Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 163: First resident

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

"In the future, can I live here?"

After Li Yuansheng left, Luo Shan suddenly asked He Shan.

"In the store? No way." He Shan flatly refused.

Luo Shan shook his head: "No, I mean, I want to live in this'Suiyuan Town' you mentioned."

He Shan raised his eyebrows, then smiled and nodded: "Of course it can."

Luo Shan took a step back, with a relaxed look on his face.

After listening to the conversation between He Shan and Li Yuansheng, Luo Shan had the idea of ​​settling down in the small town of Suiyuan.

He is thirty-four years old this year, but he has not had a stable residence yet.

Because he has no sense of security, in this era, a stable residence is a very luxurious thing.

Even if you spend more thoughts and emotions for your own residence, you may end up in nothing because of overlapping areas.

As a detective known as an extrajudicial fanatic, Luo Shan has been wandering outside for many years, and it is time to find a place for himself.

However, even so, Luoshan will not live in this Suiyuan town.

He will not give up his career as a detective. After all, he is born to be a person who likes to pursue excitement. Dealing with cases caused by some weird things can make him feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

"By the way, when you came here before, you used something similar to a detector to see my shop, did you find anything?"

When Luo Shan was moved by himself, He Shan asked suddenly.

Luo Shan took out his detector, which he bought from other city anomaly bureaus.

As used by Li Yuansheng and others, the deflection value and pollution value of the corresponding position can be detected.

"Can you lend me a look?"

Luo Shan didn't think much, and directly handed the detector to He Shan's hand.

He Shan took the detector and played with it for a while.

This is a good thing, useful when exploring overlapping areas.

But the price of this thing is very scary, if He Shan, a Tier 1 sorcerer, wants to buy it.

The price is 100,000 yuan, no discount.

This is more expensive than He Shan's current house, and only a high-level sorcerer can be discounted.

However, it is said that the manufacture of the detector requires the use of high-level overlapping materials, and it seems that it also consumes tricky coins. Now the price for tricksters is already sold at a fair price.

He Shan turned around, and then moved his finger slightly.

The entire Suiyuan shop suddenly revealed an extremely terrifying atmosphere.

Luo Shan, who was standing behind He Shan, suddenly felt that he had become extremely small.

A thing higher than a mountain and larger than the ocean stood in front of him.

The Great Burial Town of the Fifth World Reincarnation that made him feel depressed before, compared to this thing, looked like a bigger ant.

He scattered his perception, trying to find the source of this anomaly, but he didn't notice anything.

This strange feeling made Luo Shan a little breathless, his breathing began to accelerate, and cold sweat flowed down.

But this feeling only lasted for two or three seconds, and then stopped. Everything was calm, and he even felt a little warm.

He Shan turned around and put the detector in Luo Shan's hands blankly.

In fact, now, his heart is panicked.

In just a few seconds, he saw the numbers on the detector.

This is the first time that He Shan has a relatively clear understanding of the power of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

As long as he is in the Suiyuan Shop, He Shan is very powerful, very powerful.

Even then, invincible!

But why did he panic again, because he noticed that the power he used to beat Cang Lian before...

It seems a bit too much!

Luo Shan didn't ask what was happening just now, he was a self-knowing person.

That feeling made him happy, because it meant that Suiyuan Town would be safe in the future.

Next, he took a brief look at the Suiyuan shop and bought some sundries such as acne cream and butter.

Then I bought four ink smoke bombs. Luo Shan's work would inevitably offend people. It is extremely necessary to have a few such smoke bombs.

The second one he bought was the one that was broken down from the "dog nose monster" before, "the sense of smell of the beast."

This thing is actually like a mask in the shape of a dog's nose, which is ugly to wear.

But this is very useful for Luo Shan's work, he can find suspects or objects more easily.


After Luo Shan left, He Shan nodded looking at the empty shop.

Then he pulled up the curtain in the middle of the shop and took out a small doll from his pocket.

This is jade.

In order to get her out of the funeral town of the fifth reincarnation, He Shan turned her into a doll.

After all, the ritual power directly affects the brain, and the little doll has no brains.

As for why the jade was released now...

The clothes won't grow bigger or smaller with her, although she can cover it with leaves, but there is a time lag in the generation of leaves.

Luo Shan and those old men don't even want to take a look, only He Shan can see this picture.

(Nor for readers!)

Jade sat up blankly, this time she didn't even notice the current situation.

The energy flow slowed by more than one He Shan observed for a while, waved in front of her eyes, and she immediately reacted.

"So this is ah……"

Jade's expression became vivid, and his body was instantly covered with a lot of leaves.

She didn't have the protection of Heshan's power, so she remembered what happened before when she woke up.

It turns out that she is a monster.

Now, she is a special life created by the power of the random shop.

But whether it was before or now.

She has never really lived as an ordinary person.

In the fifth reincarnation, she spent ten years, growing from a baby to a ten-year-old girl.

She has parents, friends, and teachers, even though those experiences are not so good.

But for her, it is precious.

After at least this time, her strange habits have been somewhat weakened, while the human part has become more.


When Li Yuansheng returned to the office, Yin Wushuang was lying on the sofa, nibbling on the snacks Li Yuansheng had brought from Suiyuan Shop.

"He didn't tell me the details, but what is certain is that the matter has been completely resolved now."

"However, he modified the ceremony, turning the area of ​​the Fengren Street into a ‘safe zone’ where force cannot be used."

"He wants to let the magicians come to live, what do you think of this matter."

Yin Wushuang wiped the residue from his mouth, still unfinished.

But this is after all the snacks that Li Yuansheng has carefully hid, and she hasn't eaten them all at once.

She waved a big hand at Li Yuansheng: "Of course it is to satisfy him!"

"And in the future, you will try to interfere as little as possible in the affairs of the shop."

"It's okay to have him come and serve him."

"You can even think of him as..."


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