Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 100: Quick Chicken Chef

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

He Shan walked to Shan Shenwang's side and hesitated looking at the disgusting corpse.

Do you want to take this thing away? In the field of disgusting people, big acne corpses are undoubtedly at the forefront. What if you break down some disgusting things?

"Brother, did you see anything just now?" Shan Shenwang asked tentatively.

He Shan shook his head and said, "I saw nothing but a Corgi head."

Shan Shen looked up at the sky, didn't you see everything!

"Speaking of what is going on with your ability, it looks quite strong, why didn't you use it in the first place?" He Shan asked curiously.

His ability is equivalent to a set of armor with no dead ends around his body, and this armor can greatly enhance his strength and speed. With his venom ability, it should be considered very strong in the first level. NS.

Shan Shenwang sighed: "Since you have seen it all, then I won't hide it anymore. My ability has side effects."

"My ability is called'Sacred Dog's Blessing'. This is actually my first ability..."

The original Shan Shenwang was a handsome guy in his twenties who worked in Lianhai City.

And his roommate is a forty-year-old bachelor.

Suddenly one day the overlapping area came to Shan Shenwang's residence, and Shan Shenwang's roommate turned into a huge monster dog due to the resentment caused by being single all the year round.

It's a pity that this monster dog is too big to be squeezed out of the room, and it is difficult to move. He directly looked at the door and hacked to death with a weapon a little bit, ending a miserable life.

After that, Shenwang alone gained the ability of ‘God Canine’s Blessing’, but while he gained this powerful ability, he also inherited the curse of his roommate.

Since then, he has become non-female, and every time he uses this ability, an invisible barrier will appear around him, which will isolate all women from his body. If you don’t use this ability for a long time, this The invisible barrier will disappear.

So after Shan Shenwang obtained the second ability, he insisted on using only the second ability.

After listening, He Shan looked at Shan Shen Wang with pity.

The side effects of this ability are really scary.

He Shan just doesn't want to find a girlfriend for the time being, and Shan Shenwang doesn't have the ability to find a girlfriend.

"Don't worry, I won't tell others about your ability. I will invite you to dinner when I have time."

Shan Shenwang is a man who can enjoy He Shan's delicacies. He Shan needs to have a good relationship with him. When there are new dishes in the future, someone will share with He Shan.

In the end, He Shan carefully put the corpse of the large-pox corpse into the spare decomposition warehouse. At any rate, it was a first-order monster and couldn't just be wasted.

"Next, let's go to Wang Mingze and the others. It is too dangerous to spread out in such a place."


Wang Mingze was panting heavily, and blood flowed from one arm.

Opposite him stood two Tier 1 monsters, a large sword corpse holding a giant sword and a siege corpse using a giant hammer.

These two corpses were both demonstrative players, and Wang Mingze was struggling to deal with them, but they were all over now.

The big sword corpse and the siege lion were stuck on the ground with countless bubbles and could not move.

While Wang Mingze supported these two monsters, Lu Shiyue fired sticky bubbles from the side, gradually weakening their combat effectiveness, and finally restrained both monsters.

Lu Shiyue put her hand on the ground, and gently spit out two words: "Ignite!"

All the bubbles sticking to the two monsters had flames on them at the same time, and the burning two monsters were in agony.

Then Wang Mingze picked up the giant sword of the big sword corpse and directly cut off the heads of these two monsters.

But before the two of them had time to breathe a sigh of relief, a foot like a chicken's feet suddenly kicked Wang Mingze on the back of his head, kicking him a few meters away.

This monster who sneaked on Wang Mingze was a fast chicken corpse!

Lu Shiyue was shocked and spit out bubbles at the Kuaiji corpse, but the straw she used to blow bubbles was directly cut off by a kitchen knife!

Then an iron pot hit her head and smashed it directly to faint. The one who appeared beside Lu Shiyue was the corpse of the cook.

On the other side, Kuaijishi held the giant hammer of the siege lion and broke Wang Mingze's hands and feet respectively.

The two of them have observed the battle for a long time, but they have not come out. Instead, they watched the big sword corpse and the siege corpse being killed.

Because for them, these two guys are also competitors, and death is only good for them.

This overlapping area does not require five generals, only two are sufficient.

Even if possible, the two of them do not need a domain master.

Then the kitchen corpse grabbed the legs of Wang Mingze and Lu Shiyue, and the chicken corpse picked up the corpses of the big sword corpse and the siege corpse, and the two came to a restaurant together.

This restaurant is located on the edge of the Hengyang Mountain House. It is called "Quick Chicken Little Chef". It is a restaurant that sells all kinds of chicken products.

The kitchen corpse turned out to be the owner of the restaurant, and Kuaiji corpse turned out to be the owner of the restaurant.

The chicken used in the restaurant is not bought from the market, but the native chicken raised by the proprietress in the chicken farm in the country.

After the proprietress killed chickens all the year round, which caused the overlapping area to appear, she became the same as she is now.

The reason why the two of them didn't kill Wang Mingze and Lu Shiyue for the time being, and they picked up two monster corpses because they were useful to them.

Low-level monsters like to swallow the bodies of high-level monsters, because this can make them stronger and even have a chance to gain the abilities of the devoured.

And one of the chef's abilities is to cook the corpses of monsters or magicians, which improves the chance of gaining abilities after swallowing the corpse.

The fresher the corpse, the higher the success rate. If it is alive before cooking, the probability of inheriting the ability is almost 100%.

Although because of the overlapping area levels, even if the ability is inherited, it cannot be promoted and used.

But as long as this overlapping area is upgraded, or the domain master dies, they can immediately increase their level, so every first-order monster's body is very precious to them.

Wang Mingze was full of despair. He originally chose this overlapping area to be safe, but he didn't expect this to be the most dangerous place he ever visited.

Now he can only pray and hope that the three of them can come and rescue them together, otherwise their fate will be extremely miserable.

After entering the restaurant, Wang Mingze was silent, because he saw Jin Xu being **** by five flowers, he was the first one to be arrested!

Only He Shanhe is left

Jin Xu looked at Wang Mingze and smiled awkwardly.

Before he entered the first-order overlapping area, he was most afraid of being caught by the monsters, but the reality was what he was afraid of. Jin Xu encountered the combined attack of two monsters and was finally captured by the kitchen corpse into the restaurant. A piece of food to be slaughtered.

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