Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 165: Disassemble the Dragon Blind Swordsman and Da Hao Jie

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

Like Yu Wan, the body utilization rate of Longblind Swordsman is also quite high.

There are also four things he decomposed.

The first is the must-have food for seafood. Twenty portions of baked lobster with processed butter can be eaten as long as they are heated in the microwave.

A serving is five hundred yuan. At this price, if you put it in the seafood market, you can buy this kind of lobster, so the price of this item is very affordable.

The remaining three things all contain magical energy.

They are a blindfold, a pronucleus, and a red long knife.

He Shan looked at them one by one.

Item: Dragon Blind Eye Mask

Remarks: For things whose viewing effect is greater than the actual meaning, the eyesight will not be affected after wearing this goggles...

Price: one copper coin

He Shan put on the blindfold and found that his vision was very clear, and his eyes did not feel bound.

But He Shan thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out what the use of this thing was.

Thinking about it, this thing can only be used to pretend to be...

The second thing is a pronucleus.

Item: Lobster Sprint Pronuclear

Note: After using this pronucleus, you can use the power of waist and leg twitching to make the sorcerer move at high speed. During the sprint, the strength and reaction ability will be strengthened. The disadvantage is that the direction cannot be changed during the sprint.

Note 2: This pronucleus comes from the lobster monster. It is normal for lobsters to make this kind of action, but when humans use this prokaryotic ability, it may be a little indecent...

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.

He Shan scratching his hair, may it be indecent for human use?

He imagined the scene for a moment, and couldn't help but shudder. The disintegrator reminded that improper items often have big pits. He Shan would never use this pronucleus by himself.

The third thing is a long knife

Item: Longblind Long Knife

Note: You think this is a knife, but it is actually a pair of pliers!

Price: Five sly copper coins

He Shan picked up this long knife curiously, and after observing it, he found a switch on the handle of the knife. Pressing his hand on the switch, the long knife was divided into two, becoming like lobster tongs. The same thing.

So this knife can be used as two things.

He Shan directly threw this thing on the shelf. If it was just a long knife, He Shan would still be interested in using it for himself, but it would become a strange weapon if it could be turned into a pliers.

As long as the strange weapon is used well, it will not be too weak.

But if you want to use it skillfully, you need to spend a lot of thought. If you have this time, wouldn't He Shan play Feijian not fragrant.

After disassembling the Dragon Blind Swordsman and Yu Wan, He Shan looked at the corpse of Dahao Jiejinado.

In order to kill Ginardo, He Shan gave up a lot of thoughts and stabbed him in the stomach with an octopus, so that Ginardo was the most miserable death that has been a monster.

His intestines were drooping to his lips, and He Shan felt sick, and hurriedly threw him into the disintegrator.

There was a crunching sound in the decomposer.

This sound made He Shan a little worried. This guy's body is too hard to let the decomposition machine get stuck.

However, the facts proved that He Shan's worries were completely redundant. The hard-bodied Oyster Jerkinado eventually turned into a pile of objects.

Perhaps because of its larger size, Ginardo really decomposes a lot of things.

The corners of He Shan's eyes twitched.

"This is unlearnable, why can a monster and stranger be able to decompose so many things."

He Shan shouted, "Jade, come and help me move things!"

Jade, who was sweeping the floor, rolled his eyes, put the broom aside, walked into the Suiyuan shop, and was taken aback as soon as he entered the door.

"If you don't take these things away, I don't know what will come out."

The most exposed are ten big sacks and a box. These things block the decomposition tank firmly.

Item: Oyster Sauce

Remarks: The top grade oyster sauce is used for cooking, and it tastes great.

Price: ten dollars a bottle.

Watching Jade move this thing away little by little, He Shan rolled his eyes and complained.

"Co-author my weird shop, not only sells ingredients, but also sells dry mix part-time, right?"

"This guy's body is so big, how did you make these oyster sauce?"

"Also, this is not the most outrageous."

He Shan looked at the ten big sacks.

Item: High calcium feed

Remarks: Let your chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle and sheep grow more vigorously.

Price: One thousand yuan per bag

"I can still understand the oyster sauce, why does it break down into pig feed!"

"Is there any connection between these?"

"Can you really sell such expensive feed? The style of Suiyuan Shop has dropped in my store, okay?"

He Shan turned his head gloomily and looked at Li Tao's Supplementary Goods Experience Store.

"Would you like to stuff these pig feeds into his shop so that the guests who come to the experience can eat a bite of pig feed?"

Now He Shan realized the importance of Li Tao's shop.

There are many things that his small shop can't consume at all. Having a successful businessman as a partner can save a lot of effort.

After the feed and oyster sauce are emptied, three things are saved.

Two shields, a badge, and a pronucleus.

The shield is an oyster shell shield. Apart from its sturdiness, it has no other advantages. The price is five tricky copper coins.

The name of the badge is called ‘Proof of Remarks: With this badge, you will have the temperament of a hero and the people around you will become more loyal.

The price is three tricky copper coins.

He Shan continued to roll his eyes, he couldn't see the life and death of this thing, why is this Ginardo always decomposing such useless things.

Fortunately, the last thing provided some comfort to He Shan.

This is a pronuclear, the price is fifteen tricky copper coins.

Item: Shield Guardian Pronuclear

Note: The holder of the pronuclear will be more comfortable when using the shield as a weapon, and both the body and the shield will be strengthened to a certain extent.

The Shield Guardian pronuclear, plus the oyster shell shield.

Almost immediately, he could create a concubine with a decent strength, but He Shan didn't have the idea of ​​using this pronucleus.

Instead, he focused his eyes on the last two monsters, the angelfish and the jellyfish.

After all, Yingyin Yaoyi is dead, and the jellyfish Yaoyi, seeing the three big guys being disassembled in front of her, was actually scared to pee.

However, most of the jellyfish's body is water, so He Shan didn't notice anything unusual.

"Hey, why don't you go to work yet."

He Shan looked at him in surprise, his eyes gleaming at his emerald.

Jade didn't speak, but looked at He Shan.

She has been a child for ten years, and this memory can be said to be her longest memory.

So in her impression, she should be rewarded for her work.

And she just moved so many things, and she deserves a good reward.

He Shan wanted to understand it in a few seconds, pulled out a bottle of oyster sauce from the box and threw it over.

"This is delicious."

Jade's angry cheeks bulged, turned around and went on to work.

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