Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 341: Futu and Licensing

The sky was getting dark, and the night had come early because of the giant that obscured the sky.

   But in this night, I can't see the twinkling stars in the sky, nor the crooked moon.

   A thick icicle stands in the night sky, and the light blue light illuminates the nearby space.

   Because of the aura of this icicle, all the monsters nearby did not dare to approach.

   The icicles are connected to several different colors of energy. There is a cold ice platform where the energy connects. Yin Wushuang sits cross-legged on the platform, looking solemnly awaiting information.

   After Li Yuansheng told her He Shan's plan, she passed the news to the head of the Anomaly Management Bureau.

   Let a powerful monster, suspected of coming from an overlapping area, intervene in this major event related to the safety of the world.

   If it were a few months ago, who would dare to mention this to her, she might go crazy on the spot and freeze the whole person in the shape of a coffin.

   But this time after she got Li Yuansheng's proposal, she hesitated for a long time, but decided to report the news and attached her own attitude.

  She, support this decision!

   Although he had never entered Suiyuan Xiaopu, Yin Wushuang knew that Suiyuan Xiaopu had never done anything to harm Zhongzhou.

   Even because of the existence of Suiyuan Xiaopu, the situation in Lianhai City has developed in a positive direction.

   This is very rare throughout Central Continent.

  Maybe this is not enough to explain the goodwill of Suiyuan Xiaopu, but it is already worthy of Yin Wushuang's gamble.

   Don't think Zhongzhou can hold on now. In fact, only less than half of the twenty-four hours have passed.

   After another two hours at most, there will be a sixth-order crown demon, coming out of the overlapping area!

   At that time, they had to end this circle and fight against the crown-level monsters.

   The failure of the magic circle may bring about a more terrifying chain reaction.

  According to the worst estimate, twenty-four hours later, there may be less than half of the living people in Central Continent!

   And under this catastrophe, only the store manager of Suiyuan Shop has the power to turn the tide.

   As for whether this is a conspiracy, Suiyuan Shop deliberately pretended to be useful to humans, thereby defrauding the trust of human high-levels...

   Yin Wushuang has never had this kind of thought.

   Because if He Shan wants to be detrimental to mankind, he doesn't need to go through such troublesome methods.

   The strength of the monsters above the ninth rank, human beings have already experienced it in Li Zhou.

   It is a natural disaster-like power that human beings can't resist. Although the threat level may not be better than that of today's sky-shaking giant...

   But the monsters above the ninth rank will not only exist for twenty-four hours!

   Although she is quite confident, she doesn't know what the other people's attitude is.

   After all, Suiyuan Xiaopu's affairs are top secret, and only she and the minister know about it among the senior management.

   And if you want to let the manager of Suiyuan join in, even if the minister agrees, a third person must nod.

   That person is the most important node of this magic circle, and the magic circle that connects the entire Central Continent crowned sorcerer is realized based on this person's ability.

  Only by persuading this crowned sorcerer, can it be possible to let the shopkeeper Suiyuan join in.

   As for others, it’s better not to know this.

   Even if one person disagrees, it will cause the circle to become unsustainable.

   But keeping it from everyone, it is equivalent to taking all the crown-level sorcerers to make a bet, so this decision is quite difficult to make.

   Yin Wushuang can only be used as a microphone, and she can't do anything else.

   After waiting for ten minutes, Yin Wushuang answered the phone.

   "I agreed, and he agreed..."

   "You make Li Yuansheng get ready to explode with all your strength in a specific place, and then Futu will extend a corner of the circle."

  Futu is the ability of that mysterious sorcerer.

   Across the phone, the Minister's tired voice came.

   "Why did you agree so soon?" Yin Wushuang asked in surprise.

Minister    replied: "It's about the safety of the world, and it's not okay to be unhappy."

   "I performed divination and it turned out to be beneficial to us, so..."


   Yin Wushuang's expression was slightly shocked, she knew what the minister said about divination.

   That is a powerful trick sealed by the Anomaly Administration Bureau. After paying a certain price, a divination can be performed, and the result of the divination must be correct.

   But the premise is to give correct information, and the divination that exceeds the ability of the trick will be directly invalidated, and the cost will not be refunded.

  The price of using divination is the lifespan of the crowned sorcerer!

  Even the strongest minister, to perform a divination, he must spend at least ten years of life.

   No wonder the Minister looks so tired...

   Yin Wushuang sent the message to Li Yuansheng, and sat on the ice in silence for a long time.

   She kept meditating in her heart: "I have paid such a price, he must be able to help..."


   Scraps of paper in the sky, flying like leaves.

When    falls on the monster, it will cause a series of explosions.

   Outside Fengren Street, Li Yuansheng hunted the monsters while anxiously waiting for Yin Wushuang's reply.

   Get high-level approval one minute earlier, and you can save more people one minute earlier.

   He killed a Tier 4 monster just now, and that monster has already made it quite difficult for him to deal with it.

  If the level of the monster is raised again, even he, the strongest person in Lianhai City, may be powerless.

   Fortunately, Lianhai City has jade to help, which makes Li Yuansheng less pressure.

   Suddenly, Li Yuansheng's phone rang.

   After seeing the message on the phone, Li Yuansheng looked ecstatic, and immediately went to Fengren Street and rushed to Suiyuan Shop.

   At this time, he thought a lot, very beautiful things.

   But when he ran to the door of Suiyuan Xiaopu, his joy was stagnant.

"What's happening here?"

   I saw the Suiyuan Shop, which turned into a dark green color scheme, which looked gloomy.

   And on both sides of the door, there are ten monsters exuding dangerous aura guarding the door. The strength of these monsters is basically not worth mentioning to Li Yuansheng.

   But the signal sent out made Li Yuansheng vigilant.

   "As the disaster progressed, Suiyuan Shop finally revealed its evil nature?"

   "Then should I tell the store manager Suiyuan what I got?"

   At this moment, Li Yuansheng fell into entanglement, and the safety of the world was in his hands.

   He took a deep breath: "Azhen, I'm sorry, maybe I chose the wrong one."

   "But I must make a choice as soon as possible, even if the wrong choice results in death!"

   Li Yuansheng bit his scalp and rushed directly into the Suiyuan Shop.

   Then he directly saw that He Shan had changed his outfit.

   is no longer the chef's leather apron, but a dark green robe with a strange mask on his face.

   This costume is put into the adventure movie, no makeup is needed, it is the appearance of the big boss properly.

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