Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 204: Energy core

What He Shan looked forward to most was the third thing, which was the pronucleus that was decomposed from Wei Cheng's body.

In the transparent crystal, there is a ray of light, which should be the ability to make Wei Cheng shine.

He Shan had seen the actual combat effect of this ability, and it was considered a pretty good ability.

Item: Energy Core Pronuclear

Note 1: After using this pronucleus, an energy core will be generated in the body in advance.

The energy core can produce, store, and release energy. The type and intensity of energy vary from person to person.

Remark 2: Sorcerers who already have an energy core can use this procore to strengthen the effect of the energy core.

Selling price: twenty tricky copper coins

"Twenty tricky copper coins!"

He Shan's eyes widened, and the value of this pronucleus was as good as the mosaic pronucleus that make rabbit decomposed!

Ordinary pronuclear, the price is divided into ten, fifteen, twenty, these three gears.

The pronucleus of the twenty tricky copper coins is already the top one among ordinary pronucleus.

Moreover, He Shan was very moved by the description of pronuclear.

He immediately went online and inquired about the energy core.

Regarding the promotion method of the sorcerer, the ability of each stage, what kind of ability is more reasonable...

Most of the information is completely public.

Because in the overall situation of the entire Central Continent, the more the number of schemists, the more helpful the world is to resist the invasion of sly planets.

Therefore, it will not be inexplicable, hiding some key information, requiring high contributions to obtain it, or simply being monopolized by a small number of people.

However, some information that may bring undesirable consequences or is private will not be disclosed to the public.

He Shan easily found the explanation about the energy core.

The energy core is the basic ability that every high-level sorcerer will naturally possess.

It does not occupy a separate power position, but it is very important for the schemist.

With the magician with the energy core, energy will be continuously produced in the body.

The battery life in battle, the power when using abilities, and the efficiency of energy use all far exceed those of ordinary sorcerers.

No matter how good he is, he has the energy of trickery in his body.

But these scheming energy, he actually can't use it freely, he can only indirectly release these scheming energy when he uses his abilities.

If He Shan has an energy core, then the magical energy he usually produces can be stored and used at critical times to achieve the same effect as Wei Cheng.

It can be used for attack, defense, and even speed.

Some high-level sorcerers can crush ordinary sorcerers by simply releasing energy, even if they don't apply their abilities.

In terms of practicality, the energy core pronucleus is obviously stronger than the mosaic body.

Originally, He Shan thought that the light on Wei Cheng's body was just an ordinary ability, but he did not expect that it turned out to be the external manifestation of the energy core.

But He Shan still hesitated a little, wondering whether he should regard this as his third ability.

Because every sorcerer, the time to generate the energy core is different.

The sorcerer who focuses on the energy domain can generate energy cores at the third or fourth level.

And some muscular sorcerers may not produce energy core until the sixth level.

Although the effect of this pronucleus is very strong, He Shan is a bit entangled whether to use a power bit to obtain something that he will definitely obtain in the future.

After the experience of the last promotion team, He Shan's own strength is only a thin line away from the first-order limit.

The next time he explores, he can fuse a pronucleus and enter the realm of a second-order sorcerer.

After thinking about it for a while, He Shan also put the pronuclear core in the warehouse: "Let's wait and see, since I have such conditions, I must make the best choice."

Next, what He Shan wants to decompose is the toy villa.

The level of this toy villa is unknown, but it must be higher than the first level. If it is a creepy thing above the third level, then He Shan will not be able to decompose it for the time being.

After throwing the villa in, the decomposing machine started to run at high speed.

This time the decomposition had consumed He Shan's twenty tricky copper coins, and now only a dozen tricky copper coins were left in He Shan's hand.

This made He Shan a little disappointed and a little lucky.

Fortunately, it can be broken down now, but disappointed that the value of this thing is not as high as imagined.

In fact, the ability level of this villa is even higher than Tier II, but it is more dependent on the ability of the stomach pouch.

After the stomach pouch was fused into the glass bottle, the level of the villa dropped slightly.

In the gourmet villa, four things were broken down.

Each is a small toy villa that has changed its appearance, ten pieces of things that look like charms, ten pieces of strange planetary metal that have been seen before, and a pair of black gloves.

Those treacherous planet metals will not be mentioned for the time being, He Shan is going to use them as materials for sword forging in the future.

He Shan was very interested in the remaining three things.

This toy villa is only the size of a football. From the outside, the decoration style is not as exaggerated as before, and this toy villa is equipped with something similar to a car key.

Item: Travel Villa

Remarks: During the exhausting journey, give you a warm home, place it on the open space, and press the key to transform it into a small villa.

Selling price: twenty tricky copper coins

Holding this small villa, He Shan walked out of the Suiyuan shop, found an open space nearby, and pressed the key of the travel villa.

I saw that small, toy-like travel villa suddenly expanded and turned into a real villa.

This villa is not big, there are three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bathroom.

He Shan tested it briefly and found that the texture of the travel villa was very hard, and even the glass could not be broken by ordinary attacks.

"This is a good thing. If it's in a peaceful age, this thing can be considered a magical tool, but now I don't want to travel..."

After the test, He Shan put the reduced version of the villa on the shelf, ready to find a time to sell The second thing is the ten charm-like things.

Item: Random teleport coupon

Note: Shred a piece of transport roll, you can transport you to any non-solid location within a radius of 500 meters.

Remark 2: If you can't fly, if you are out of luck, if you are by the sea, please use it with caution...

Selling price: one for two tricky copper coins.

This is a spell with spatial ability, the effect is very powerful, but the side effects are also cheating, because this teleportation is anywhere in a radius of 500 meters.

He Shan thought for a while, and then came up with several terrifying consequences.

For example, when they are transported to an altitude of 500 meters, they fall directly on the ground and are smashed into mashed flesh.

Or teleported to an underground cavity five hundred meters below, so that the sky should not be called the earth without a door.

Or directly transfer to the enemy’s weapon, turning yourself into a bunch of incense...

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