Chapter 70-: Himinbjörg 2nd Level


It's not a big army, but it's been a while since to lead 200 berserkers.

The monster of the labyrinth Himinbjörg attacked me immediately from the inside of the grassland.

And the appearance is just to judge that the old Gordes are more dangerous than the area around Hidden Village.

"Usually, at the beginning of the labyrinth, do you come out of a weak enemy ...?"

According to the previous knowledge I have, there is information that such cases are often the case.

However, it may be a memory mistake.

"Is that so?"

"Well, Lord ... why?"

Brynhildr and Aile mysteriously tilt their heads,

"Ahaha! Don't say weird things to the main shrine! Normally, you're going to be crushed with a strong force from the beginning? Is there anything you can spare?"

Heliya laughs and says something like a theory.

However, I also think that is the correct theory, so I nodded, "It's right."

The monster that appeared came from the sky.

I thought that monsters would unknowingly attack from the ground from the grassland, which is a good field to watch, but when I think about it, it's not always the case.

But the strange thing is that I couldn't detect the approach even though I came from the sky.

Since it was in a labyrinth, I always sensed magical power over a wide area, but it suddenly appeared on the spot as if it had transferred.

In addition, if it is a huge body that can be seen from a distance, it is unlikely that we all missed the approach.

If so, it's definitely either "occurring" or "metastasis" right now.

"Well, which one is the same?"

What you do is the same.

It is unlikely that you will be able to escape, and if you think about your purpose in the first place, it will not start when you escape.

In other words, there is no choice but to defeat it.

"For the time being, I want to fight alone. Everyone is waiting. "


Brynhildr finally nodded to my words, but he seemed to be confused about the answer.

Maybe I thought it was dangerous by myself.

Well, that's not unreasonable.

After all, the enemy is-a dragon.

Moreover, it is not a dragon modoki like the Wyvern.

Only one has appeared, but the giant, which is several times larger than the Wyvern, gives off an overwhelming sense of intimidation to the surroundings.

The dragon scales that cover the whole body are shiny green, and each one is large and thick. It makes me think that it would be a difficult task to pierce that scale and damage it.

In addition, the muscles that cover the limbs and torso are also large. If a long tail is shaken like a whip, it cannot be resisted by our body and will be blown off like a pebble.

A ferocious moan leaks from the mouth that continues from the strong jaw, and horrifyingly sharp fangs are lined up in the back of the mouth.

And with his golden, vertically torn pupil, he looks down at us under his eyes.

However, the dragon, which floats in the air, only slowly flaps its huge wings.

With the buoyancy obtained by such a movement, it would be impossible to float the giant body.

If so, it must be flying or floating with magical power.

--Wind dragon.

Or an attribute dragon with the attribute of wind.

It was an existence called so.

Just by facing each other in this way, I understand that they are different from the monsters I have met so far.

But why?

I don't feel like losing mysteriously.

I ran magical power around my fingertips and ran in the air.

I drew two runes.


The wind dragon that appeared was floating in the air, but it wasn't on the sidelines with a margin.

I opened my mouth wide with sharp fangs, and I felt that a huge amount of magical power was concentrated in the back of my throat.

Then it's easy to guess what you're going to do.

It's a dragon breath.

That's why I was able to finish writing the runes before the wind dragon attacked, but it seemed faster for the wind dragon to spit out the breath, considering the speed at which it sucks up the demons from the surroundings.

"Can't you make it in time? Then ... ”

The reason why runes suck up magic elements in rune magic is to use it as a power source for magic.

And magical elements are elements of magical power, and rune magic will eventually use magical power as well. Runes have the role of pseudo-minds, and convert the captured magic elements into magical powers.

Then, why not give magical power from the beginning?

I quickly-but I tried to send magical power with my left hand to the runes that continued to take in magical elements at a speed that was unlikely to be in time for the wind dragon's breath.

As a result, the runes that meet the required amount of magical power as I guessed will appear as magic.

The runes turned into countless particles of light and were deployed forward to protect us.

Is the shape more like a huge shield with a curved surface rather than a flat wall? Maybe it's because I imagined it to be that way.

Immediately after


A dragon breath is exhaled from the mouth of the wind dragon with a deafening roar.

It is a colourless and transparent mass of power.

However, it has the magical power of the wind attribute, contains innumerable wind blades, approaches at a tremendous speed, tears everything into shreds, and blows it into dust.

Although transparent, the shimmering heat-like breath due to the refraction of light slammed into a huge, dimly shining shield.


The shield didn't break.

To be honest, it was good.

I was so confident that I didn't show any pretence to avoid it, but I wouldn't be embarrassed if this didn't help.

However, I can't afford to show it forever.

A shield of light that continues to parry the breath of the wind dragon, but makes a disturbing noise.

As expected, it doesn't seem to be kept forever.

However, there is still a response that will endure for another ten and several seconds.

Meanwhile, I ran my finger into the air anew.


Draw two letters.

Immediately give magical power to the characters and activate rune magic.

"Keep the Brynhildrs away from each other so they don't get caught!"


I nodded to Brynhildr, who replied loudly so as not to lose the roaring sound of breath, and I flew into the sky with the effect of rune magic.

It's a high-speed flight that feels like it's falling into the sky, unlike just floating.

If you think of the direction you want to go, it will go through the air like that. Just free flight in the air.

"Galaaaaaaaaaaaa !!"

Seeing me jump out of the wall of light, the wind dragon circulates around me as if chasing it.

The breath is interrupted, but it seems to completely capture this flying at high speed, and it does not seem to be easy to approach.

However, I will dare to challenge the close combat.

"Is it easy to strengthen your body with non-attribute magic?"

While flying around the wind dragon, it also strengthens its own physical ability with magical power. Non-attribute magic by manipulating magical power is not difficult for me, who always uses "telepathy".

If you can use plant magic, you can also strengthen it with plant magic, but now it is impossible because there are no attributes.

instead of--,


Engrave runes on your body and let the magical power flow to activate it instantly.

It's not very real, but there was a response that Rune magic was definitely activated.

"After that, I used my vitality to put together a fighting spirit."

The technique of fighting spirit, which is often used by werewolves, is a technique that consumes vitality to improve physical ability and divert it to attacks.

As a matter of fact, when I was a walking weed, I didn't use it because it had too little vitality and was a suicide act, and since it evolved into a manatrent, it was too inefficient, but I know how to use fighting spirit.

In the first place, moving with the body of walking weed is similar to the technique of fighting spirit that consumes vitality. No, it may be correct that they were essentially able to work with the same technology.

That's why I circulated my vitality to my whole body like magic and wore a fighting spirit.

It cannot be said that the series of movements does not stagnate, but it is familiar because the operation of vitality is performed by both "rhizome generation" and "seed generation".

"Okay, then, first blow!"

While putting power into the long spear held with both hands, approach the wind dragon.

It's easy to get behind the wind dragon here, which has a small turn. So I swung my spear from the sky behind him, flying through my side.

"--Ahhhhhhh !!"

The spear just slipped on the surface of the wind dragon.

Although the wind dragon has no damage, it seems to be angry at being attacked.

"It's really hard"

I think the strengthened power is definitely strong, but unfortunately, it seems that it is not enough to penetrate the scales of the dragon.


Moreover, the angry wind dragon begins to spit out breath when he gets angry. A colourless breath passes right next to me flying, dust rolls up, and a big scar is carved on the ground.

The huge tail, which is swept away like an annoying fly, causes a blizzard and tries to crush me many times.

I hurriedly took a distance to escape from the wind dragon.

However, if you do so, the breath will be released at this point without a pause.

The rune magic of "Flying" seems to be excellent, and I have managed to avoid it now, but I do not know when the effect of the magic will expire. If you are struck by that gap and attacked, there will be no lumps.

I don't want to be in a long-term battle, even if I think about the exhaustion later.

If it is a labyrinth where monsters like this wind dragon usually appear, it is necessary to have an attack method that can be settled in a short period of time.

"Strengthening slashing"

Therefore, I carved a four-letter rune on the blade of a spear.

The high applicability is the good point of rune magic. You can make up for what you lack on the spot.

However, it seems that rune magic is neither all-purpose nor convenient magic.

"Gee! ?? It's a lie! ??"

When I used "Flying", I knew that the more characters I had, the longer it would take to activate. That's why I shortened the time to activate by applying my own magical power to the carved runes.

However, just by increasing the number of characters by two, the magical power consumed jumped by an order of magnitude. As the number of characters increases, it seems that the magical power consumed increases with a feeling close to multiplication rather than addition.

By experience, about a quarter of all magical power has been consumed for "strengthening slashing". Perhaps even just one letter of "Zan" was effective, but I would like to believe that it makes sense to use only four letters.

Runes turn into particles of light and wrap around the spear.

"Yes! It can't be helped!"

There is no choice but to consume it.

I decided to regret it later, and I narrowed the distance to the wind dragon again.

While avoiding the exhaled breath at a sufficient distance, it sneaks under the wind dragon floating in the air and passes through the abdomen toward the tail. Naturally, the movement is the same as the blow of the spear.

I expected that the scales on the abdominal side would be thin and softer than the back.

However, more than that, it seems that the rune magic of "Strengthening Slashing" worked more than the magical power consumed.

"If this!"

There is a scream that is not anger.

The blow of the spear easily slashed the abdomen of the wind dragon.

A large amount of fresh blood flows out of the abdomen of the wind dragon and swirls in the air as if twisting itself in pain. However, perhaps it was a shallow blow to the giant, but it wasn't enough to pop out. In other words, it is not a fatal injury.

Apparently, the size of my spear is not long enough to reach an organ with a giant opponent like a wind dragon.

"Let's do it yet ... there is!"

Turning from pain, the head of the wind dragon, which was coloured with intense anger, turned to this side and suddenly increased its magical power.

Breath is probably exhaled from the back of the mouth that is open to the limit. It is a breath that is different from the past and sweeps away a wide range that has not converged.


One letter.

Engrave runes in the air to cast magical power and instantly activate magic.

The hemispherical glowing shield unfolded in front of me, however, didn't last for a few seconds, unlike at first.

But that's enough.

You only have to fly diagonally to the right of the wind dragon that spits out the breath, and keep it for a short while outside the range of the breath.

I fly through the breath, and immediately after that, the light shield shatters.

I came out right next to the wind dragon that still spits breath, and approached its long neck.

"Is the end"

The tip of the spear that was swung up 

made me fight.

Ki blade.

A technique that uses fighting spirit to knead the blade and slash the enemy. I wonder if it was thanks to the skill's assistance that I was able to easily reproduce it, which Wolf had actually used and showed me.

Swinging through a spear with a huge blade of fighting spirit, the blow with "Strengthening Slash" added did not have much resistance and cut the head of the wind dragon in half.


If the neck and torso are separated, even if 

it is a dragon, there is no choice but to die.

Losing buoyancy, the giant fell,

"... Is this going to happen?"

However, the body suddenly lost its substance.

I don't know what kind of providence is working, but such a large mass has disappeared as innumerable particles of light. Later, even compared to the Wyvern's, only one huge magic stone was left.

It's a mysterious phenomenon, but somehow I'm convinced that I knew it before. In the labyrinth, it seems that what you get by defeating a monster is not its body but a drop item.

"Lord! It ’s wonderful!"

"You did it"

"I'll do it!"

When the battle was over and they landed on the ground, the three Valkyrie sisters rushed over.

"Huh! Well "

I answer their praise as if I could afford it.

In fact, the wind dragon's attack has never been eaten, but the exhaustion in this battle is intense. It must be said that it is tough when it comes to a series of battles, but I don't think that a strong enemy like a wind dragon will appear like a pompon.

"Oh! The level has gone up. "

What's more, the level has risen, though only one in the current battle.

Come to think of it, I was still at level 1. It's 2nd level now, but it should be relatively easy to go up in the low level.

In that case, there is still room for growth, and the more you grow, the easier it will be to fight.

"Well, I've figured out how to use the skills, and will I fight in a group next time?"

"It would be helpful if you could do that."

However, I don't know how far the labyrinth continues. It is safe to keep the wear to a minimum.

"Then, do you want to move on? Apparently, you can defeat the monsters several times ... right?"

I suddenly turned around to give the Valkyrie and the Berserkers a command to leave.

This is because he perceived that the rapidly increasing magical power would converge in two places.

"Gurururu ..."

"Shaaaaaaa ... !!"

"Um ... maybe, is Furyu-san an enemy of small fish?"

As expected, what appeared there were two wind dragons glaring at us while flapping their wings in the air.

I don't think it's a special existence in this labyrinth, as there isn't much connection and multiple bodies spring up in a short time. If so, the evaluation of "small fish enemy" would be appropriate.

Even if you have a great sense of fighting against a strong enemy even against a single wind dragon.

"Hey! Isn't it good! My arms ring!"

Even in front of the two wind dragons, Heliya still smiled with a warlike smile.

Brynhildr, Aile, and the Berserkers are ready to fight.

There is no time to start the battle. But still, let me just say this.

"Isn't this labyrinth too murderous?"


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