Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 308: 3-joint exploration

Latest website: The store manager hired by He Shan, whose name is Ran Xue, is 27 years old.

She is still single to this day, wearing a lady's suit, with a serious expression and a very professional look.

In addition to being beautiful, he is no worse than other candidates in other respects.

The resume shows that she used to be an outstanding female employee of Blue Sky Group, that is, Li Tao's company.

However, after the collapse of the Blue Sky Group, she has been unemployed. In this era, it is not easy for an elite like her to find a suitable job.

He Shan led Ran Xue out of the talent market, rode a motorcycle and patted the back seat.

"Come up, I will show you to the shop."


Ran Xue showed hesitation, what does the boss mean.

With that sloppy recruitment method, after the recruitment is completed, you want to use a motorcycle to pull people away?

Isn't it... this new boss wants to engage in unspoken rules?

"You can tell me the address and I will take a taxi." Ran Xue hesitated and said.

He Shan shook his head: "I'm in a hurry, the motorcycle is too slow!"


Ran Xue half-pushed He Shan's motorcycle and held He Shan's clothes with restraint.

"This is all for work, but this is the limit I can do. If the boss wants to do something, I would rather not have this job!"

Ran Xue was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle in her heart, but He Shan's thoughts were much simpler than hers.

"Hurry up, or I won't care if it falls!"


The current burst out, Che Guevara flew out, and Ran Xue screamed directly.

She anticipated many possibilities, but she didn't expect that the motorcycle would be in this style of painting.

The scenery on the side of the road retreats quickly, and even narrow roads can be passed by the motorcycle, even sometimes the motorcycle walks across the wall.

This level of excitement reminded her of the feeling of going to the amusement park to play a roller coaster three years ago.

She can only hug He Shan tightly to prevent herself from falling off the motorcycle.

About ten minutes later, He Shan's motorcycle stopped. She dangled from the motorcycle, all makeup on her face was spent, and she vomited when she walked a few steps to the side of the road.

After she was in better condition, He Shan pointed to the shop that was being renovated and said, “This is where you will work in the future, closing the ‘Life and Death’ shop on Renren Street.”

"The store mainly sells two kinds of items, the spiritual liquid with pure energy, and the deadly poisonous corpse poison."

"There are many things you need to do. Decide on the decoration style of the shop, go through some procedures instead of me, and prepare bottles for liquids..."

"In short, I'll leave all of this to you. You use the money first, and you get your salary from it. If you don't use the money or encounter any difficulties, you can ask me for it."

"My only request is to open this shop as soon as possible."

After He Shan finished speaking, he rode a motorcycle and disappeared from Ran Xue's sight in the electric light, leaving Ran Xue messy in the wind.

"That's it?"

"what is this!"

This is the first time Ran Xue has seen this style of boss. Just now when he suspected that He Shan was thinking about the unspoken rules, his brain must have been flooded.

"But the new boss trusts me so much, I must open this shop properly!"

The salary He Shan gave was enough for her to live very well in this era, and she must seize this opportunity.

In fact, He Shan doesn't care so much as trusting Ran Xue.

The shop was chosen near Suiyuan Xiaopu, within the limits of Fengren Street, all things Ran Xue did were under He Shan's control.

As long as Ran Xue opened this shop, He Shan could buy the corpses of the monsters in large quantities in an upright manner.


After returning home, He Shan began to look for information on the four-level overlapping area on the Internet.

The people like Xiaopjie, Baolily and others who were left behind by him before, have now caught up with or even surpassed him.

But Suiyuan Xiaopu's business was not good enough before, and he couldn't collect a large number of monsters and corpses. The accumulation of various problems made He Shan's strength progress relatively slowly.

And now all the problems have been solved.

The next thing He Shan needs to do is to explore the overlapping areas at the highest speed.

Let your strength improve at the fastest speed!

Normally, you need to be careful when exploring overlapping areas, and then be careful.

But after passing the Neihai Park, He Shan had sufficient confidence in his own strength.

Although he just advanced to Tier 2, he used all kinds of cards to crush the monsters of Tier 2 peak!

In addition, He Shan now has enough sly copper coins in his hand. After opening the shop last time, he has more than 800 sly copper coins in his hand.

You don't need to explore once and open a store, but you can explore several times and do a lot of decomposition!

As long as he doesn't meet the domain master alone, He Shan can exercise his abilities to his heart's content in the four-level overlapping area.

According to the information from the Anomaly Management Bureau, there are currently fourteen overlapping areas registered in Lianhai City.

Four of them are forming teams for exploration.

He Shan took a look at the information in the overlapping area and joined three of the teams with a big wave of his hand.

For these three teams, the exploration began on May 7, 10, and 13 respectively. There was a two-day interval between each exploration. Two days were enough for He Shan to rest.

The overlapping area explored by No. 7 is an abandoned shipyard on the east side of Lianhai City, called the Low-Voltage Domain.

The level is four, and the special rules are: the lower you lie, the stronger the lethality.

The so-called special rules are a phenomenon that must occur in overlapping areas above level four, where certain rules in the real world will be reversed, forming some special rules that are not common sense.

Like the endless loop road at the Lianyuan Elevated before, it can be regarded as a special rule.

However, this special rule exists in every overlapping area above the fourth level, while it only exists sporadically below the fourth level.

The overlapping area to be explored on the tenth is a huge circular building in the center of Lianhai, named ‘Endless Corridor. ’

The special rule of the endless corridor is that you can only leave the corridor through the ‘window’.

The overlapping area to be explored on the 13th is an urban village on the south side of Lianhai City. The name of this overlapping area is'Rainze'.

Yuze's special rule is that when it is sad, it will rain around.

There are three overlapping areas, each of which is level four.

It's not the first time that He Shan has seen the Level 4 overlapping area. His home had been invaded by the Level 4 overlapping area before.

The reason why he chose these three places is because these three places have been explored by teams in a short period of time, the rules are relatively clear, and the danger is relatively small.

If it's the kind of overlapping area that no one has explored before, He Shan doesn't dare to engage in a triple tie.

Even so, when He Shan signed up, he was called by someone from the Abnormal Management Bureau to dissuade him. If He Shan was not very persistent and his previous record was dazzling enough, his application might not be approved.

However, before conducting the three explorations, in order to ensure safety, He Shan first went to three places one by one, carefully read the exploration notes, and made sure that there would be no major accidents.

Then he returned home and asked Miao Miao to forge something for him. These things might play an important role in the exploration.


On the 7th, He Shan rode a Chevala to the abandoned shipyard in the east of Lianhai City.

When he was in place, the other four teammates were already there.

There are not many second-order sorcerers in Lianhai City, most of them are familiar, only He Shan is the first newcomer to explore the fourth-level overlapping area, so the other four simply introduced themselves.

The four of them are Yan Jiayu, who had a relationship with He Shan. He wears an eye mask on his face, which He Shan sold to him.

His three abilities are eye analysis, acceleration, and flame petals.

The other three are a couple, and a long-haired man with long hair tied up.

The male in the couple is a fat man with pimples on his face, wearing round-frame glasses and a plaid shirt. He stood up and said to He Shan, "My name is Li Fan, a second-order sorcerer."

Li Fan didn't say his abilities, but He Shan was very clear about his abilities.

It has been almost half a year since this guy became a Tier 2 sorcerer, so his abilities have long been known to everyone, and he was selected as the most enviable sorcerer in Lianhai City.

His three abilities are ‘perspective’, ‘hypnosis’, and ‘invisibility’.

If it was not this age, Li Fan's ability would be destined to be a winner in life, and although he was fat, his movements were very agile, and there were already no idea how many monsters died in his hands.

Standing next to Li Fan, the beautiful blond woman who looks good at first sight is Li Fan's girlfriend.

"Hello, my name is Ai Sina, a second-order sorcerer, and my ability is the motivation of thinking and the virtual body."

Li Fan behind Ai Sina, a subtle light began to flash in his eyes.

But Aisina hit Li Fan's nose with a punch back, and then she said apologetically: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, he won't let him look at her casually."

There has always been a malicious rumor that Ai Si Na became Li Fan's girlfriend because she was hypnotized.

But looking at it now, I am afraid that Li Fan is the one who was forced...

The relationship between these two people is very subtle ~ The last man with long hair and ancient style said to He Shan heartily: "My name is Wei Daoxian, and I am a Tier 2 sorcerer. This is your first time exploring the four-level overlapping area, and I will try my best to help you."

He Shan also introduced himself, only talking about part of his abilities, and was regarded as an ordinary sorcerer by several others.

Finally, he said shyly: "Thank you in advance for your care, I will try my best to perform well."

Wei Daoxian hesitated for a moment and pointed to He Shan and asked, "If you don't take care of it, let's say, brother, is this thing behind you too conspicuous?"

I saw He Shan carrying two flagpoles behind his back. One flag read the six characters "Acquisition of Monster Corpses", and the other flag wrote the specific acquisition plan.

There are two units for the first-order monsters, one unit for the first-order monsters, one two-unit for the second-order monsters, and one four-unit for the third-order monsters.

The value of each unit is a copper coin or a bottle of spiritual fluid/corpse poison...

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