Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 106: He Shan's Hunt

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

He Shan put the corpse away and hummed a small tune happily.

This is the strongest domain owner he has ever encountered, and the one that is the easiest to deal with.

"I don't know what this product can break down. Seeing his hair is so lush, there must be a hair growth potion."

Then He Shan returned to Kuaiji Xiaochu, walked to Shan Shenwang's side, and touched his neck. Although he looked miserable, he was at least alive.

Then He Shan sent Shan Shenwang into the basement, then simply laid out the scene and walked onto the street.

In this overlapping area, there are more than a hundred monsters with fast speed and strong bodies.

In this case, He Shan wanted to bring four teammates out of the overlapping area, not as simple as in Lishuwa.

So He Shan simply didn't take it with him. Compared with rushing out forcibly, he had another way.

That is to call someone from the Anomaly Management Bureau to come to rescue.

Under normal circumstances, if the sorcerer encounters difficulties in the overlapping area, no one will come to the rescue.

As a result, in each overlapping area, as long as the domain owner is still alive, there are different rules, and rashly entering may be unexpectedly dangerous.

Secondly, it takes a certain amount of time to mobilize the rescue force. It is very likely that after the rescue force arrives, everyone will be dead.

Thirdly, if this kind of rescue becomes routine, it will not only require a high level of manpower and material resources, but it will also make the sorcerer reliant on it, making it impossible to achieve the purpose of using the overlapping area to train the sorcerer.

Therefore, only in one situation, the sorcerer trapped in the overlapping area can call for rescue.

That is, under the premise that the domain owner has been eliminated, the schemist who can temporarily guarantee their own safety, but cannot leave the overlapping area, is qualified to call the anomaly management bureau for rescue.

In Lishuwa, He Shan didn't call for rescue because his condition was already very bad and there was no place to hide in Lishuwa. If they stayed in the overlapping area for a long time, they would be wiped out.

But in Hengyang Mountain Residence, there are no such problems.

He Shan stretched a lazy waist and looked into the distance.

There was already a vaguely mysterious figure, approaching towards the center of the Hengyang Mountain Residence.

Without the shackles of the domain owner, these monsters can do anything.

What He Shan had to do was to attract the attention of the strangers during the time when the rescue team came, so that they could not trouble the wounded.

"Then how should I show my sense of existence?" He Shan grinned: "Of course I am going to attack these monsters!"

So He Shan started his hunting operation.

There are two main targets of his attack.

The first is the monsters who seem to be rich, and he wants to search for the mysterious copper coins in the hands of these monsters.

The second category is the monsters that can be decomposed and useful.

For example, it may decompose a good pronucleus, a monster with special abilities, such as a beautiful girl who can decompose something like the emerald queen pillow, or a weapon in a hand, which may decompose a monster with a special weapon.

These monsters are all He Shan's goals. There is such a large venue here, and his hunting will be wasted if he doesn't enjoy it.

A corpse with a dog's nose was strange, crawling on the ground like a spider.

There was an expression of excitement on the dog-nosed monster face.

His ability is to strengthen the sense of smell. This auxiliary ability makes his fighting ability only the hard body and claws that every corpse monster has, and the strength is considered the lowest level among all the monsters.

After the death of the domain master, this sharp claw and hard corpse continued to degenerate.

But because of this ability that is not suitable for combat, he has found what other monsters dream of.

He smelled wounded humans and dead high-level monster corpses!

Now there is no domain owner in this overlapping area. As long as he eats those humans and corpses, he may advance to a high-level monster and become the new owner in this overlapping area.

"Three men, one woman..."

"One meat is very chewy, one is all lean, one is poisonous and cannot be eaten, and the other is smooth and delicate. Just smelling this taste makes me drool."

"In the entire overlapping area, only I can find these people. No one will be ahead of me. I'm going to develop!"

The dog nose crawled with excitement, and suddenly a black and gold long sword prodded in front of him.

He Shan played a long sword with a red light in his eyes, and approached the monster step by step.

The dog nose monster was like falling into an ice cave, he felt the smell of blood in He Shan's body.

The smell of blood comes from the domain owner in this overlapping area, which means that the domain owner was killed by this man!

And this man doesn't seem to be injured, how strong is he!

However, the dog-nosed monster is not strong in nature, and because of the death of the domain master, his strength has dropped a lot, and he hasn't had some of the effects that come with this overlapping area.

He knew that he faced this man like an ant!

"Your nose looks good and it seems to cause some trouble, so I can't keep you."

He Shan’s long sword hit the dog-nose monster’s neck. Com asked before cutting off his head: "Do you know, which one is the most beautiful monster in this overlapping area?"

"It's the Sword Emperor Corpse!"

The dog nose replied immediately.

He Shan raised his eyebrows, and this monster was so courageous: "I've caught the Sword Emperor's corpse. Let's change another one."

Dog nose looked at He Shan in surprise, and he suddenly realized what He Shan was doing.

This human has a heavy taste, and the corpse plus the monster double buff, can't stop his perverted desire.

There are a lot of human beauties outside, why stare at these poor monsters?

The dog-nose monster hesitated for a while: "That may only be the beauty of the corpse. When the overlapping area appeared, she put on herself a makeup, and then she was beautiful to death."

He Shan was stunned.

He thought about it for nearly half a minute, but he didn't understand what the concept of being killed by beauty was.

"I'm so handsome, I didn't even say that I was so handsome. How big is this lady who can make myself beautiful."

He Shan complained and was about to kill the dog-nosed monster. The dog-nosed monster felt He Shan’s killing intent and immediately said to He Shan: “I can take you to find her. My nose is very good. Find what you want!"

"Yeah, it's on the road."

He Shan patted the head of a dog with a strange dog's nose. It was the first time he saw such a good communication with the strange dog.

He took out an iron chain from the spare decomposition area and tied it to the dog-nosed monster's neck.

So in this gloomy, dark purple cemetery-like overlapping area, an extremely abnormal scene appeared.

A man in a black coat, holding a chain in his hand, at the end of the chain is a man lying on the ground, smelling like a dog...

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