Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 206: Legend of Bloodfang

Miao Miao was inexplicably excited when the rolling door opened.

Jade told her a little bit about this shop before, so she knew what Suiyuan Shop was doing.

The sun outside came in, slightly dazzling.

Miao Miao and Jade stood at the door from left to right, adding a lot to Suiyuan Shop.

He Shan turned on the computer and started playing the game.

As this computer has been in Suiyuan Shop longer, it seems to have been strengthened.

Whether it's memory, graphics card, cpu, hard disk... everything is upgraded, even the monitor screen is a circle larger than the beginning.

So that every time He Shan came in, he seemed to face a new computer.

However, no matter how good the computer is, the games that can be played are all made three years ago. In recent years, various entertainment industries have been in a downturn.

As always, Li Yuansheng was the first to come to Suiyuan Xiaopu.

He stood at the door, feeling a little bit emotional.

The Suiyuan Shop now is completely different from what it was at the beginning.

A weird lantern hung above the doorway, glowing even in the daytime.

Maybe it's because someone is cleaning it now, the glass seems to be transparent and there is no dust on the ground.

The green belts near the store’s door were shoveled, and some red plants sprout from the soil.

Two beautiful inhuman girls, guarding the door, greet the guests kindly...Wait, two girls?

Li Yuansheng rubbed his eyes and watched Miao Miao's mouth grow bigger, especially Miao Miao's ears and tail that attracted his attention.

He muttered to himself with a weird expression: "Ah...this, if only A Zhen could do this one day."

Li Yuansheng walked into the Suiyuan shop and watched He Shan playing a game of building a Dyson ball, showing a look of envy.

It turns out that he is also a young man with internet addiction. Since becoming a sorcerer, he hasn't played a game for a long time.

He strolled around the shop and finally bought the Oyster Shell Mullard and two random teleportation coupons.

After shopping, Li Yuansheng did not leave, but watched He Shan playing games at the counter.

He Shan's brows gradually frowned. He knew that Li Yuansheng was actually very busy, so he had something to tell himself.

After pausing the game, He Shan turned around and looked at Li Yuansheng.

Li Yuansheng coughed lightly: "That's it. Recently, a mysterious sorcerer appeared in Lianhai City. He called himself "Bloodfang"."

He Shan rolled his eyes: "Then what?"

There are so many sorcerers in Lianhai City, what does it have to do with his uncle He Shan?

"According to our investigation, this blood tooth has killed at least 17 people, from the taxi driver, to the boss of the glass factory, and even people from the city administration..."

He handed He Shan some pictures, which showed the death of these people.

A fat middle-aged man was ‘stringed’ on a tricycle.

A woman with heavy makeup, her body was covered with green acne.

A man in a suit and leather shoes...

On each photo, there are eight big characters written in blood.

‘A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood! ’

"That Bloodfang, do you have hatred with these people?" He Shan asked curiously

Li Yuansheng shook his head: "These people should have nothing to do with each other."

"You should know that a few years ago, there was a concept of sharing eDonkeys, but this has not been popular in Lianhai City."

"Because a group of taxi drivers threw all the shared eDonkeys into the ocean."

"The person who was acting as an agent for the eDonkey business in Lianhai City at that time jumped to his death because he couldn't bear the blow."

"This matter should be related to this driver."

Then he pointed to the woman with heavy makeup: "She is not a good thing either. She has organized large-scale gambling games many times and it hurt..."

After talking about the crimes of four people, Li Yuansheng stopped: "So I guess this blood tooth is acting as an ‘extrajudicial sanctioner’."

"Extrajudicial sanctioners?"

"That is to say, he wants to be like the superheroes in the movie, going beyond the official institutions to punish the criminals, but he is much more cruel than the ‘hero’ methods in the movie.”

He Shan lifted Erlang's legs: "Then what does this have to do with me?"

Li Yuansheng was silent, and then took out another photo with a corpse and a banner on it.

There is a small essay on the banner. The essay is very verbose, but it is a bit condensed. The content is probably like this.

‘I used to yearn for justice, but I have no power.

It wasn't until I met Suiyuan Xiaopu that I had the ability to execute justice.

This makes me very grateful to Suiyuan Xiaopu, I will continue to work hard to implement justice and return the world to a clear future.

People in need can also go to Suiyuan Shop, which may change your destiny. ’

There is a small note at the bottom.

The effect is that he didn't want to write this to boast of his achievements.

But he thinks that Suiyuan Shop is not doing well, so he kindly advertises Suiyuan Shop.



He Shan was silent for nearly a minute.

"Well, this matter really has something to do with me."

This guy called Bloodfang, forcibly involved him with Suiyuan Xiaopu for all the bad things he did.

But I also advertised Suiyuan Xiaopu, hoping that the business of Suiyuan Xiaopu would be better.

He Shan didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Li Yuansheng put away all the information: "I am here this time to know if you can disclose this person's information."

"Although he thinks he is doing good deeds, and for those victims, he may indeed be doing good deeds..."

"But he can't do this, at least he can't use this brutal way."

"Our Anomaly Management Bureau cannot tolerate a gimmick who uses this method to'punish evil and promote good' in the boundary of Lianhai City."

He Shan refused without hesitation: "I will not disclose the information of the guests."

His attitude towards this'Bloodfang' can be regarded as neither support nor opposition.

After all, He Shan would occasionally do similar things, but he would not kill people privately, but would force people to surrender to the Public Security Administration and the blood-tooth method of fanfare, although it looks very Cool.

But for the society as a whole, He Shan is really hard to tell whether it is beneficial or harmful.

But He Shan must be concerned about this matter.

This guy is making waves outside, which will affect other customers of Suiyuan Shop, and will be paid more attention by the abnormality management bureau.

This is not good news for He Shan, who wants to live next to Suiyuan Xiaopu in the future.

Li Yuansheng sighed with disappointment, and as soon as he stepped out of the door of Suiyuan's shop, a short young man who looked a little ugly passed by him.

He Shan narrowed his eyes, this short man...seems like that blood tooth!

This short man is also a frequent visitor to Suiyuan Shop.

He bought the foul face painting that can make people ugly, as well as the Pox Blade. Contacting the woman covered with acne, He Shan can conclude that he did the thing.

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