Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 127: Jellyfish Salad

He Shan observed for a while and found that this monster had no other means. It seemed that it was not this fat fish monster who dragged him into this room.

So he held his fingers virtual, and the few leaves hidden in the mouth of the angelic demon all instantly turned into long swords.

The sharp blades pierced from the cheeks, eyes, and the center of the top of the head. The scene was quite bloody.攫攝攫

The **** long sword turned into leaves again, and all the dirt on it fell to the ground.

"Now, this'girl in red ghost' has been resolved."

"So what are the other three'ghosts'?"

He Shan sneered. After learning that the ghosts here were all pretending to be monsters, his courage became sufficient.

"But I still have to join my teammates as soon as possible. It is too dangerous to act alone in overlapping areas, but where am I now."

The fishy smell in this overlapping area is too strong, and a lot of information is obscured.

At this moment, He Shan found that the wall on one side was lit up.

"Hey, Big Mouth Fish, you should have already solved that human being. We are going to start pulling the second one in."

"Big mouth fish?"

No response was heard. In the illuminated wall, there was a pale palm first, and then a woman's head.

The woman glanced around in the room, but she didn't see He Shan, nor the demon, she suddenly became puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, she realized that something must have happened to the Angler Demon, so she wanted to retract into the wall.

But at this moment, a palm stretched out from the side, grabbed her neck, pulled her out of the wall, and threw it to the ground.

"Hehe, it seems that you should be the one who dragged me into this room."

The woman's complexion changed drastically. She didn't expect that the Angler Yaoyi not only failed, but the human being was still unscathed.

Her hands and feet glowed, and she wanted to get into the wall again, but He Shan's four long swords flew out at the same time, cutting off her limbs in an instant.

Without her limbs, her movements stopped abruptly.

Her broken limbs fell on the ground and began to melt quickly, and there was no blood flowing out of the wounds on her limbs, and it had begun to heal.

However, she is not healing fast, so He Shan can still observe her calmly.

"It turns out that you scared me in the wall just now. I thought it was really a ghost in white."

"It should be a jellyfish monster, tusk tusk,"

He Shan touched his chin and looked at the monster.

The jellyfish demon without limbs looked a bit delicate.

Originally, she had white clothes with shimmering light on her body, but it was not actually clothes, but the jellyfish skin that came with her.

And her ability, and the important source of light on her body, are above her hands and feet.

So after the hands and feet are gone, these clothes no longer glow, but become translucent jellyfish skin.

She is one of the four guards of the ‘devil jellyfish’.巘戅戅

The two abilities are ‘through walls’ and ‘water jet propulsion’.

The ability to go through walls, as the name suggests, is that she and the things she is holding with her hands can go through the walls.

Propelling with water spray can consume part of the water in her body, allowing her to move at high speed.

She used these two abilities to force He Shan away from his teammates.

The two abilities of the jellyfish monster are not aggressive, so her combat ability is very weak, and she is mainly responsible for pretending to be gods and ghosts.

He Shan took out the chili powder and some other seasonings, placed them in front of the jellyfish Yaoyi, and then began to cut the translucent jellyfish skin outside the jellyfish Yaoyi's body.

Although He Shan looked like he was forcibly destroying other people's clothes, every cut he cut was the flesh and blood of a jellyfish monster.

The jellyfish demon burst into tears, shaking and saying to He Shan: "What are you doing, please be happy if you want to kill me!"

"Oh, I'm making cold jellyfish, by the way, if I want to find my teammate, where should I go?"

"Also, what are you doing here?"

In He Shan's view, these four monsters are not so much defending against foreign invasions as they are guarding other things.

It may be the domain owner, or it may be something else.

So He Shan wanted to find this monster and ask clearly.

The jellyfish demon Yi strongly endured the pain and refused, "I am not a jellyfish, I am a jellyfish, and I will not tell you, you will all die in this haunted house!"

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "Well then, I will continue."

Until He Shan mixed a portion of jellyfish skin, this jellyfish monster would rather die than surrender. Seeing He Shan got a pot of jellyfish skin, the jellyfish monster breathed a sigh of relief.

Jellyfish are jellyfish, but not all jellyfish.

There are tiny stinging cells on the jellyfish’s tentacles. If they are touched by the jellyfish’s tentacles, they will be stung by the stinging cells and release toxins.

The sting cells on Jellyfish Yaoyi's body have completely degenerated, so she can't sting, but all her toxins are in her skin. As long as this guy eats the cold jellyfish made from her skin, she will definitely die.

However, what she didn't expect was that after He Shan stirred up a delicious jellyfish skin, he dumped the jellyfish skin directly and continued to cut it on her body.

"What are you doing! Since you don't plan to eat, why do you have to stab me?" The jellyfish demon cried and asked He Shan.

He Shan smiled slightly: "I'm just practicing my cooking skills. Let's go on. The speed of your regeneration seems to be exactly the same as the speed of my cutting... By the way, are you going to answer my question now?"

Jellyfish Yaoyi's psychological defense finally collapsed completely. She could bear it once, but could not bear it a second time.

"I said, I said all!"


The ground is full of minced meat, and the huge bug has been cut into pieces.

This is actually an alienated Bobit insect with an extremely hard body that can move freely in the soil.

It is the most powerful one of the four monsters in the haunted house, so his task is to contain Pauly Shoopjie and others.

But it still overestimated its own It was in the process of shuttle, accidentally hitting Xiaopujie's body and blowing a kiss, and was eventually killed by everyone.

After seeing this scene, he didn't want to perform any tasks anymore, but hurriedly ran towards the center of the haunted house.

It is a spider, crab, monster, and the carapace on the back looks like a distorted human face.

Everyone followed behind it and gradually approached the center of the haunted house.

There is a huge room here. In the center of the room is a black coffin which is erected, with chains wrapped around it.

The spider crab monster climbed onto the coffin and used his own key to unlock the lock on the chain, and looked at Xiaopujie and others who were chasing him with a sneer.

"Invaders, I am not your opponent, but this guy...will give you a taste of fear!"

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