Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 219: Desperate Angel

Xiaopjie hugged the body of the Frost Ouroboros, and the power of the Mosaic Body was activated.

The mosaic pieces on his body began to quickly merge with the body of the Frost Ouroboros.

Outside of the body of the Ouroboros, that layer of invisible armor was also assimilated by the mosaic of Sopjie. Finally, at the end of three seconds, one of the hands of the Ouroboros was completely integrated into the body of the Frost Ouroboros. Among.

The regained Frost Ouroboros felt the sensation of a foreign body in its body, and suddenly began to exercise vigorously like crazy.

At the same time, the body constantly releases the power of frost, but the mammoth coat itself can withstand a certain degree of severe cold, and the mosaic body is extremely resistant to all kinds of alien energies.

So the key to victory or defeat lies in which one of the two can't hold on first.

Looking at Xiaopjie, who was heading for the Frost Ouroboros in the frosty sky.

The three people in the Zhu Ge case opened their mouths, and everything about Schopje exceeded their cognition.

He Shan is a strong one among the first-order sorcerers, they can still understand it.

But Xiaopjie's advancement in place, and this strange ability, gave them a huge impact.

Zhu Ge's case suddenly clapped his hands: "I remember, among the first-order sorcerers in Lianhai City, there is an outstanding character recently!"

"That's the Desperate Angel Chopjie!"

"A terrifying sorcerer who is good at using conceptual abilities and can make opponents and teammates desperate!"

Shi Jialong was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that the Desperate Angel would be a handsome man who would give the enemy despair through powerful strength.

Unexpectedly, the Desperate Angel turned out to be Xiaopujie.

Moreover, the so-called despair is not strong strength, but despair in another sense...

He Shan shook his head and sighed at the side of the trio.

Even Xiaopjie can have the title of desperate angel such a cool one.

And his handsome uncle He Shan has the title of reckless man of Fire King Kong...

There is no suspense in the battle between Chopjie and Frost Ouroboros.

This is not to say how strong Xiaopjie is, but when Xiaopjie is about to be unable to hold on, Le Qingyi will throw a ball of light...

With help from the sidelines, Xiaopjie was finally completely integrated into the body of the Frost Ouroboros.

Now no matter how violently the Frost Ouroboros exercises or releases the frost, it will no longer be able to injure Xiaopjie.

Feeling that his body became numb a little bit, and the snow-white body was stained with filthy colors, the Frost Ouroboros finally recognized the reality.

He has completely failed.

But the Frost Ouroboros suddenly sneered loudly, and crawled in front of He Shanji with his last strength.

"Humans, you only won temporarily!"

"But remember, you just defeated me, and I was just the beginning!"

"You don't even know what kind of place you have entered!"

Lao Zhilan took out a water gun and slapped the Frost Ouroboros with a watery face: "Stepping into an overlapping area, what else can it be."

The Frost Ouroboros did not answer her words, but looked at He Shan. He knew that He Shan was the leader among the crowd.

"The terrible cycle has begun. You will stay here forever, and my death is only temporary...I will live forever in another way."

"Welcome to despair, humanity!"

After saying this, the head of Frost Ouroboros also turned into a mosaic, and then Xiaopjie came out of his mouth.

Now the Frost Ouroboros is completely dead, and after Xiaopjie's departure, his mosaic body has gradually returned to flesh and blood.

In fact, the Frost Ouroboros was not wronged at all, because most of Xiaopjie's abilities were not so easy to rebound.

This conceptual ability naturally restrains the rebound ability of the Frost Ouroboros.

He Shan put away the corpse and muttered to himself.

"You will indeed live in another way, but in my shop."

Killing the domain owner, the atmosphere among the people is much easier.

However, due to the final warning from the Frost Ouroboros, they did not completely relax their vigilance.

He Shan and others first congratulated Xiao Pujie, and then when Le Qingyi was treating Xiao Pujie, He Shan asked about her pet True Eye Iron Eater.

He was curious how the pet eggs that were supposed to be mosaic creatures hatched such cute creatures as giant pandas.

You must know that the giant pandas in Zhongzhou were extinct three years ago because of the overlapping areas.

In Central Continent, which was hit by a catastrophe, it was a bit hard to protect its own people. Naturally, they could no longer use a lot of resources to protect a fragile species.

Therefore, the giant panda only lives in the memory of the people.

Now He Shan and others have seen a giant panda again, no less than seeing the yellow-skinned mouse in the anime appearing in reality, so not only He Shan is curious, others are also curious.

"He is called the True-Eyed Iron-Eater. I prefer to call him Big-Eyed Meng. I bought him in Suiyuan Shop."

Hearing this, the three of Zhu Ge's case became curious about Suiyuan Xiaopu.

While Xiao Pujie looked at the small eyes of the true-eyed iron-eater, and couldn't help but vomit: "You touch your conscience, do the eyes of this gadget deserve the name Big-Eyed Cute?"

Then Xiaopjie was bitten...

"The incubation condition is to play videos with mosaics. I thought hard and finally found someone to mosaic all the'Giant Panda Videos' from three years ago and play them in front of the eggshells of the pretty boys."

He Shan sighed, he suddenly understood what the incubation conditions were.

That is, what kind of mosaic video is played, it will hatch a similar image.

If He Shan is allowed to incubate, creatures related to crime may appear.

And if you let Lao Buxiu hatch...

There may be things that cannot be seen by children.

Thinking of that possibility, He Shan shuddered directly. This mosaic egg was very good for Le Qingyi to buy.

Several people are happily licking the iron beast, He Shan's expression gradually time...Even after killing the domain owner, there will be a certain delay in the overlapped area returning to normal, and this delay is too long. Bar. "

Having had previous experience in a hot spring hotel, He Shan immediately realized that the domain owner of this overlapping area was not dead.

But looking at the corpse lying in the spare decomposition chamber, He Shan couldn't really say this.

Think about it carefully. In the case files I looked at before, some teams did say that they had killed the domain owner.

But because the overlapping area did not disappear, their words were not accepted.

So now He Shan and others should have encountered a similar situation.

Thinking about this, He Shan shook his head.

Their situation is actually worse than the previous sorcerers.

Because judging from the words of the Frost Ouroboros, this overlapping area has undergone new changes during this period of time when there is no schemist to explore.

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