Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 328: Unnamed sword formation

He Shan was observing the brain, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the bandaged man suddenly jumped to his side.

After jumping over, this guy slammed his fists on the ground, and more than ten bandages flew out of the ground, attacking the surroundings indiscriminately.

Two long swords flew down from above, pierced the two bandages flying towards He Shan, and nailed them to the ground fiercely.

The pinned bandage immediately lost its vitality, and then the bandager stretched out his hand at He Shan, and a dozen more bandages flew towards He Shan.

With the help of the shadow chain claws, He Shan kept retreating, and everything on the road was destroyed by the hard bandage.


The bandage man laughed wildly, his laughter turned into a substantial sound wave, which spread out in circles.

He Shan was having a headache because of the quarrel, and fighting came from nearby buildings.

This laughter spread the mental pollution from him, and sent many ordinary people into frenzy.

"It seems that he must be resolved quickly, otherwise the ordinary people around will be permanently affected."

He Shan looked at the bandage man with a serious expression, and now he had speculated on this guy's abilities.

The bandager, like He Shan, should be a second-order sorcerer.

His three abilities, one should be to manipulate bandages, and the other should be this special howling.

Normally, a stranger of his level can't influence ordinary people on such a large scale. This is all due to the howl.

As for the third ability, it should be some kind of blessing ability.

It's like He Shan's flying sword and tricky copper coin blessing to get such power, and the ability to manipulate the bandage alone should not be able to obtain this destructive power.

Knowing the ability of the bandager, He Shan has a spectrum in his heart.

Although the bandage man gave up thinking and let his madness dominate him, his strength was obviously stronger.

But in fact, He Shan has been releasing water just now.

Well, it should be said that they are releasing the river.

After all, the bandage man is a stranger, and there is a mysterious brain flower squatting next to him. Without knowing the full capabilities of this guy, He Shan has to spare no effort to avoid being caught off guard.

Now that he knew his abilities, He Shan didn't need to keep his hands anymore.

He wants to solve this guy as quickly as possible.

To defeat him is easy, as long as all the bandages are cut off.

It may be difficult for others to do it, but now He Shan... can!

He Shan put his hands together, ten long swords floating on the left and right sides, spreading out like wings.

Then the ten swords flew around the bandaged man and arranged them in a certain pattern.

The bandager looked at these flying swords in confusion, wondering what He Shan was doing.

He Shan sneered, his hands moved closer together, and the green energy burst out from his body.

Then the ten swords began to shuttle in a certain pattern, and each sword flashed green and brass, and they received two blessings at the same time!

The ten long swords are like the gears of a meat grinder, strangling the bandage man with astonishing speed and precision.

The range of the long sword shuttle is getting smaller and smaller, eventually driving the bandaged people hidden in it to a desperate situation.

The bandage man released his bandages, trying to fly these long swords away.

But the power of this long sword is completely different from before.

Even if he kept releasing new bandages, he couldn't resist the rapid breaking of all the bandages.

As the damage range of the long sword narrowed, wounds appeared on his body, and the stench of blood spurted out.

After the bandage on his body was cut off, He Shan discovered that the body of the bandaged person was all covered with fine tooth prints, no wonder he had to wrap his body completely with the bandage.

"Unnamed sword formation-strangling style!"


The bandage man roared weakly, but he was unable to escape or fight back, unable to dodge these terrifying long swords.

In the end, his body was pierced by ten swords at the same time, and his body became riddled with sores. He knelt on the ground, blood covering the ground nearby.

He still has a breath, but he can't make any waves anymore.

He Shan sighed in relief when he looked at the bandaged man who fell on the ground: "This is the first time I have performed this trick. It is a bit unfavorable when I use it on something that is neither human nor ghost..."

Then he laughed: "But the effect is quite good, it seems that this idea is indeed feasible."

When He Shan's strength became stronger and stronger, and there were more and more long swords, he gradually discovered a problem.

The long sword blessed by the tricky copper coin, when his strength was low, the effect was so powerful that other tricksters envied it.

But when he has Tier 2 strength, this kind of lethality can only be considered good.

And the number of his long swords is too much, even if his mental power is different from ordinary people, it is difficult to do all-in-one.

Therefore, when attacking in peacetime, it is necessary to distinguish between the primary and secondary. One attack with two hands, and the other assists, and it is impossible to exert the strongest power of all the long swords at the same time.

In order to solve this dilemma, He Shan came up with a solution.

That is to train the ‘sword formation’!

Regardless of changing circumstances, just let the long sword run in a specific trajectory.

In this way, after a certain amount of training, He Shan can fully exert the full power of the ten long swords!

Because of the limited time, He Shan only trained the strangling style and one sword style for the time being. All the long swords revolved around a large circle, and then narrowed the range a little bit, finally strangling the enemies inside.

When conceived, I somewhat referred to the operation mode of the decomposition machine.

This time the experiment is successful, and you can concentrate on creating sword formations suitable for other scenarios in the future.

After solving the most threatening alien, He Shan raised his head and looked at the little brain on the third floor.

The only eye left in the brain showed a look of disdain.

If he had a mouth, he would definitely scold the bandage to waste.

Cthulhu's body parts are normally unable to move, but because of the existence of the sky-shielding giant, demons and monsters can move out of the overlapping area, and body parts can naturally.

Besides being able to move freely this brain can also perform other abilities!

The little brain jumped from the third floor, looking like it wanted to fall on the bandaged person.

But He Shan immediately used the shadow chain claws to directly grab the bandaged person's body to his side, causing the little brain to jump into the air.

He Shan smiled: "I won't give you a chance to have a second stage or something."

The little brain was not angry, his eyes were very calm.

Suddenly He Shan's pupils dilated, and a bandage suddenly sprang out of the bandaged man's body!

Unprepared, He Shan was directly knocked out.

Whether or not to use this body to continue fighting is not something He Shan can decide, but it is decided by the great evil **** attending the brain!

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