Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 107: Rescue Team

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Mo Shuiwen sat in front of an antique mirror, admiring her beauty.

Now that the Sword Emperor Corpse is dead, she is the most beautiful monster in this overlapping area.

Mo Shuiwen likes to appreciate her beauty more than looking for humans.

After all, she was beautifully killed by herself.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that death is beautiful. The reason why there is such a ridiculous method of death is all because of the special mirror in front of me.

Mo Shuiwen is a senior beautician and earns a lot of money. This mirror is a makeup mirror that she bought heavily.

At the moment when the overlapping area appeared, the mirror changed and turned into a special trick.

All those who look in the mirror will see themselves in the mirror, as they are.

Then this mirror will compete for looks.

If the person outside the mirror is more beautiful than the person in the mirror, he will be attacked by the mirror.

And on the day Mo Shuiwen died, she just painted herself a delicate makeup, so as soon as the mirror turned into a trick, she killed the original owner.

After Mo Qingshui turned into a corpse and came back, she didn't dare to put makeup on herself because of this mirror, so her appearance was always crushed by the Sword Emperor's corpse.

"Today's appreciation is complete, and I should also look for those humans. After eating those humans, I can greatly increase my strength."

"There are ugly guys out there, no one can beat me except the first-order monsters."

"So I should be the most beautiful queen in this overlapping area!"

Maybe because she was killed by beauty, after she became a monster, she gained a similar ability to that of a mirror.

When she encounters an enemy, she will compete with the enemy in appearance.

As long as she wins, the enemy's damage to her will be halved, and her damage to the enemy will be doubled.

Suddenly Mo Shuiwen heard the voice of two men discussing outside her door.

"Are you sure it's right here."

"Yes, my respected concubine master, that narcissistic woman should be looking in the mirror inside."

After the conversation, a sharp sword smashed the door lock, and a man in a black trench coat kicked in.

He Shan stared at Mo Shuiwen, looked up and down, and nodded gently.

This woman's appearance is still eye-catching, hoping to break down something interesting.

For example, pillows, bedside lamps, keyboards and mice...

He Shan looked at Mo Shuiwen's eyes, as if he was looking at an object. He looked at the monster Mo Shuiwen with straight hair in his heart.

The scene in front of me is like a perverted man who broke into a girl's home in the middle of the night...

"Competition for beauty!"

Mo Shuiwen mobilized her abilities against He Shan.

A phantom mirror kept spinning between the two of them, and finally the mirror stopped in He Shan's direction, which meant that He Shan had won the judgment.

Mo Shuiwen covered her mouth and exclaimed, how could a human man look better than her?

It must be makeup!

She immediately raised her deceitful mirror, letting He Shan's figure into it.

Then this mirror showed a clean look without makeup.

No sloppy hair, no fine stubble, no dark circles caused by staying up late.

He Shan squeezed his chin and looked in the mirror and exclaimed: "Is this man actually me, tusk tusk, when I was a young man, it seemed really handsome and unreasonable."

Then He Shan felt that a wave of power came from the mirror, making his strength stronger.

Mo Shuiwen's face was full of resentment. Not only did this man pass the judgment, he was also blessed by this mirror because his appearance was uglier than he should be!

"I'm going to ruin your face!"

She madly attacked He Shan, she had been fed up with someone with a higher value than her.


The toilet brush hit Mo Shuiwen's face all at once, causing her to fall to the ground immobile, and He Shan pulled one leg into the spare decomposition chamber.

He Shan picked up the mirror with a smile on his face. This is a good thing. Although the strength of the blessing is not high, it can also improve his fighting ability.

"You have found a beautiful monster. Next, go find your favorite monster here for money."


He Shan was very active in this overlapping area, attracting all the monsters' eyes.

In this way, the time passed by one minute after another, and then a loud noise came, and the gate of the overlapping area was directly knocked open.

It was an armored car painted with gray digital color blocks!

One after another armored vehicles drove into the Hengyang mountain dwelling. The monsters smelled the smell of strangers, and rushed to these armored vehicles like Tai Ritian who had been suppressed for a long time.

The muzzle of the black hole protruded from the armored car, and the heavy machine gun on the roof also aimed at these monsters, and all the weapons fired at the same time.

One by one, the corpses looked extremely weak in front of these weapons, and some were even torn to pieces by bullets.

Standing on the top of a tall building, He Shan snatched a purse from a fat corpse demon. He looked at the contents and smiled with satisfaction.

Then he took out his binoculars and admired the charm of killing weapons developed by mankind.

No man dislikes armored vehicles, if there is...

That is, he has a tank.

Without the overlapping area of ​​the domain master, the monsters have become more vulnerable than before, and they appear vulnerable to human weapons.

Modern thermal weapons are unparalleled killers in low-level overlapping areas. As long as there is no interference from the domain owner, the army can even clear all low-level overlapping areas within a few days.

Only this will cut off the path of advancement for sorcerers, so there is no large-scale cleanup of low-level overlapping areas.

He Shan came to the door of Kuaiji Xiaochu, took out a flare gun from the spare decomposition warehouse, fired a flare, and then walked into the basement to carry out the injured teammates one by one.

The heavily armed members of the Operational Division of the Anomaly Management Bureau sent several injured conspirators into the car.

A man in white clothes jumped out of the car and stretched out his hand to He Shan.

This man is Zhi Yuezheng. In order to prevent accidents, the rescue team will never consist of a pure army of ordinary people, as well as sorcerers of the second division of action.

"So you killed the domain owner again this time"

Zhiyue was looking at He Shan, and said in a surprised tone.

"It's just good luck, just to restrain this guy." He Shan said modestly.

But Zhi Yuezheng didn't think that He Shan was just lucky.

After parting with He Shan last time, he went to check He Shan's information, and the result was simply shocking to him.

He Shan explored the overlapping area three times, and he killed the domain master every time.

And from the intelligence point of view, He Shan is the absolute main force in every death of the domain master.

Last time he fought side by side with He Shan, he still wondered why Shan was a Tier 1 Sorcerer with many battles, but he didn't expect that He Shan at that time was just a newcomer who had just been promoted to a Tier 1 Sorcerer.

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