Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 167: Teammates of Hot Spring Mountain

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

As soon as it was light, He Shan put the emerald into a doll shape and put it away.

Then I ate a chili box, drank a night of vegetable porridge, and walked out the door with full of warmth.

Then he rode a Chevala flying ride, sparks and lightning along the way, and came to this exploration site very windy.

It is located in the southern part of Lianhai City. It has been out of the urban area. There is a hill that is only more than 20 meters long. It is called Hot Spring Mountain by the people of Lianhai City.

Since it is called Hot Spring Mountain, there are naturally hot springs here.

But that is a thing of the past. There are many hot spring hotels here. With the emergence of overlapping areas, there are fewer and fewer customers here.

Most of the hot spring hotels are therefore closed, only one is still holding on.

It is because most hotels have closed their doors, so after this has become an overlapping area, there are not many victims.

As soon as he entered the range of Wenquan Mountain, He Shan saw the billowing smoke.

These thick smoke come from this overlapping area, they are covered by a thin barrier and will not spread to other places.

He Shan knows this overlapping area very clearly, otherwise he would not choose to explore here.

Compared with the overlapping areas explored before, here is a bit of a hassle.

That is, this place is full of poisonous gas. If ordinary people enter here, they will die within an hour.

Even a sorcerer like He Shan can stay here for a day at most while wearing a gas mask.

After this time, his physical strength will drop, and then he will stay here forever.

In addition, the temperature here is also a problem. The high temperature close to forty degrees makes this an extremely difficult hot hell.

So today He Shan didn't wear that black coat, but instead wore a white hooded sports suit.

This will not feel too hot, nor will the moisture on your body evaporate quickly.

In addition, he is still in the spare decomposition warehouse, storing some things in case of emergency.

After waiting for a while, He Shan saw his teammates this time.

They are three men and one woman. One of them is a familiar face. He Shan's "spicy taste" is the same as He Shan's Shan Shenwang.

Shan Shenwang's ability, one is the "Blessing of the Dog", can summon a Corgi head phantom outside the body, and the second ability is to secrete toxins on the surface of the skin, which is a very reliable teammate.

This time he came to participate in the exploration of this overlapping area, it seems that his strength has reached the limit of the first order, and only a suitable pronucleus is missing.

Two other men, one wearing sunglasses, the other wearing light blue overalls.

According to the information exchanged in advance, He Shan has a basic understanding of them.

This young brother wearing sunglasses is named Yan Jiayu, and his ability seems to be related to his eyes.

But this guy is very cold, and He Shan only knows this information.

And the guy who looked like the uncle of the sanitation was named Sun Pu, and he was also very famous among the first-order sorcerers in Lianhai City.

Because he is an uncle sanitation worker...

This experience of staying together is legendary.

He was sweeping the street that day, and the street suddenly became an overlapping area. A monster whose ability was related to paper kept spreading paper money on the street.

Uncle Sun Pu dissuaded him many times, but the demon not only kept on throwing papers on the ground even more vigorously.

So Uncle Sun Pu rushed into the crown and took the big broom to kill the monster...

God knows why he, an ordinary person, can hold a broom and kill a monster without injury. In short, Uncle Sun Pu has become a sorcerer since then.

And every time he explored, he showed amazing strength.

This is nothing. What made him most famous was that he still swept the streets every day after he became a schemist.

As a result, on the street where Sun Pu is in charge, there is not a Tier 1 or Tier 0 sorcerer who dared to throw **** on the ground...

The remaining lady is an aunt with a big waist and a round waist, with arms thicker than He Shan's thighs.

This makes He Shan a little disappointed, most of the female sorcerers he has worked with are beautiful girls.

Suddenly there was such a person, which made him feel that some style of painting was wrong.

But think about it carefully, this aunt is actually normal, and the sorcerer is also a human. Where are so many beautiful girls?

The aunt's name is Wang Chunyan. According to her own words, her ability is to slap in the face...

Yes, slap in the face.

The specific effect will be known after He Shan sees it.

The four exchanged simple greetings, and there was no further exchange of capability information like the previous exploration.

Because it is not necessary.

Everyone must act alone in this exploration.

When someone is in trouble, you can go to help, but the tricksters generally don't deliberately organize actions.

Because according to the investigation of the Anomaly Administration, the more difficult it is to kill the monsters and the fewer the number of teammates, the easier it is to obtain the pronucleus and to be promoted to a higher Frankly speaking, the risk of doing so is very high. Big.

In the exploration of overlapping areas of level three, five, and seven, the number of deaths far exceeds the exploration of overlapping areas of even-numbered levels.

But in order to obtain more powerful magicians, this is also one thing that can't be helped.

He Shan only hoped that after his Suiyuan Shop became bigger, some sorcerers could be successfully promoted without taking such risks.

Waited for a while, the time was exactly ten o'clock in the morning.

A woman, driving a tractor, slowly drove up.

This woman has long black hair, red-rimmed glasses, and is dressed in black and red clothes.

Being beautiful is very beautiful. It is the tractor that makes He Shan feel that something is wrong.

The woman jumped out of the car, glanced at the five people, and then smiled.

Her skin was white and dazzling. When she laughed, she showed a shallow dimple on her left face, and her eyes were crescent-shaped, making Shan Shen's eyes straight.

"Hehehe, it seems that everyone is here."

"Come here, let me explain to you, this overlapping information, and then we will go in and explore."

This is the second-order sorcerer Yu Xiuyuan, this time she will lead the team to explore the overlapping area.

"So she is so beautiful..."

He Shan sighed, and after learning that Yu Xiuyuan was leading the team, he checked her reviews on the Internet.

Most people said that this woman was terrifying, so He Shan didn't expect anything from her.

Shan Shenwang stood beside He Shan and said, "Sister Yu has the best looks among the female sorcerers in Lianhai City. It's a pity..."

"What a pity?" He Shan asked curiously.

Shan Shenwang smiled bitterly and said, "Her personality is a bit too bad."

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