Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 342: He Shan shoots, Qingtian toothblade

Seeing Li Yuansheng coming in, He Shan was overjoyed.

   But looking at his expression, things are a bit weird. If it succeeds, it shouldn’t be as ugly as it is now...

   So He Shan asked in a deep voice: "You, have you got the permission of those crowned sorcerers?"

   Li Yuansheng swallowed and asked with great courage.

   "Before I answer, I want you to answer some of my questions!"

   He Shan was stunned for a moment: "Yes, you can say it."

   "Why has this place changed? What are the monsters outside...Are you still the one I know?"

   He Shan was a little confused when he heard Li Yuansheng's questioning.

   Then he looked at his appearance and suddenly laughed out loud.

   "That's it, I said, why did you suddenly feel like being kicked in the crotch..."

   "I just took advantage of your going out for a while to decorate my room, and also hired a few guards for the nursing home..."

   He Shan waved his hand, Suiyuan Shop became the same again, and the Worm Nest guard outside disappeared without a trace.

   He Shan's hands turned around again, and everything became the same again.

   "As for myself... I have always been me!"

After He Shan finished speaking, Li Yuansheng relaxed: "I will be outside for a while, and I will explode with all my strength. Then there will be a power channel connected to it. As long as you connect with that channel, you can use crown-level trickery. The power of the teacher is connected."

   After finishing speaking, Li Yuansheng bowed deeply to He Shan.

   He Shan smiled, and replied: "Don't worry, it's all over to me."

   The two walked outside, a relatively flat place.

   Then Li Yuansheng took a deep breath, the energy on his body exploded, countless white papers appeared out of thin air, and the white energy dyed the neighborhood white.

   Immediately after He Shan, he felt a spiritual power coming from a distant place.

   After entering Suiyuan's shop, this power shivered obviously, and He Shan deliberately appeased it, but the power shook more violently.

   After a while, a transparent force flew over and stopped in the air.

   He Shan looked at it and understood how this power works.

   He stepped into the void, walked into the air like a step, and then connected to the power channel.

   Then he began to connect his power to this pipe.

   At the moment when the connection started, He Shan instantly perceives the position of all the people connected to the pipeline, and his power can be passed along the pipeline.

   If He Shan wants to, he can use this power channel to directly kill these crown-level powerhouses in Central Continent!

   But of course he would not do this, but found the center of this magic circle.


   All power is transmitted through Futu, which is equivalent to a transit station.

   He Shan's eyes widened, and a force was transmitted to Futu's body.


   In the high mountain and snowy field, a slightly rich, fat guy in a red long coat sits cross-legged in the snow.

   There are intricate energy channels beside him.

   This person is using his own power to guide the power of all crowned sorcerers against the sky-shaking giant in the sky.

  His name is Futu, and he is a Tier 6 crown-level sorcerer.

   In fact, if he has a choice, he actually doesn't want to accept outsiders and enter his special circle.

   But the minister took the result of the divination and said that this was their only hope, so Futu would not refuse it anymore.

   In order to ensure safety, Futu still used his own perception ability to explore He Shan's bottom before starting, only to feel the power like the vast ocean.

   This power has no right and wrong, only a cold and sharp feeling.

   So after thinking for a while, he still connected with that guy.

   But I didn't expect that the guy would actually do it to him just after the connection was established!

   The huge force squeezed by his side, and the fat on his face began to deform.

   "The guy from the overlapping area is really unreliable. What does that guy want to do? My Futu is not a vegetarian either..."

   Futu's muscles were tight and he was preparing to fight fiercely. Suddenly, he found that power, set up a protective shield around him, and then began to reinforce all the power channels.

   If the original strength pipeline was a thin layer of glass tube, then the current strength pipeline is a seamless steel tube.

   There is a pity on Futu's face:

   "So much power can be used to delay the formation of the sky-shielding giant, waste... waste..."

"and many more!"

   Futu was suddenly shocked. Why did the other party spend such a huge amount of power to reinforce the energy pipeline?

   is definitely not just for the boring reasons of looking good...but the other party believes that the next power, the power pipeline originally built by Futu cannot be supported!

   can not support the original power channel, how confident is the other party?

   All the pipes are being strengthened, so every Crown-level sorcerer has discovered anomalies.

   Futu can only send one message in the past.

   "The Minister has found a new helper, please don't worry, everyone, and be prepared for the shock!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, He Shan began to urge his strength.

   The power belonging to Suiyuan Xiaopu quickly poured into this channel.

   Yin Wushuang's robe suddenly bulged up, and all her hair stood up, and the huge power made the space around her tremble.

   "This...this is the power of Suiyuan This is the first time I have experienced it."

   Although she was scared, Yin Wushuang is more happy, because it means Zhongzhou is saved.

   Under the impact of this force, Futu's already rich body has directly become fatter.

   But he is laughing wildly. With this power, they can really resist the sky-shaking giant in the sky!

   Shrouded under the giants of the Middle Continent, there was originally a huge circle composed of lines of various colors.

   But when Suiyuan Xiaopu's power intervened, the huge circle began to change shape.

   After being deformed several times, it finally became a huge, squalid-toothed blade not much smaller than the sky-shielding giant.

   Everyone in the entire Middle Continent can see the terrifying appearance of this tooth blade.

   The fierce tooth blade spins, the cloud is driven up, forming a huge spiral in the sky, and this spiral slowly rushes toward the sky-shielding giant.

   Zhongzhou, Sheng'an City.

   The head of the abnormal management department twitched the corners of his mouth.

   "It seems that my choice is correct, only in this way can Zhongzhou be saved!"

   He clenched his fist and waved in the direction of the tooth blade: "Go, destroy this thing!"

   "Goo go, go go go go..."

   When he was happy, Minister's face suddenly collapsed, and his unsuspecting stomach suddenly hurt.

   This can be regarded as a stubborn illness on his body. Whenever something big happens, his stomach hurts.

   But even if it hurts, he can endure it.

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