Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 205: 5 long swords

Based on these terrible conjectures, He Shan only left two for a rainy day, and the rest were ready to be sold.

And will write down all the bad consequences of this thing on it.

The first three things alone have made He Shan a lot of money, but He Shan still has high expectations for the last thing.

This is a long-barreled glove with a special shape. After wearing it, the entire forearm is wrapped in it.

The upper side of the arm and the hand are all dark, except for the palm of the hand is a bright red, which looks a bit similar to the shadow of gluttony.

Item: Hand of Glutton

Remarks: You can release a mini gluttony shadow from the glove to perform a one-time attack. You can stack the number of uses by charging with conspiracy energy, up to three times.

Selling price: ten tricky copper coins

He Shan nodded in satisfaction. This is another good trick item.

He activated this pair of gloves, then flicked his hand to the side, and a black shadow threw out from his hand. The black shadow stretched to three meters long, took a bite in the air, and then retracted into He Shan's hand again. .

"But the attack range is a bit shorter."

Now that the things that should be decomposed are all decomposed, it's time to check Miao Miao's results.

He Shan simply clapped his hands, and a message was sent over.

The two beautiful girls who were watching the drama seemed to be electrocuted suddenly. The whole body stirred for a moment, and then ran down the stairs together and came to He Shan's body.

Miao Miao was also carrying a large long cloth bag, which contained weapons she had forged.

He Shan sat on the chair with Erlang's legs tilted and back against the pillow of the Sword Emperor's corpse, and said loudly to Miao Miao: "Come and show your achievements over the past few days. I hope you won't let me down."

Miao Miao nodded, and nervously poured out all the contents of the cloth bag.

There are a total of five long swords on the ground, two of which are fiery red, one with a faintly colorful halo on the body, one with a purple crystal in the center of the sword, and the last one seems unremarkable, but He Shan Think this is a good sword.

He Shanjian nodded in satisfaction just to see the appearance of these five swords. This was much better than the ordinary long swords bought before.

It seems that these days, Miao Miao is not lazy.

Miao Miao began to introduce these long swords one by one, first picking up the fiery red long sword.

"This is a searing sword, made of crab shells and searing spikes. After inputting magical energy, it can generate a high temperature that exceeds that of ordinary soldering irons."

She picked up the long sword and swung it, and a ray of flame flashed across the sword.

"This flame is the effect of the Scorching Sword. As long as the speed is fast enough, there will be flames."

He Shan pointed his hand, and a scorching sword flew into his hand. Although there was no expression on his face, he was actually happy in his heart.

Miao Miao picked up the mediocre long sword, and continued to introduce: "This sword is called'Sharp Edge', and it is the sharpest of the five long swords. If you input the magical energy, it will also produce cuttings. The power has greatly enhanced the sharpness."

After seeing Miao Miao's display, He Shan nodded in satisfaction.

The sharpness of the sharp edge can be almost equal to that of the octopus cut. If the energy of trickery is input, the sharpness is even more exaggerated than the octopus cut.

"This sword, named Jianblade, is mainly made of treacherous planet metal. It is also the sword that I spend the most energy on." Miao Miao picked up the long sword with colorful halo.

"The hard blade has a very good conduction effect of scheming energy. After inputting scheming energy, its power will be greatly increased, and this sword is very strong, you don't have to worry about it being destroyed."

He Shan is also very satisfied with Hard Blade.

This characteristic determines that no matter how he uses the tricky copper coin for blessing, he doesn't have to worry about his sword being damaged.

Miao Miao picked up the last sword, the middle of the sword was inlaid with purple spar.

"This sword is called the Amethyst Sword, and the magical energy will be amplified through these purple spars, and the amplified energy will be concentrated on the blade, and a purple energy beam will be emitted."

She picked up the amethyst sword and aimed it at the ground outside the Suiyuan Shop, and shot a purple light beam. After the light beam disappeared, a deep pothole appeared on the ground.

For these five swords, Miao Miao was very satisfied.

Although these swords are not tricks, they use very good materials. It is difficult to encounter such high-quality materials in the overlapping areas of Hot Spring Mountain.

But she didn't know He Shan's standard, so she was still a little worried.

He Shan pinched his chin, indescribably satisfied.

However, he now has a problem that needs to be solved, that is, these long swords all need to input the energy of trickery in order to exert their true power.

Ordinary input of scheming energy can indeed be done with He Shan's current level.

But it is difficult for He Shan to provide energy to so many swords at the same time, or to input energy from the air when controlling flying swords.

And even if it can be done, He Shan's energy level is definitely not enough.

These five swords, as well as the hand of gluttony that had just been obtained, are all big consumers of conspiracy energy, and He Shan's current level can't support it at all.

Of course, even if you don't input the magical energy, the effects of these long swords are far more than those of ordinary long swords before.

But with so many powerful long swords, but not using them, how did He Shan feel uncomfortable.

"Oh... forget it, just use the energy core pronucleus to advance."

As the number of swords controlled by He Shan increases, the energy consumption will definitely increase in the future. Except for the energy core pronucleus, other abilities cannot meet He Shan's needs.

He Shan was very satisfied with Miao Miao's performance this time, so he took out the prizes he had prepared long ago.

It was an enlarged scratching board, a large funny cat stick, and an enlarged version of the cat litter.

Miao Miao's face immediately flushed. Although she did not dare to refute, she had already written her dissatisfaction on her face.

She is a catwoman, not a pet cat.

He Shan waved the super big funny cat stick, Miao Miao subconsciously rushed to it, and after a few consecutive pursuits, she suddenly stopped.

The expression on his face was The whole person was struck by lightning.

"It shouldn't be like this...meow!"

Then He Shan took out a few more items, namely the broken vine gloves, the giant bracers, the reduced version of the city breaker, the searing pipe clamp, the chain of relations, and the hand of Glutton he had just obtained.

"Siege hammer and pipe wrench, you just need to change their appearance."

"The remaining four things, you can see if you can fuse them together without destroying the capabilities of these things."

Miao Miao's expression was completely broken. She just worked overtime and worked for a few days. Now she has a new job?

He Shan smiled gently: "Don't worry, I'm not such a demanding boss, and I won't let you work all the time."

"When you open the store, you can receive guests with Jade, and this time will be taken as a break."

Miao Miao wanted to cry without tears, this boss really thought of her.

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