Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 128: Territory Sea Xian

"The smell of fear?"

As soon as the spider crab monster said this, Zhiyue was waiting for the six people, and they all became nervous.

Because the one tied to this coffin is likely to be the domain owner in this overlapping area.

Although their six first-order sorcerers are added together, they will not be afraid of a domain master in a second-level overlapping area, but He Shan's disappearance before cast a shadow on their hearts, and there is more overlap in this overlapping area. Some caution.

The coffin opened slowly, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Everyone is ready to attack the things in the coffin at any time.攫攝攫


The lid of the coffin fell to the ground with nothing inside.

All of a sudden, the expression of the spider crab was stiff.

"Impossible, he has always been here, he shouldn't be able to get out!"

The disappearance of the things in it not only means the failure of the spider crab monster, but also means that he has no means to counter the people of Xiaopjie and others.

In the previous battle, he had been seriously injured, and it was extremely difficult to escape here, and now he has no ability to escape anymore.

Xiaopjie rolled up his sleeves, and a heart of love appeared on him and the spider crab monster at the same time, and then an arrow pierced from the spider crab monster to Xiaopujie’s side, and the power came from the spider monster. Flowed to Chopjie.

With soaring strength, Xiaopujie rushed to the spider crab Yaoyi's body and kicked him out.

"You still dare to scare Lao Tzu, and the smell of fear, do you know how to write the word fear?"

The spider crab Yaoyi looked at his paws, and it seemed that he really couldn't write.

But whether you can write is not important now.

The attacks of other magicians also hit the spider crab Yaoyi's body, and his consciousness disappeared invisible.

Bao Lily walked to the coffin and sniffed it lightly.

"In this coffin, there are many flavors, like stacking different kinds of seafood together. It seems that there was something here before."

"These four monsters should be to guard this thing."

Zhiyue was using the crescent blade to chop the coffin and the iron chain separately, and there were only shallow traces on them.

"These two things are very sturdy. It should be to prevent the things in the coffin from coming out, so that the monsters here can take so much trouble, and only the domain master."

"But how did he escape from this coffin, and where did he go now?"


There are many doors in this haunted house, but most of these doors require a specific key to open.

He Shan tried to find the key, but he quickly became impatient, waved the reduced version of the city breaker, and smashed it all the way.

One of the effects of the reduced version of the City Breaking Hammer is that when facing the door, the damage is increased by 200%. He Shan only needs a strong hammer to smash the door lock directly.

He is moving in the direction of the teammates that the jellyfish Yaoyi said.

Even if his strength is enough to deal with most of the dangers here, he still wants to rendezvous with his teammates as soon as possible.

It is very dangerous to act alone in overlapping areas.

But when He Shan rushed to the place where he was just now, he only saw the worm fragments all over the floor, and a man lying on the ground, gnawing on the corpses of these worms.

This was a bald man wearing only trousers. Although the smell of fish prevented He Shan from perceiving, He Shan still felt an invisible pressure on this man, which made him feel his scalp numb.

The corpse of the huge insect was full of green fishy internal organs. He Shan felt sick when he looked at it, but this man was able to swallow without any psychological obstacles.

As the number of devoured corpses increased, the appearance of this man began to become weird.

On top of his bald head, hair began to grow.

No, this is not hair.

It was eight tentacles that kept squirming. These tentacles had grown to several meters in length, and his two ears had become longer tentacles, and the tips of the ears had become spiked wrists and feet.

His skin began to darken, and fish-like scales grew. These scales were shining with metallic luster and looked harder than those on Wan's body.

In the end, the man's left hand turned into a huge crab claw, and a shell-like shield grew out of his right arm.

The man's change speed was extremely fast. When He Shan realized that something was wrong, he had already completed all the changes, stood up from the ground, and stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth. Reading and Reading Pens

"Human, I want to thank you, if you didn't invade here, I wouldn't find a chance to escape."

He Shan's heart shuddered. The fishy smell in the overlapping area not only inhibited the sorcerer’s perception, but even the perception of the monsters became dull. Among all the monsters He Shan encountered, there was only this The guy saw at a glance that he was a human.

"Since you can find this place, then you may have heard my name. I am the domain master here... I am the fairy of the sea. You can call me the sea fairy."

Haixian showed a gentle smile: "Thank you for what I have already thanked, but I just got out of trouble and I am still a little hungry. I wonder if you can help me fill my stomach?"

He Shan was silent for a moment: "I just made cold jellyfish. If you don't like it, you can go to that room to find it."

He Shan is the least willing to face this situation now.

The reason why he was eager to rendezvous with his teammates was that he didn't want to encounter some things that he couldn't handle.

But he didn't expect what he was worried about, and he would really come.

Even let him meet the domain master when he was alone.

Haixian shook his head and said, "Jellyfish skin...No, you are what I want to eat!"

"All the time, you humans have taken us aloft as food!"

"Polluting, fishing, eating, viewing, breeding, and even crushing our bodies as feed for other creatures..."

He Shan raised his eyebrows: "You think this is unfair, so you want to destroy humans and avenge the dead seafood?"

Haixian's argument reminded He Shan of some extreme animal protectors before the overlapping areas appeared.

But those people disappeared after the overlapping area appeared.

"Why revenge?"

Haixian denied He Shan's statement: "This world has always been the weak and the strong ~ It is only natural that the weak and the weak are dominated by the strong."

"Sharks eat big fish, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps, dried shrimps eat..."

He Shan rolled his eyes: "Do you want to keep talking about Paramecium?"

Haixian shook his head: "In short, I think human beings are doing the right thing."

"But now..."

Haixian opened his mouth. There were rows of teeth in his mouth, like a lamprey.

"My relationship with humans has been reversed. It is me who is stronger now, so now it should be cultivated in the sea, watched, eaten, tortured... it is you humans!"

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