Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 218: Tier 2 Sorcerer

Xiaopjie grabbed the corner of the mammoth coat, shook his head and said, "This mammoth coat is warm and caring, so when I die, it is also warm."

He Shan regretted that he had sold the mammoth coat to Xiaopujie, this guy was really disgusting.

The Frost Ouroboros was too lazy to talk nonsense, and the snake skin started moving, and the huge body rushed in front of Xiaopjie in the blink of an eye.

He wants to crush the worm to death as fast as possible, and then let those humans who dare to look down on him to die one by one.

A large piece of ice covered the place where Xiaopjie was standing, but he had already spread a pair of dragonfly wings behind him and flew to an altitude of ten meters.

Through the battle just now, Xiaopjie observed that the Frost Ouroboros actually did not have the ability to attack from a distance, and it was too heavy to jump up.

So as long as he maintains a certain level, he is safe.

The remaining question is **** this guy.

Xiaopjie took out a pronucleus from his backpack. The pronucleus was a transparent crystal on the outside and a fuzzy mosaic block inside.

It is the pronucleus of Mosaic Body that He Shan sold to Xiaopjie before.

After seeing this pronucleus, He Shan understood everything, no wonder Xiaopjie was so confident.

He Shan could directly be promoted to a Tier 2 sorcerer with the help of the pronuclear, and he could do the same by buying the pronuclear Xiaopujie in the Suiyuan shop.

The number of times that Shoppe and He Shan explored overlapping areas is not much different. He Shan has met the advanced needs, and Shoppe can also meet the needs.

Maybe when he agreed to explore together, Xiaopjie had the idea of ​​fighting the domain owner alone.

He Shan shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Although he was a little embarrassed for not showing up, he was really happy for Xiaopjie.

Of course, the more powerful the tricksters who are familiar with him, the better, He Shan hopes that all the tricksters will be promoted soon.

And Xiaopujie's promotion here does not delay He Shan's promotion.

After leaving this overlapping area, when He Shan sits on the toilet and stretches the tub, he can also progress smoothly.

Xiaopjie held the pronucleus of the mosaic body in his hand, and the mosaics in the pronucleus gradually spread, finally turning his whole body into a mosaic shape.

After that, Xiaopjie began to twitch violently, and the mosaics wriggled uncontrollably.

Finally, with a violent shaking, Chopjie returned to peace.

Now he is a Tier 2 sorcerer.

The dragonfly wings on his back were retracted, and now he doesn't need wings, he can float in the air.

Now he has absolute self-confidence, killing this terrible ouroboros by himself!

He Shan took out a binoculars and looked at Xiaopjie's current appearance and was amazed.

"I have to say that after he became this look, he was more pleasing to the eye than before."

Bao Lili and Le Qingyi were very curious, and they grabbed He Shan's binoculars and laughed as they watched Xiaopjie's appearance.

And He Shan didn't have the idea of ​​grabbing the telescope. He had always kept a sufficient number of telescopes in his spare decomposition warehouse, and just took out one more pair.

The original Chopjie, in fact, had a bit of acrid eyes.

But after being mosaicized, those hot-eyed things can no longer be seen.

This can be considered to have played the role of mosaic.

"This is... Advanced! Why can he advance!"

The eyes of the Frost Ouroboros were about to stare out. In his cognition, if a sorcerer wanted to advance, he had to kill the monster to obtain the pronucleus.

Because of the improvement of Yaoyi's strength, a similar method is also used.

Standing in the same place, saying advanced is advanced, this kind of thing has never seen Frost Ouroboros.

This made his heart feel uneasy, but he still said to Xiaopujie in a fierce manner: "Do you think that being a Tier 2 sorcerer can defeat me?"

"Even if it is the same Tier 2, my ability is stronger than yours, and you are still a little too tender now."

Xiaopjie smiled exaggeratedly, which would be disgusting if it were not covered by the mosaic.

"Say I can't beat you?"

"This is really passing through Mao Keng, it's too much!"

"Then I'll cut your **** with a knife and open your eyes!"

Xiaopjie pursed his lips, and a series of lip-shaped energy flew out of his mouth, covering the entire body of the Frost Ouroboros.

This is the **** of blowing kisses!

Rooted Blow Kiss is his first ability. At the zero level, it is a stand-alone Rotary Blow Kiss, at the first level, it is a bursting blow kiss that can be dispersed, and at the second level, it is a **** that can release a large number of blown kisses.

"I don't know what to do!"

The Frost Ouroboros snorted coldly, and didn't dodge at all when faced with the attack of Xiaopjie.

With such a wide range of attacks, a single attack cannot be too strong, so even if the number is large, the Frost Ouroboros can bounce these attacks back.

Seeing his movements, Chopjie's lips curled up.

If the Frost Ouroboros dodges with the ability of snake skin to move, it will be very troublesome.

The Frost Ouroboros opened its mouth and vomited all the energy of blowing kisses into the sky.

These air kisses hit Xiaopjie accurately, but they only left countless pink lip prints on the mosaic.

Apart from making Chopjie even more curious, it has no effect.

Rooting air kisses have no power in themselves, they can only hold the enemy under the urging of Xiaopjie, so there are no Rooting air kisses approved by Xiaopjie, and the number of them will only leave some traces.

Seeing that Xiaopjie was unscathed, the Frost Ouroboros realized that something was wrong, and wanted to change the way of fighting but found that he was already unable to move.

Le Qingyi said before that the conveyor belt armor on the Frost Ouroboros was damaged in one place.

Xiaopjie couldn't see the damage, so he used "Blow Kiss Hell" in order to use a large-scale attack to find the only loophole.

Seeing that three kisses were blown, they did not stay in the air, but were printed on the skin of the Frost Ouroboros knew that the opportunity was here.

He compared his hand to a state of love and pointed it at the Frost Ouroboros.

Two pink hearts, one large and one small, appeared on him and the Frost Ouroboros at the same time, and a shimmering feather arrow pierced from the Frost Ouroboros side to Xiaopjie's side.

Xiaopjie suddenly felt that all the strength on his body had increased to a certain extent, while the Frost Ouroboros felt weakened.

It's just three freezes and blows kisses. With the strength of the Frost Ouroboros, it can hold for three seconds at most.

Therefore, Xiaopjie did not delay time, but fell directly from the sky. He wanted to use these three seconds to catch the only gap in the Frost Ouroboros.

Then use this gap to defeat him thoroughly!

Faced with an opponent like Xiaopjie, who possesses strange abilities, a single mistake can already determine life and death.

Xiaopjie hugged the Frost Ouroboros smoothly, which meant that the Frost Ouroboros life had come to a countdown.

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