Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 164: Decomposition continues

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

Li Yuansheng frowned: "This is not a trivial matter such as removing defenses. In case it was his disguise before, his real purpose is to gather a large number of sorcerers and kill us all..."

Yin Wushuang smiled: "I might have thought the same about half an hour ago, but now I don't think these are necessary."

She handed her mobile phone to Li Yuansheng, which was a photo with the word top secret printed on the upper left corner.

After seeing this photo, Li Yuansheng was stunned.

I saw the content on that photo was a blood red overlapping area.

In the center of the overlapping area, there is a huge pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters. No one knows how deep the pit is.

"This photo is top secret, and it was sent to me just now."

"I talked to the top about the blood-colored light beam, and immediately sent me this photo."

"The time of the scene in the photo, before the black cover just disappeared."

Li Yuansheng was taken aback for a moment: "You mean, this was done by the store manager Suiyuan?"

Yin Wushuang nodded: "It should be him."

"A colleague of mine, ascertained that this overlapping area is a stronghold of the old religious group."

"Just when I entered this overlapping area and wanted to completely destroy this place, such an event happened. Fortunately, he hadn't gotten deep at the time, otherwise he would be involved."

Yin Wushuang walked to Li Yuansheng and patted him on the shoulder.

"There are some things in this world that we cannot touch no matter how hard we try."

"Li Zhou's'Devil God' is like this, and maybe the manager of Suiyuan Xiaopu is like this."

"Until we find a way to deal with these guys, the only thing we can do is to wait and see what happens."

After speaking, she disappeared in front of Li Yuansheng.

Li Yuansheng sighed, walked to the ground where he hid the snacks, and sighed again.

"She really didn't eat less."


"Since you are awake, let's change clothes and go to work."

He Shan showed the same face as Zhou Peipi: "It's messed up by those guys outside, get these things clean as soon as possible."

When Jade went to work, He Shan followed the second half of the Yuan Shop to prepare for the next decomposition.

Before Li Yuansheng bought crab auxiliary feet and flexible body pronucleus, a total of twenty-five copper coins.

Li Tao bought a high-pressure water gun and a combat state pronuclear, and also spent 25 tricky copper coins.

In addition to Luo Shan's consumption here just now, He Shan now has a total of sixty wicked copper coins in his hands, which can dissolve the rest of the monsters.

He snapped his fingers smartly, and four corpses and a slim woman in white were hung on the ceiling.

The four corpses were the Dragon Blind Swordsman, Dahao Jiejinado, Bayu Yu Wan, and the Angelfish.

And the pretty girl in white clothes is a monster, it's a jellyfish.

It is a pity that the jellyfish demon is different, and was kept in the spare decomposition warehouse for a period of time, and most of the injuries on her body have recovered.

The clothes on her body are actually a special layer of jellyfish skin, which emits a shimmering light when there is energy, and is translucent when there is no energy.

"It's a pity, it looks better like that."

He Shan shook his head, then looked viciously at'Ba Yu' Yu Wan.

Ba Yu was covered with black fish scales, and there was a big hole under his lower abdomen and lower waist, which was broken by his own ‘dominant’.

This guy's ‘dominant’ almost fainted He Shanxi.

Among all the monsters in Binhai Park, Yu Wan is what He Shan hates the most-none!

So this guy was the first to be shattered by the decomposer. He Shan felt very happy watching him break into dregs little by little.


After a crisp sound, the decomposition is complete.

The jade is cleaning, and He Shan can only do it himself.

Yu Wan's flesh and blood cubes are a bit small, and it seems that his body utilization is quite high.

In addition to the flesh cube, there are four other things.

The first one is fifty portions, quick-frozen Spanish mackerel dumplings. It seems that the fish meat from Wan is all used in these dumplings.

He Shan was quite responsive to things like monster dumplings stuffed with meat at first, but he had been really fragrant more than once.

So he kept ten copies for himself, and kept the rest for sale. The price of each bag of dumplings was forty yuan.

Although the dumplings are not spicy, He Shan can make his own spicy dipping sauce.

The second thing is ten bottles of mouthwash.

Items: Fresh breath mouthwash

Remarks: Even if your mouth is as ugly as ‘dominant’, after using this mouthwash, it will become extremely fresh, and you can babble with your lover without any scruples!

Price: 200 yuan a bottle!

He Shan curled his mouth, why not wash his feet? He really wanted to use it for Xiaopjie.

The remaining two things are all related to the energy of trickery.

They are a pronucleus and forty black scales.

Item: Overlord Pronucleus

Remarks: Using this pronucleus, you can gain the power of the supremacy, will not make yourself move due to other people's attacks, and can rebound the force that can cause you to move back.

Price: fifteen pronuclear

The appearance of this pronucleus is a black translucent crystal with a black fish scale inside.

"This pronuclear ability is suitable for some defensive magicians, as for me..."

He Shan imagined that using this ability to resist the enemy's attack by himself, it was simply chilling.

The next item was the black scales. These black scales were originally the armor that Yu Wan wore on his body, but now there are only forty complete scales left.

These scales are sold as trickery materials, and their hard materials can be used to forge hard weapons.

"Who will be the second one."

He Shan looked up and finally chose Longblind Swordsman.

The order in which he breaks down the monsters is generally the most annoying first, and the most anticipated last.

Therefore, the blind swordsman who had never fought with He Shan became He Shan's second target.

His body is still intact. Zhiyue used ice to freeze him to death. It should be fresh when placed on seafood.

So He Shan decomposes him quickly, otherwise the degraded lobster will be decomposed, which can only be thrown into the trash can outside.

By the way, someone cleaned up the trash can outside.

The Anomaly Management Bureau will regularly clean up the surrounding area of ​​Suiyuan Shop.

The big pit caused by Ability God's flesh and blood is estimated to be at most two days, and the people of the abnormal management bureau can fill it, and the blood stains will be removed as soon as possible.

However, after the Anomaly Management Bureau cleared it away, instead of dumping it into the garbage station, it sent the contents there to the research institute for research.

Although the Flesh Cube was no longer available for use.

But how to turn the monster into something that the earthworms don’t eat is also worth studying...

So Mr. Blackhand outside, don't worry about being filled with garbage.

But because of this, he often has to taste different tastes of garbage.

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