Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 325: Painted Dragon

On the phone, a familiar voice came.

   "This thing is not real..."

   "The huge giant we see now is just an external manifestation of a certain power."

   "It does exist, but it does not exist in our world."

   "Moreover, the power to make it appear here is limited. It can only support its appearance for twenty-four hours. When the time comes, the giant will disappear by itself."

   The person who said this was a crowned powerhouse stationed in Sheng'an, the capital of Central Continent, and the head of the abnormal management department!

   He is the strongest sorcerer in Central Continent today, and he has mysterious sources, but when the minister announces something, it is often correct.

   "But during these twenty-four hours, this giant will uninterruptedly disintegrate the boundaries of all overlapping areas, and when his figure is completely solidified, it may cause abnormally irresistible catastrophe."

   "After this power disappears, we can only get a devastated world."

   "So we have to stop it!"

   Yin Wushuang frowned: "How to stop it, I have tried it, my power is completely ineffective."

   On the phone, the Minister said in a deep voice: "Your power can have an impact, but the scope of this thing is too large, so you can't notice it."

   "So, prepare to end, only this can delay the time for that thing to take shape."

   The formation that the minister said was not like the old sect of the gods, asking for power from the evil gods through special rituals.

   Instead, through the ability of a crown-level powerhouse, the power of all crown-level sorcerers in Central Continent is connected together to form a whole to enter a higher level of power.

   After waiting for a while, a transparent force flew from a distance, and Yin Wushuang took this power in his hands.

   Then she raised her hand, and an icicle about ten meters thick rose from the ground and grew into the clouds.

   The **** on the icicle extends along the transparent path.

   At the same time, several other forces of different colors also fell on this icicle, dyeing the transparent icicle colorfully.

   A huge irregular geometric figure appeared on the map of Central Continent. This geometric figure contained the power of all the crown-class powerhouses in Central Continent.

   Then the geometric figures began to release their power toward the sky, and the speed at which the sky-shielding giant formed was obviously slowed down.

   "These are the only things we can do, and they can only rely on themselves for the rest."

   Minister turned off the communication, and Yin Wushuang also closed his eyes.


   "Hehe, it was blocked...this is also normal."

   The mutilated black shadow, standing on the edge of the closed street, watched the changes in the sky, and made a sarcasm.

   "We didn't underestimate the guardians of this world, so this action is just to take a step forward."

   "As long as they go on like this step by step, they will inevitably perish."

   "The one that deserves more attention now is here."

   The black shadow looked at the direction of Suiyuan Xiaopu, with a hideous expression on his face.

   Whether it's the monsters rushing out of the nearby overlapping areas, or the strangers he sent into the Suiyuan shop, they are all held down by the strange power, standing on the side of the road like a statue.

   The level of that power is very high, at least those who wear a crown can resist.

   Even if the shadow is special, he can only resist for a short time when he is complete, but he is not complete at all now.

   He has the task of creating more strangers. At the same time, he is also an undercover agent sent by the sly planet to the earth. If he can't have a complete body, he can't perform the task better.

   But the weird power in Suiyuan Xiaopu kept his body from becoming complete.

   He had secretly entered the Blocked Street once before. That time he didn't show any killing intent, but just wanted to enter a house with his stomach aura.

   But even so, he was almost left in the closed street forever.

   Now he is waiting for an opportunity, this time the invasion of the sly planet will affect all the forces in the Central Continent.

   Fengren Street will inevitably be affected as well, and by then he can safely take away his body parts.

   "When I take away the parts, I will get all his memories, and then I will be able to know some of the secrets of the shop."


   bang, bang, bang!

   He Shan was riding a motorcycle and racing on skyscrapers, holding the handle of the Che Guevara in one hand, and shooting at the painted dragon in the other.

   Ten long swords, following his will, shuttled in mid-air, leaving the painted dragon with scars.

   And all his bullets hit the painted dragon's knee.

   Yes, dragons also have knees.

   And He Shan's target was concentrated on the claws at the bottom right of the painted dragon, shot after shot, he was about to see the bones.

   While riding a motorcycle, He Shan deliberately avoided the colored parts on the ground.

   Because of those colored parts, there may be attacks at any time.

  The paws of the painted dragon can freely shuttle through the colored parts.

   Assuming that He Shan steps on a colored mark, then the painted dragon can attack He Shan just by swinging its claws at another painted land.

   The first time this ability was used, he scratched He Shan's thigh, but after that, the painted dragon had no chance to use it. UU reading www. uukānshu. com

   This building is very big, He Shan's motorcycle is fast, and He Shan will not be careless enough to be hit by the same attack again.

   Painted Dragon has two other abilities, namely ‘Dragon Breath’ and ‘Dragon Power’.

  Dragon Breath can spray out energy flow from the mouth, while Longwei is a kind of mental attack. He Shan will feel shocked when he roars.

   The three abilities form a holy emblem, creating this extremely powerful dragon-shaped monster.

   He Shan is just walking now, and he doesn't dare to get too close to this monster. The other teammates help him from a distance.

   There is only one thing he has to do, and that is to knock down the painted dragon.

   The dragon hovered over the building, only He Shan had the ability to attack him, and it was too dangerous to enter the contaminated building.

   Fortunately, this dragon has no ability to float in the air, nor does it have the ability to hover on a tree trunk like a snake. It can walk on the building with four paws.

   That's why He Shancai focused on using the surrender pistol to attack the painted dragon's knees.

   This building is very slippery, as long as one of its legs has a problem, it can no longer rest on the building.

   When it reaches the ground, it is the home court of He Shan and others. Together, the four of them will definitely not lose to this monster.

   When He Shan fired the last shot, the painted dragon let out a sob, and the huge body tens of meters long slid down from the building.

   Its other three claws were still grasping on the glass on the outer layer of the building, but He Shan's attack on the'knee' made it unable to grasp every hand.

   finally fell heavily to the ground.

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