Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 99: Shan Shenwang's ability

He Shan's long swords are all ordinary goods bought in the weapon shop of the Anomaly Administration Bureau.

Not only is the shape ugly, but the power is actually that way.

If the sword of the Sword Emperor Corpse not only looks good, but also has some special abilities, then He Shan can take these two swords over, and he will be able to greatly enhance his strength!

He Shan wanted to give it a try a long time ago, what kind of effect could be achieved by wrapping the long sword with magical power in leaves.

The four long swords flew out all at once, circling He Shan slowly.攫攝攫

The Sword Emperor's corpse smiled, and ran towards He Shan with dual long swords. During the run, she kept waving her weapons, and every time she swung it, a black and gold sword aura shot out.

These sword auras gave He Shan a huge distress, and he must have two long swords by his side to ensure He Shan's own safety.

The other two long swords continuously stabbed the Sword Emperor's corpse in the air, but only two long swords were easily blocked by the Sword Emperor's corpse.

Her figure looks slender, but her strength is not weak at all. Every sword can chop He Shan's flying sword into tremors.

After only fighting against each other for a while, He Shan realized that he couldn't win the Sword Emperor Corpse using only the leaf ability, so he took out the tricky copper coin and flicked it lightly.

A long sword that flew towards the Sword Emperor's corpse suddenly soared in speed, slashing towards the Sword Emperor's corpse with an astonishing aura.

The Sword Emperor's corpse was the same as before, a sword slashed towards this flying sword, but this time it was not He Shan's flying sword, but the black gold long sword in her hand!

Seeing the black gold long sword being bounced, He Shan's eyes lit up. The sword just flew out without any damage to the blade.

This hardness gave He Shan a look of surprise on his face. You must know that there was a crack on his own sword just after the collision.

"My sword is really strong, hehehe..."

He Shan changed his gesture, and the cracked long sword that flew out galloped toward the Sword Emperor's corpse again.

In the past few days while waiting to explore the overlapping area, He Shan spent fifteen tricky copper coins to train for his second ability.

The fifteen tricky copper coins made He Shanluo painful, but the effort was worth it.

Now using a sly copper coin, you can already control the long sword for two attacks.

Although in order to achieve this goal, the power of this attack has been reduced, but the accuracy has also been improved.

The sword king corpse clenched its silver teeth, holding the hilt of the black gold long sword in both hands, and swung it down at the flying sword.

This time she was prepared in her heart, and it seemed that some special moves were used, and He Shan's long sword broke directly.

After cutting off He Shan's sword, her arm trembled slightly. It was obvious that this sword was a heavy burden on her.

But He Shan is not in a hurry, he still has three long swords in his hand, and there are thirty-nine sly copper coins!


On the other side, Shan Shenwang's battle with the big pox corpse was also going on fiercely.

No, this is not called fighting, but chasing.

Shan Shenwang ran in front, while the big acne corpse was chasing behind.

The bigpox corpse wants to pass his bigpox toxin to Shan Shenwang's body, making him look like himself!

It's a pity that because of the pus on his body, his running speed is not fast, and the opponent does not attack him, and the ability of flesh and blood revenge cannot be activated.

Shan, who had been chased, looked deeply, and saw He Shan's battle over there with anxiety.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he stopped. Let's play

"Why, did you give up resisting?" The corpse corpse asked doubtfully.

Shan Shenwang looked at the big acne corpse and said helplessly: "If this continues, neither of us can win, so can you give up killing me and leave by yourself?"

The big pox corpse laughed grinningly: "No, you will only fail. Your physical strength is limited, and I can run like this for a day."

"Originally, I didn't want to use this ability... But my teammates are fighting hard, and I can't continue fishing here."

Shan Shenwang sighed, and yellow and white energy appeared on his body, and these energy finally formed a translucent alien beast head that completely enveloped him.

"The danger of your ability is that as long as you touch the pus, it will be poisoned, and if you use a ranged attack on you, the flesh and blood of your wound will also track the enemy."

"But in my opinion, you are actually very easy to deal with."

"As long as you don't let your pus touch me, I can attack unscrupulously."

He lowered his body and rushed towards the corpse with big pox. The head of the yellow and white animal outside his body opened his big, hideous mouth.

Looking at the menacing Shan Shenwang, the acne on the big acne corpse burst open, but when the pus was about to approach Shan Shenwang, the head of the alien beast was blocked outside, and the big acne corpse was directly hit by Shan Shenwang. Going out, the body hit the wall, leaving a pool of thick water on the wall.

The big acne corpse got up from the ground and looked at Shan Shenwang incredulously: "You have this ability, why didn't you use it just now?"

Shan Shenwang shook his head, he didn't want to explain his ability to anyone.

Even if the big acne corpse was about to die, he didn't want the big acne corpse to understand.

Holding the scimitar with one hand, he directly pierced the chest of the big acne corpse. The disgusting pus was blocked by the outer yellow and white head of the alien animal. With the big acne corpse's chest as the center, his flesh and blood melted quickly until A hole the size of a basketball melted into his chest.

Green lines appeared on the face of the corpse with big acne, unwilling to look at Shan deeply, and then lost consciousness.

Shan Shenwang's scimitar has a small hole inside, and he can store his venom in the small hole, and then release the venom when the scimitar cuts it.

"The battle on his side is very difficult, I shouldn't see my ability."

"I hope so..."


He Shan retracted his gaze to look at Shan Shenwang.

"My teammate is not easy. A Corgi head can appear outside the body."

"His name is Shan Shenwang. He didn't expect his ability to be related to dogs."

"This ability won't be the power of a single dog..."

Then he looked at the Sword Emperor's corpse who was kneeling aside. At this time, He Shan's long sword was inserted between the Sword Emperor's breast and abdomen. He knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

Two black gold long swords were inserted on the ground nearby, and there were some metal fragments beside her. Those were He Shan's three long swords.

In order to defeat the Sword Emperor's Corpse, He Shan shattered three long swords. In the end, the Sword Emperor's Corpse ran out of power and couldn't hold the hilt with both hands before being penetrated by He Shan's sword.

The sword king corpse said to He Shan: "You unexpectedly beat me...then you kill me quickly, you can take my crown, and you will be the new sword king in the future!"

He Shan rolled his He didn't lose his mind and wanted the title of King of Swords.

"I won't mention the title, I'm curious why you wear this armor."

The Sword Emperor's corpse immediately replied: "In order to improve the defensive ability."

The corners of He Shan's mouth twitched: "Bullshit, his belly is exposed, his chest is hollow, and the joints are not protected... If your armor is defensive, I might lose this time."

"That's not to affect the speed!" The Sword Emperor Corpse added.

He Shan was silent for two seconds: "In order not to affect the speed, shouldn't you not wear armor? If you go faster, I should also have a hard time winning."

The Sword Emperor's corpse fell into a long silence, and did not even respond to being taken into the spare decomposer.

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