Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 101: Metal body

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

The kitchen corpse started to burn oil, dancing with various kitchen utensils in excitement.

Before these humans appeared, his abilities had been useless.

Because of the territorial master's deterrence, they dare not hunt other Tier 1 monsters.

As soon as these humans invaded, they not only captured three first-order sorcerers, but also two first-order monster bodies.

Cook these corpses well and eat them in your stomach, and his strength will be raised to the limit of Tier 1, and if the domain owner dies or the overlapping area is upgraded, he will immediately be promoted to Tier 2.

As for his wife, Kuaijishi, when he is strong, he will find a way to kill.

He doesn't need to have other monsters, to share his abilities together.

"These three tricksters are all tempting. Which one should I choose first?"

The kitchen corpse picked and picked, and finally fell in love with Jin Xu.

When he captured Jin Xu, his ability made the corpse of the cook very much, and being able to absorb the damage and then transfer it out was a magical skill for a monster like him with strong vitality.

"Honey, which one do you want to eat first."

Although he had a ghost in his heart, the kitchen corpse still pretended to care about the corpse.

"I will eat this strong man. My speed is enough. If I have its power, I will become very strong."

Kuaijishi looked at Wang Mingze and licked her beak. She liked the strong man most.

The kitchen corpse threw Jin Xu on the chopping board and raised the kitchen knife to Jin Xu's neck. Wang Mingze closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the next scene.

The kitchen knife was swung down suddenly, making a sound of gold and iron, the kitchen knife of the kitchen corpse was bounced high, and his palm was numb.

"How can this be?"

I saw Jin Xu's body turned silver-gray, with a colorful halo on it, and the whole person was almost like a metal statue.

The kitchen knife of the kitchen corpse is a crafty prop, possessing extremely powerful cutting ability. When the idle stone is cut down, it will be cut in half. Jin Xu's girl won't move at all, only there is a tiny little on her neck. Mark of.

"I still don't believe it."

The corpse of the cook slashed frantically on Jin Xu's body. Sparks splashed around Jin Xu's body, but no matter how he chopped it, Jin Xu remained motionless.

Jin Xu's first ability is to transfer damage, and his second ability is'Metal Body'.

This ability is the body of metal in the literal sense, and he can fuse metal into his body by himself.

Then at the critical moment, the entire body, including the hair and the stool in the large intestine, are turned into this metal material.

This state can last for ten minutes. During these ten minutes, Jin Xu's defensive ability will be promoted to the extreme.

But... he can't move.

Not only can he not move, he will even lose his five senses.

Because he has become metal, and metal can't hear sounds, and can't see things.

When Jin Xu was exploring the overlapping area in the steel factory, he encountered a monster who was so stubborn that he was a metal body and wanted to avoid Jin Xu's pursuit.

So Jin Xu threw the monster that turned into a metal statue into the furnace, thus obtaining this ability.

Jin Xu was very inflated when he was promoted to the first rank, so he tested his ability in the overlapping area.

But unexpectedly, he turned into a metal statue as soon as he tested it, and then he was **** by other monsters who knew the monster's abilities.

After that, he endured a long period of torture, and finally became afraid of the overlapping area, and became the president of the sorcerer's mutual aid association outside.

Fortunately, Jin Xu bought the Curious Planet Metal at Suiyuan Shop.

After eating the metal of the treacherous planet, the metal statue he turned into was as hard as his fingers. If it was the original hardness, even the metal body would not be able to stop the crazy chopping of the kitchen corpse.

After hacking for eight or nine minutes, the kitchen corpse was finally tired, and Jin Xu's body was covered with small knife marks.

"I'll change my personality. If the brawny is chosen by my wife, then I can only have this chick."

The cook corpse looked at Lu Shiyue, threw Jin Xu off the chopping board, and then put Lu Shiyue on the chopping board.

"Jie Jie, this chick is pretty good too, and she won't have teeth like that iron tuo."

At this moment, Lu Shiyue woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she realized that she was like a pig who was about to be slaughtered, struggling violently.

But the cook corpse picked up the iron pan and smashed Lu Shiyue's head again, her body softened and she lost all her strength.

‘Single Charge! ’

The door of the restaurant was suddenly smashed by a yellow-white light, Shan Shen Wang rushed in and pushed the Kuaiji corpse aside. Three long swords stab the kitchen corpse at the same time, and the kitchen corpse hurriedly blocked these attacks with his iron pot. Down.

He Shan is holding a sly copper coin in his hand, which can be blocked by ordinary attacks on the kitchen corpse. Can he block the attacks blessed by the sly copper coin?

After defeating the Big Pox Corpse and the Sword Emperor Corpse, He Shan and the two searched in this overlapping area.

The edges of the overlapping area were all blocked by low-level monsters, so when they searched, they did not encounter obstacles. They easily found the corpse of the kitchen and the corpse of the fast chicken. When Lu Shiyue was about to be slaughtered, they suddenly violent Rushing in, caught these two monsters by surprise.

When the cook corpse saw the two of He Shan, he felt a bit in his heart.

Although he is also a first-order monster, his frontal combat ability is not strong.

In the face of these two fierce guys, he and Kuaijishi may not be able to win.

Then he looked at Jin Xu angrily. His cooking speed was very fast. If he hadn't spent too much time on Jin Xu, now he had the strength of the first-order pinnacle, how could he be afraid of these two gimmicks.

Normal hitting is definitely not enough, so the cook corpse put the knife on Lu Shiyue's neck.

"Stop, you go one step further, and I will cut this little girl's neck."

He Shan remained unmoved: "It's useless, compared to her life and death...I want to kill you more."

For Yaoyi, it's a different kind of hostages that don't need them, so when he attacked, He Shan thought that he might use Lu Shiyue as a hostage threat.

But he would not be threatened by the monster, because even if he compromised, the monster would not be able to put the hostage back, instead he might drag himself into the abyss.

"do not want……"

Wang Mingze wanted to persuade He Shan, but Shan Shenwang put his hand on his shoulder, and he sighed and stopped talking.

He is also an experienced sorcerer, although he loves Lu Shiyue deeply, but he knows what to do at this time.

At this time, only a strong attitude can save people back. The monsters are not robbers, and they have no credibility at all.

From the fact that the corpse of the cook blocked his sword's movement, He Shan was sure that the corpse of the cook could not block his attack with the sly copper coin.

As long as He Shan's attack on the corpse of the cook is fast enough and powerful enough, he can force the corpse of the cook to choose between killing Lu Shiyue and protecting herself, so that Lu Shiyue has at least one-half of the survival rate.

At this tense moment, no one noticed that Jin Xu, who had been maintaining the state of the metal statue, suddenly recovered from the state of metal and stretched his hand to the ankle of the kitchen corpse.

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