Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 309: Refugee camp

Latest URL: "Oh, you said this, this is an advertisement."

"My new store, life and death, is about to open in Fengren Street, so I brought this thing to promote."

He Shan said very naturally, and showed the flag behind him to four people, and he put the flag away only after the four people had finished reading it.

Yan Jiayu knew that He Shan was collecting the corpses of monsters, but the others looked confused.

Li Fan frowned and said, "I know the tricky copper coin, but what are this spiritual liquid and corpse poison?"

When he heard his doubts, He Shan's eyes lit up, and he took out two small mineral water bottles directly from his backpack.

"These two things are all brewed by me from the corpses of the monsters. One contains pure energy, and the other contains deadly toxins."

"I'll pour you a little bit, you study and study."

After He Shan's operation, the discussion meeting before the war became his sales meeting.

Yan Jiayu's four people were full of praise for the quality of the two things. Asina suddenly recovered and asked He Shan in a deep voice.

"You said you came from the future, so will you still explore with us seriously? This is your first four-level overlapping area exploration. If you don't concentrate, it will be deadly."

Wei Daoxian nodded: "An inattentive Tier 2 sorcerer may be a drag on us. Your things may be good, but if you have such a mentality, please forgive us for not being able to explore with you."

He Shan put away the spirit liquid and the corpse poison bottle, and patted his chest to several people and said, "Don't worry, I won't hold you back."

With He Shan's assurance, the four of them are not good at rejecting He Shan, but their views on He Shan have changed a little at this time.

It's like playing a copy in the game. Four of them are here to experience the game seriously, and one of them is a power leveling and has been posting small advertisements.

The five people discussed briefly, and the exploration plan for this overlapping area entered into the overlapping area.

The five of them entered in batches, and there were no accidents in the process of entering.

He Shan fully experienced the illusion of this overlapping area.

The content of the illusion is a group of Yingzhou warriors, slashing in the snow and fire, wow, wow, and say things he doesn't understand.

In the end, He Shan was hacked to death, and he did not see anything useful in the illusion.

It is worth mentioning that in this overlapping area, all Yingzhou people lived before.

After Yingzhou sank to the bottom of the sea, some Yingzhou people escaped to Zhongzhou across the dangerous ocean, and some of them lived in this shipyard.

However, these people were not very lucky, and it quickly became an overlapping area, and all the people of Yingzhou did not escape from here.

Although the relationship between the Zhongzhou people and the Yingzhou people has not been very good, He Shan is a little bit sad to see a team fleeing like this.

After leaving the illusion, He Shan suddenly felt a heaviness, as if something was pressing on him.

"This should be the special rule for this overlapping area."

He Shan tried to bend over and felt a little more relaxed, but the heavy feeling still couldn't be completely erased.

In the abandoned shipyard, there are rusty irons everywhere, there are abandoned workshops, abandoned docks, huge anchors on the roadside...

When I walked inside, I saw a simple village and town.

Although the town is small, it has all five internal organs, but because these Yingzhou people do not understand Chinese characters, there are many typos in many places.

Such as delicious nuclear rice, premium tritium dishes, honey uranium tea stalls, etc...

An old man with a crouched waist and wearing Yingzhou's traditional costumes was in front of a big bucket, making uranium tea, a big bucket of green liquid, which looked a little oozing.

His name is Ben Tritium Crane.

He was once a tea ceremony master. Ever since they wandered into Central Continent as a boat, he tried his best to make his people happy.

But for some reason, his people became very strange and no longer like ordinary tea.

Even he himself has lost interest in tea. The hundreds of people who have fled seem to have suffered from some kind of disease, and have become reluctant to eat.

If this continues, they will be completely extinct.

So he walked out of the shipyard, looking for some special drinks in Zhongzhou that the people like.

But those people from Central Continent looked at him like a monster, and wherever he went, people would avoid him.

To be reasonable, his eyes are not good, no matter how he looks at him, he is a kind grandfather.

In the end, he drank a drink called ‘Honey Grapefruit Tea’ in a cold drink shop. He learned the method of this drink and returned to the shipyard camp.

Everyone likes this new drink very much, but don't know why, after drinking this drink, his people have become more and more strange.

There are fewer and fewer people drinking his drinks, but Ben Tritium is still making honey grapefruit tea with perseverance.

He wants to make this drink the ultimate, as long as someone is willing to drink it, he has the value of existence.

Then Ben Tritium saw He Shan and others walking into the overlapping area.

He picked up a white porcelain bowl, poured some fluorescent green liquid, held the bowl with both hands, and squeezed an ugly smile on his gully old face.

"Little Wawa, would you like a drink?"

He Shan's pupils shrank slightly, and the old man was obviously a monster.

His skin is dark, the ravines on his face are full of tiny worms, and there is a ham-shaped worm in his eye sockets wriggling ferociously.

As he spoke, a piece of debris in his eye socket fell into the white porcelain bowl.


This disgusting picture caused Asina to cover her mouth, while He Shan's face remained as usual.

He has seen this kind of scenes a lot, and since the **** and lime are broken down, ordinary things can no longer make him feel sick.

"Drink, a cup to respect the morning sun, a cup to respect the moonlight, a cup to respect freedom, and a cup to respect death."

"Well... you have five people, and there is still a cup, so please respect heaven."

Wei Daoxian and the others waved their hands again and again, but they didn't dare to drink such things of unknown significance.

Ben Tritium's face darkened as he saw several people's refusal.

"I heard that the people in Zhongzhou are very generous. I didn't expect that the few I met were all rubbish. If you don't drink my tea, you just look down on me, the old man!"

"Here, look down on me, the consequences are very serious!"

"Don't be angry, it hurts you so much."

He Shan haha ​​walked over, and under Ben Tritium's sinister eyes, he picked up a white porcelain bowl.

Just as Ben Tritium thought that He Shan was going to drink honey grapefruit tea, he found out that He Shan had taken out a mineral water bottle from somewhere, and poured a bowl of black, unknown liquid.

This bowl of unidentified liquid was still gurgling with bubbles, and the evil energy inside made Ben Tritium Crane frown.

He Shan took the bowl and said to Ben Tritium:

"Zhongzhou has been a country of etiquette since ancient times. How can there be elders to toast to younger generations here?"

Ben Tritium explained: "This is tea, not wine."

He Shan waved his hand: "Tea is the same. In our Central Continent, the younger generation should come first."

"So please drink my bar first."

"Let me tell you, my wine is made in a complicated way. This glass of wine is worth at least half the life of a monster. You will know it after a sip, it tastes great!"

Ben Tritium Crane took a step back, his left eye was intact and his eyeball turned: "No, you should try honey grapefruit tea first. Drinking alcohol hurts your body."

He Shan resolutely shook his head: "How can the old people not drink first, but let the younger generation drink first?"

"Could it be that you look down on me? It's very serious to look down on me!"

He Shan's fierce eyes made the tritium crane's hair stand upright. He had no doubt that as long as he refused, He Shan would screw his head off.

After some manipulation by He Shan, the uncomfortable person became Ben Tritium Crane.

However, it is impossible for Ben Tritium Crane to drink corpse wine, this thing has a problem at first sight, I am afraid that it will go to the west without a sip.

After a long stalemate, Ben Tritium sighed.

"Okay, I drink."

He had taken He Shan's white porcelain bowl, but immediately threw it down, trying to grab He Shan's hand.

When the bowl hadn't landed, He Shan was put into the spare decomposition warehouse, and then He Shan grabbed Ben Tritium's arm with a move of his hand.

He Shan shook his hand, Ben Tritium's arm was twisted to dislocation, and then He Shan kicked Ben Tritium's chest and kicked him out.

Wei Dao's eyes flashed as he watched this set of surreal movements.

He could see that He Shan was not the tritium crane who only kicked off with his ability, but had really practiced fighting skills.

After Ben Tritium Crane landed, the insect in his right eye rushed out, and went straight to He Shan's eyes. He Shan frowned and his body glowed with green light.


A raging fire flashed, and the scorching flame instantly burned the insect to ashes.

Wei Daoxian made an inhalation action. This flame was obviously ejected from him. He waved to He Shan and said, "No thanks!"

For He Shan’s previous operation, he is very grateful ~ In the overlapping area above level 4, monsters with special action logic like Ben Tritium are the most difficult targets. .

Unlike the previous overlap area, the deflection value and pollution value in the fourth level overlap area are too high.

Unless there is a specific ability, otherwise it is generally impossible to judge the strength of the monster from the appearance, this tritium crane, a maverick monster, may be an ordinary mob, or it may be the most dangerous domain owner in the overlapping area.

Therefore, He Shan stepped forward and forced Ben Tritium to drink, which carried a great risk.

After the worms in Ben Tritium Crane's brain were killed, he immediately roared frantically. He lay on the ground like a scorpion, his body appeared fluorescent green, and his two eyes were surprisingly green.

The fluorescence on his body shone on everyone, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

If it is an ordinary person, exposed to this light for a long time, it may suffer from special diseases that cannot be cured.

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