Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 166: Next exploration

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

The only thing left to be decomposed is the Angler and the Jellyfish.

He Shan had doubts about whether to decompose these two monsters.

After all, these two can be regarded as first-order monsters, but their strength is quite different from the normal first-order monsters.

It would be bad if you lose money after it is broken down.

But when He Shan put the Angler's monster on the decomposition machine, he felt a little more relaxed.

Because only seven tricky copper coins are needed to decompose the demon, He Shan threw it in without hesitation.

The decomposition machine turned, and decomposed the angelic monster into three items.

In terms of quantity alone, there are not as many things that other monsters can decompose.

Three things are a doll, a blue and white lantern, and a big bag of processed fish.

There is no need to look at this fish. He Shan's eyes are mainly on the dolls and lanterns.

The price of that lantern was a tricky copper coin, and its ability to shine at night.

Well, it's that simple.

He Shan thought for a while, called Jade over and asked her to hang the lantern at the door of Suiyuan Shop.

The other doll is a good thing.

Item: Bait Doll

Remarks: A doll that can change any appearance has a line behind it. The person holding the end of the line can control all the actions of the doll.

Price: Five tricky copper coins.

He Shan scratched his chin and found that under the doll's hair, there was a five-meter-long white line, and the end of the white line was a grip.

"I don't seem to need to use it as bait, but it can be anything...hehehe."

He Shan showed a weird smile and took the handle of the doll's outstretched hand.

Under his control, this doll directly turned into a special creature with salted egg yolk eyes.

He Shan breathed out comfortably: "Now, I can say that there is Ultraman in this world."

After the test was over, He Shan put the doll in the spare decomposition bin, and he didn't plan to sell it.

As for what it is used for, don't care about it.

The last one to be decomposed was that jellyfish monster.

At this time, she was trembling with fright, so He Shan kindly comforted her out of good intentions.

Under He Shan's consolation, she gradually relaxed her vigilance, believing that He Shan was only decomposing the corpse, not the living monsters.

The atmosphere gradually became harmonious. When her expression was most relaxed, He Shan directly threw her into the decomposition machine.

"I'm such a good person, so at least she will be happy when she dies."

There are also three things that the jellyfish demon decomposes.

A skirt, a pronucleus, and something that looks like cloth.

The material of the skirt is similar to the skin of the jellyfish monster. The energy input is the skirt that emits white fluorescence, and the skirt without energy input is translucent.

He Shan looked at the jade working outside and put away the skirt.

Those fabrics were a set of curtains. Seeing the remarks of the curtains, He Shan's eyes lit up.

Item: Smart Jellyfish Curtain

Remarks: You can freely switch between white and transparent through the will of the sorcerer, and choose to open or close according to your needs.

Price: One copper coin.

He Shan picked up the curtain and prepared to hang it in his home. Although it was useless, it could make He Shan's house better.

The last pronucleus was what surprised He Shan the most, which meant that this time it was broken down.

Item: Propelling the pronuclear by spraying water

Remarks: Jet water flow to achieve high-speed propulsion, water flow can be generated by magical energy.

Price: Ten tricky copper coins.

The same is the ability to accelerate people, He Shan feels that the effect of this thing is much stronger than that of the lobster sprint pronucleus, at least when this thing is used, it will not appear so wretched.

After decomposing the five monsters, He Shan spent a total of forty-four tricky copper coins, and now he has seven tricky copper coins in his hand.

After that, He Shan and Jade waited in the store for a long time, but none of them came over.

Such a big event has just happened, but now that there are no guests coming, it is normal.

After watching for eight hours, He Shan closed the door and went out of business.

Not long after the exploration was over, He Shan planned to exercise for a while before proceeding to the next exploration.

The first thing to do now is to purchase new weapons. Although the octopus cut is sharp, He Shan is used to using long swords. There is always an unspeakable awkwardness with long-handled weapons.

This exercise took more than ten days, during which he opened a shop and sold a few things.

They are the pronucleus of the flesh chlamydia, the pronucleus of the lobster sprint, the long lobster knife, and some groceries were bought by Li Tao.

He Shan now has more than forty tricky copper coins in his hand.

In the process of exercising, He Shan also found the goal of the next exploration.

What he wants to explore this time is a three-level overlapping area!

Like the second-level area, in the third-level area, ordinary monsters have the first-order strength, while the domain master's strength is the second-order.

But the difference is that whether it is an ordinary monster or a domain master, UU Reading www. The strength of is generally stronger than that in the secondary area, and the difficulty within the overlapping area is also completely different.

So in general, when exploring the third-level area, you need a second-order sorcerer to lead the team.

This time, in the team that He Shan joined, there was a Tier 2 sorcerer.

However, this second-order sorcerer, what specific ability it is, will not know until after seeing it.

In fact, with He Shan's current level of strength, the best choice is to continue to explore the second-level overlapping area until he reaches the limit of his own ability.

Most first-order sorcerers also choose this way.

After reaching the limit in the second-level area, under the leadership of the second-level sorcerer, explore the third-level area.

With the richer aura of sorcery in the third-level area, as well as the powerful monsters, breakthrough to the strength of the second-order sorcerer.

This kind of team is generally called a promotion team.

The second-order sorcerer led the team and entangled the domain master with considerable strength.

The rest of the sorcerers dispersed, each hunting the monsters, looking for opportunities to advance.

Since they are acting alone, the degree of danger is higher than normal exploration, so the tricksters whose strength is not up to the first-order limit will generally not participate in such a team.

Although He Shan thought that his strength was stronger than the average Tier 1 sorcerer, he still wouldn't choose this dangerous way to exercise himself.

His real purpose is to be a monster in this overlapping area.

According to his investigation, there are many excellent monster craftsmen in this overlapping area.

These craftsmen have been thinking all day about how to forge harmful artifacts and send these artifacts out of overlapping areas to harm people.

And in He Shan's Suiyuan Shop, there are a lot of materials for trickery. If a monster craftsman can be captured here, all of his materials can be used.

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