Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 168: Enter the overlapping area

"Weird Decomposition Guide (

"Bad personality?"

He Shan's eyes lit up, and when Shan Shenwang said so, he became interested instead.

"I just heard that, don't tell anyone that there was a sorcerer who wanted to pursue Sister Yu... and... that... he was stepped on!"

"Stepped on it?"

He Shan took a step back subconsciously, took a look at the briefs he was wearing, the attendant of the Cthulhu, and then thought about the strength of the second-order sorcerer Yu Xiuyuan, and felt that he was still safe.

"You two, what are you whispering about?"

"Come here quickly."

Yu Xiuyuan waved to the two of them, and the two hurriedly walked over. The story just now was a bit too shocking.

"This time we are participating in the promotion team."

"I will take you directly into the overlapping area and find the domain owner."

"After seeing the domain master, I will solve him, and you can disperse and hunt the monsters individually."

"The time is fifteen hours. After fifteen hours, I will kill that monster."

"No matter if you are dead or encounter any trouble in this process, I will not help."

Yu Xiuyuan handed a bracelet to several people one by one.

"If I can't control the domain owner, you will receive a signal on the bracelet. At that time, all you have to do is to leave this overlapping area as quickly as possible."

"In addition, what you need to pay attention to in this overlapping area."

Next, under the introduction of Xiuyuan, several people have the most basic understanding of this overlapping area.

For the overlapping area of ​​the promotion team, the intelligence will generally be investigated very clearly, so as to ensure that the sorcerer will not be disturbed by other in the process of hunting the monster.

In this overlapping area, the most basic monsters are some special mineral monsters.

These monsters move slowly, but their bodies are extremely hard, and they can also throw different ores to attack.

The ore monsters can't be killed, and they will continue to spawn in accordance with the special environment here.

The vast majority of ore monsters are level zero in strength, and only a few ore monsters can reach level one in strength.

The monster here that is really difficult to deal with is the ‘craftsman’.

The strength of the craftsmen and monsters is generally the first level, and it is still the stronger ones in the first level.

If you compare the overlapping areas that He Shan has explored, most of the strengths of craftsmen and monsters are at the level of the four big bosses.

You have to know that the four big bosses have absorbed some of the power of the domain owner, and they have that strength.

And the ordinary craftsmen and monsters here all have such strength.

'Forging' is the theme of this overlapping area.

Except for the craftsmen monsters and the mineral monsters, no other lives are allowed here.

Every hour, this overlapping area will change.

During the time that the change occurs, neither the demon nor the schemist can attack.

For Yaoyi, this change just stopped them from fighting.

For the sorcerer, it is necessary to pay special attention to these changes.

In the first change, outsiders like them must ‘make’ something that did not exist here before.

Otherwise, after the change time is over, a mark will appear on the body of the sorcerer, allowing them to be repelled by this overlapping area.

As for future changes, as long as you take out such a thing and hang it on your body, you can move freely.

This is all that needs to be paid attention to in this overlapping area. After Yu Xiuyuan finished speaking, she walked towards the gate of the overlapping area, and He Shan and others hurriedly followed behind her.

Standing at the door of this overlapping area, He Shan put on a gas mask.

On this gas mask, a row of artificial teeth is drawn, which looks a bit scary.

He Shan actually likes all kinds of masks. The beak mask is his favorite collection, but he can't use it to explore the overlapping areas.

After everything was ready, He Shan stepped into this overlapping area.

He Shan felt intense heat as soon as he entered the door.

Then in the next second, all the sights in front of him disappeared.

He Shan knew that now he had entered the illusion.

This time he appeared at the door of a hotel.

"Mom, let's move. With this hot spring hotel, we can't raise a family."

"Mom, actually I don't want to open a hotel, I want to be a schemist."

"Mom, I'm not a sorcerer anymore. I want to be a craftsman. I learned how to strike iron with Uncle Wang next door. I want to try to forge the sorcerer's materials and create weapons that can make the sorcerer even more powerful!"

"When I become a famous craftsman, I will take you to live in the city, then no one will bully you anymore."

It was the voice of a boy. He Shan walked over and turned a corner, and saw a fifteen or sixteen-year-old young man sitting on the ground talking with a smile.

But there was no one across from him, that is to say, the boy was talking to himself all the time.

When He Shan saw this boy, the style of painting here began to change.

Red and black lines appear on the The wallpaper and furniture are all experiencing burning, and the bright smile on the teenager's face has also become dark.

He roared into the empty space.

"Why didn't you agree to move in the first place!"

"Why don't you let me be a sorcerer!"

"Why do you always stop me."

"Also for my own sake!"

As he spoke, tears flowed down his eyes.

The dust inside the house was getting more and more, and in front of the boy, there appeared a corpse hanging to death. It should be the boy's mother.

The illusion stopped, and He Shan stepped into reality.

Then I realized that I was already sweating.

This has nothing to do with the illusion, but it is too hot here. The high temperature above 40 degrees and wearing a gas mask makes people feel very uncomfortable for only a while.

Not to mention the severe poison in the air, it is also difficult for ordinary people to survive normally at this temperature.

However, He Shan's physique was slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, so he got used to it after a short while.

Although the state of other people is not good, they can act normally.

At a glance, there is no normal building here. Because of the abnormally high temperature here, all the buildings have turned black and red.

The puddle on the side of the road turned into red lava. If you accidentally fall into it, there will be no scum.

At this time, He Shan suddenly thought of Zhi Yuezheng.

He should be invited for this exploration. The guy's ability was activated, it was a natural refrigerator, and he wouldn't have to be as uncomfortable as it is now.

But even without Zhi Yuezheng, He Shan was already prepared.

In his spare decomposition bin, a full ten boxes of ice cubes were stored, enough for this exploration.

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