Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 326: Dragon Slash

As soon as the painted dragon landed, Bao Lili rushed over.

   A few dragon breaths spit out, melting the street lights, cars, and house walls on the roadside.

   But no matter how powerful an attack is, as long as it fails to hit, it has no meaning.

   Bao Lili rushed to the side of the painted dragon in an instant, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, took a step back and then slammed a punch.

   That punch grew rapidly in mid-air, and finally turned into a giant fist with a diameter of several meters. Compared with this fist, the body of the painted dragon appeared slender, and the huge body was directly knocked out.

   Immediately after Bao Lili punched a few more punches, the huge transparent shadow of the fist hit between the chest and abdomen of the painted dragon.

   The painted dragon fell to the ground, and suddenly he felt a hand grasping his tail.

   It turned his head and saw a peerless ugly man with thick lips, looking at him indifferently.

   The ugly man's body is all mosaics, and the mosaics are still eroding his body.

   The painted body is also eroding this ugly man. As a monster at the level of the holy emblem, the erosion of the painted dragon far exceeds that of Xiao Pujie.

   But at this moment, ten long swords from the sky flew down one by one.

  The long sword blessed with the power of a sly copper coin, one sword after another, was nailed to the body of the painted dragon, nailing it to the ground fiercely.

   Taking advantage of such an instant, Xiaopjie stepped up his efforts, and the mosaic erosion suddenly overwhelmed the painted erosion.

   Le Qingyi ran to the imprisoned painted dragon, and instantly transformed into the form of the Snow Goddess. The diamond mirror and long sword were formed, and the internal organs of the painted dragon were cut away at once.

   This incredible Saint Emblem level monster, under the joint hands of a few people, fell into a slump in the blink of an eye.

Although the    Saint Emblem-level monster is powerful, its home game is in the endless corridor. Now in this strange place, its first ability can hardly be used.

   So I was easily suppressed by a few people.

   But even with such an advantage, the few people did not relax.

   Except for Le Qingyi, everyone else has seen the true holy emblem in a monster posture, and the current painted dragon obviously hasn't exerted its full strength yet.


  The painted dragon roared, and the mighty dragon spread out.

   Except for He Shan, everyone else became immobile. Any creature with a radius of a few hundred meters felt a sense of depression from the bottom of my heart.

   He Shan, who was still upstairs, also fell from the upstairs because of this roar.

   is only five or six meters high. He Shan's physique is not a big problem, but He Shan frowns that hurts after falling like this.

   Then the painted dragon swiftly rotated, and the long tail of the dragon was drawn on the bodies of the three of Xiaopujie at the same time, and they were directly shot out.

  Shoopjie slammed into the street lamp, Pauline smashed into the wall, and Le Qingyi slammed into the billboard.

   After the painted dragon, he sprayed a stream of colorful energy at He Shan. He Shan hurriedly stretched out the shadow chain claws and moved away from where he was before.

   The place where he was originally located was burned out of a big pit by the energy flow. If He Shan hadn't avoided it, that blow would be enough to make his bones dead.

   Rainbow-colored lines appeared on the painted dragon.

   The huge body of dozens of meters long gradually shrank and turned into a horrible monster of half human and half dragon. The monster's chest has a colorful symbol, which is its holy emblem.


   The monster yelled at the sky, the pressure on his body turned into real wind pressure, and He Shan's hair kept dancing.

   Unlike other monsters with high IQs, the Painted Dragon is more like a beast with unwieldy intelligence. It cannot and does not want to communicate with He Shan and others.

   All it wants is pure destruction.

   "After transforming into the holy emblem state, its various abilities will be improved. The abilities no longer need to be triggered deliberately, but are as natural as instinct."

   Just as He Shan was thinking about **** this painted dragon, he suddenly opened his mouth with a weird smile.

   Behind the painted dragon, at a five-story high-rise building, a camouflage canvas was pulled apart, revealing the nine pipes side by side inside.

   That is the rocket launch pad!

   There are many similar arrangements of powerful weapons throughout Lianhai City.

   Before the painted dragon hovered on the top of the building, it was naturally inconvenient for the anomaly bureau to attack, but now the painted dragon is on the ground!


   Rockets came one after another, hitting the vicinity of the painted dragon. The flames from the explosion engulfed the painted dragon, and it could only stretch out a paw to protect its face.

   When the four rockets passed, the painted dragon was already blackened, and it was no longer as bright as before.

   The painted dragon that had just escaped the danger, before he had time to breathe, the four of He Shan attacked at the same time.

   Long sword, lip energy, acne attack, fist in the air, beam cannon with floating diamond mirror...

   After countless attacks, this powerful painted dragon finally couldn't hold it, and fell to the ground with a sob.

   It still has a lot of abilities that it hasn't used, but there is never a chance to come back in battle, and the abilities that can't be used are equivalent to not having it.

   The most troublesome painted dragon was killed, and the rest of the little monsters couldn't make any waves in this situation.

   So the four of He Shan separated.

   Le Qingyi returned to her parents' house, and Bao Lili returned to her martial arts gym, and Xiao Pujie went to support other sorcerers nearby.

   And He Shan rode a motorcycle to the direction of Fengren Street.

   It’s not far from Fengren Street, so he didn’t use the ability of Suiyuan Shop to teleport back, but was going to drive back with a motorcycle.

   Once teleported back, he would be confined to the Suiyuan Shop for eight hours.

  Before opening the store, He Shan had other things to do, and he was not sure whether he should open the store at this time.

   "Look at Grandpa tearing you alive!"

   On the way, He Shan saw that there were many tricksters fighting.

   A young man with a moxican haircut, wearing lion claw gloves on his hands, suddenly tore a monster in half.

   On the other side, a bird and monster was hit by dozens of bubbles and fell on the ground.

   There are also a few guys who are acting very fast, holding simple weapons around a fat pig monster to attack.

   These fighting magicians were originally ordinary people, and only after they had the items and pronucleus from the Suiyuan Shop, did they have the confidence to fight these monsters.

   But these alone are not enough. Today is the whole city fighting monsters.

   Many people will die, but there will be more people who will awaken their abilities in battle and become new sorcerers.

   He Shan twisted the throttle, and Che Guevara speeded up. He had to go back to the Suiyuan shop quickly to see what he could do with the abilities of the Suiyuan store manager.

   Seeing that He Shan would arrive in three or two minutes, a bandage suddenly shot out from the alley, entangled He Shan's wheels!

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