Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 329: Dark Shadow Appears

The bandage man stood up swayingly, and looked at He Shan in a posture of inner character.

More than ten meters away, the little brain disappeared in the air, and then the bandage man's eyes lit up.

His body creaked and seemed to be rejuvenated.

"It's ridiculous that such a body can stand up."

He Shan vomited a mouthful of blood and smeared it, and stood up, clutching his left abdomen.

If there is sunlight now, the sunlight penetrates the bandage man’s body, I am afraid it will be like a shower...

The bandage man made a low voice, but there was always a feeling of air leakage when he spoke. This was because He Shan pierced his throat.

"Little clever humans, all your plans are meaningless."

"Hurry up and hand over my things, you know what I mean, that's the same conscious body fragments as me."

"Otherwise, I will attach it to you and take it away, it's the same."

He Shan's face was full of question marks. Just now the bandaged man's finger was below his waist.

What does the conscious body fragments have to do with this? Isn't He Shan's body original?

"Wait, the briefs of the Cthulhu servant!"

He Shan's eyes widened, and suddenly he figured out many things. He pointed to the brain and said, "You are the brain of the servant of the evil god!"

And the stomach pouch he saw before should be the stomach pouch of the Cthulhu servant.

A certain Cthulhu attendant lurks in Lianhai City with its body torn apart, and He Shan has many intersections with these things!

But even if he figured this out, He Shan couldn't compromise.

A red light flashed in the bandage man's eyes, and a red ray suddenly appeared in his eyes. The speed of this ray was extremely fast. Even if He Shan had been using the ability of walking boots, the red light pierced his arm.

"You see, this is the absolute strength gap. Under such a gap, you can't resist me."

The bandage man looked a little proud. The brain attached to him hadn't experienced what it was like to manipulate his body for a long time, so he wanted to experience this feeling a lot.


A big hand patted the bandage man's body.

His body was directly shattered into scum, and the debris of the corpse stained a wall next to it.

"You are right. In the face of absolute strength, all small moves are meaningless."

A guy with a body composed of lines and dappled color blocks walked out of the dark with an evil aura.

Outside of this guy's body, the air was distorted, and He Shan's scalp numb just standing there.

"what's this!"

The black figure didn't understand He Shan.

He had been staring at the Fengren Street, but he could not find a breakthrough.

After the brain possessed the bandaged person, it inevitably exuded its own breath, so the black shadow on the edge of the closed street noticed the breath, and rushed over quickly, and suddenly broke the bandaged body.

The part of the brain with the throat and mouth was stepped on by the black shadow.

"You and I are a part, why are you reluctant to return to the original body?"

The brain angrily said: "The brain should be in charge of the body, and you are just the will of multiple bodies. I will not let you do it."

Sombra nodded and said in a strange tone of Yin and Yang: "Indeed, in all bodies, you are the most important one, and each individual area of ​​will is not as strong as you."

"But the fact is that we were combined together first, so you who are still alone don't want to blend in with us, but want to find a few other bodies and then merge, and finally you alone will control the whole body."

"But what's the difference between letting us control the body and letting you do it? After all, we are all servants of that adult..."

The brain roared: "Fart, obviously I am the main body."

After watching for a while, He Shan understood.

This guy ‘smuggled’ into the real world by dividing himself into the real world, but the separated parts of the body had independent consciousness.

Therefore, the brain, which originally occupied the absolute dominant position, did not want to let itself disappear and act alone.

The black figure shook his body: "This is beyond your control!"

As soon as he pushed his feet, the brain was squashed, and on the body of the black shadow, a new brain was regenerated, and it also had an eye.

The strength of this guy has become stronger than before!

He Shan is moving quietly, the strength of this black shadow is not comparable to that of a bandaged man.

Even this guy may not be an ordinary Saint Emblem level, no matter how many lives there are in fighting this thing, it is not enough.

After solving the brain, Sombra looked at He Shan.

"I noticed before that you have my aura, but at that time I didn't have a chance to make a move..."

"It's time to get it back..."

He took a step forward and appeared directly in front of He Shan, his black claws grabbing He Shan's chest.

Thinking of the tragic scene of the bandaged man's body before, He Shan's hair stood up, and he directly launched a strangulation sword formation against him, and he hid in the alley.

Seeing this sword formation, Sombra shook his head, and with a single-arm wave of a powerful wind, all the long swords were blown away.

He Shan's first two black gold long swords and sharp edge swords, a total of three long swords broke immediately.

Then the shadow walked into the alley, in his opinion He Shan couldn't escape no matter what.

It's like an ant, unable to escape in front of humans.

After walking into the alley, Sombra found that He Shan did not step on the ground here, but instead hooked the wall with a grappling hook and fled in other directions.

He took a step forward, and suddenly countless bandages rushed from all directions, frequently attacking the shadow, and the ground nearby began to sink.

This alley was the alley where Sombra wanted to ambush He Shan in the first place.

He created a trap here, as long as He Shan dared to step into it, he would immediately be beaten into meat by these bandages.

But I didn't expect that He Shan just threw a grenade in it and didn't put it on so the bandage man came out to deal with He Shan.

However, this trap came in handy in the end. Without this trap, He Shan would not be able to escape from the shadows.

After running out of the alley, He Shan immediately switched to maple leaf mode and ran towards the area of ​​Fengren Street.

This place is very close to Fengren Street, as long as he is given less than a minute, he can enter the range of Fengren Street.

At that time, it is not him who should run away.


There was a sudden explosion in the alley, and all the bandages shattered and fell to the ground. The black shadow turned to look in the direction of He Shan's escape, and his figure disappeared instantly.

He won't let He Shan escape, because with every integral part of his body, he will become stronger!

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