerous unless you limit who can use it.


I have no complaints about what I can use.

"Did you understand anything, Lord?"

"Hmm? Ah"

As I was thinking, Brynhildr called out.

I also pointed to the direction of the building I found earlier,

"Apparently, there seems to be something going in this direction. For the time being, let's aim for that. "

"I see. I understand."

Brynhildr nodded and we led 200 berserkers and finally decided to go beyond the labyrinth.

I don't know what kind of monsters will come out, but for the time being, let's get used to this physical strength and new skills by repeating actual battles.

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