Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 343: Ignorant and weak

The huge sharp tooth blade hangs high in the sky, and the rotating clouds are driven by the tooth blade to rotate.

   Everyone in Zhongzhou, their eyes fixed on the tooth blade.

   With the tooth blade, it rises little by little.


   The tooth blade hit the Great Sky Giant's body, making a weird muffled noise.

   This muffled sound doesn't seem to be a sound that can be made in the real world, even if I exhaust my imagination, I don't know what it looks like.

   It doesn't actually exist, but it sounds at the same time in the hearts of all Central Continents.

   Great Sky Giant's body began to become blurred, and spiral lines appeared on the body, which was affected by the rotation of this huge tooth blade.

   was hunting the monster jade, suddenly felt a burst of physical discomfort, but it only lasted for two seconds and then stopped.

   Then she heard He Shan's message, and killed a monster in front of her, and returned to the area of ​​the Fengren Street.

   The other monsters only realized that something was wrong, but they didn't know what was about to happen.

   In this way, Toothblade and the giant faced each other for half an hour.

   During this half an hour, no new overlapping area boundary was disintegrated, and the pressure on the sorcerers in Central Continent was lower overall.

Minister    held his stomach and looked to the sky, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

   He knew that half of this calamity had been spent.

   The giant's figure gradually blurred, and when it was about to disappear, it suddenly solidified again, and the tooth blade was pressed down by a special force for a certain distance.

   This made everyone's hearts tense, but fortunately, the tooth blade did not disappear.

   But some magicians keenly discovered that the overlapping area has changed.

   Although the boundaries of these overlapping regions did not disappear, obvious cracks appeared on the boundaries.

   This crack appeared out of thin air, it looked like a scar in space.

   And these cracks do not only appear in the low-level overlapping areas, but appear on all overlapping areas.

   After receiving the news, the smile on the minister's face disappeared.

   He realized what was going on.

   The sky-shaking giant should have realized that it can no longer open the boundaries of new overlapping areas, so he began to destroy all overlapping area boundaries.

  This kind of destruction is different from direct destruction, it just makes the boundary more unstable.

  In this way, to exert an influence on Zhongzhou, even if He Shan has been going all out, he can't stop the actions of the Great Sky Giant.

   But the Great Sky Giant couldn't stop He Shan from destroying his body.

   The time it can last has become shorter and shorter, so the two have been deadlocked for several hours.


   And everyone is nervously watching the confrontation between the tooth blade and the giant.

  As the direct controller of the tooth blade, He Shan's mind is not here.

  He is not wandering, but the soul flying beyond the sky...the kind in the true sense.

   At the beginning of the confrontation with the giant, He Shan actually felt very relaxed, so he almost crushed the figure of the giant in only half an hour.

   But after the giant re-formed, part of He Shan's consciousness rose uncontrollably.

   There is only a small half of consciousness left to control the blade of the tooth and not to dissipate.

   This part of consciousness rose higher and higher, and within a few seconds, He Shan saw the outline of the earth.

   His consciousness has flown out of the earth. He saw the moon and the sun, but he didn't see the strange planets that should be very conspicuous.

   Then his consciousness continued to rise, and he flew directly out of the solar system. The stardust around him swept across like a meteor. He didn't know how far he had crossed every time he blinked.

   When he finally stopped, he found himself in front of a huge planet.

   This planet is exactly the same as the phantom of the strange planet he saw hanging in the sky on Earth, but it was countless times larger.

   He Shan doesn't know how to describe the size of this planet, because he has nothing to refer to.

   What is certain is that this thing is bigger than the sun!

   and much bigger!

   Before he could see the details of the planet clearly, everything around him disappeared. A table appeared in front of He Shan. On both sides of the table were two humanoid creatures.

   They seem to be drinking some kind of drink.

   He Shan couldn't see the details of their bodies, only the outlines.

   When he saw these two people, He Shan felt a sultry heat in his chest, which reminded him of everything he had seen in "Wandering Fish".

  In other words, if he didn't have the power of the reckless shop at this time, he would have died when he saw these two people.

   "You are the one who is resisting the'Projection of Doom'. You are quite powerful. It is not easy for a mortal to be so strong." The figure on the left applauded while looking at He Shan.

   He Shan didn't understand the current situation, so he frowned and asked, "Who are you, or who are you?"

   He knew that he was in a strange state now, and he wanted to use this state to get more information.

The two did not answer He Shan’s words. The person on the right gave He Shan a surprised look: “Yeah, you killed Hastafa too. I cut him into so many pieces because I wanted him to live longer. , The result is also a waste."

   "But you are just a mortal, how did you do it?"

   The two stared at He Shan at the same time, then smiled at each other at the same time, and said in unison.

   "That's it, the decomposition machine is in your hands."

   He Shan's eyes shook wildly, and the two guys who appeared inexplicably could see through their own fiction and reality at a glance.

   After learning about the existence of the decomposing machine, the attitudes of these two people did not change much, instead they left He Shan aside. began to chat.

   "The guys in'Smooth Face' have always been so hypocritical. They clearly did something like that, but they even sent a decomposition machine over."

   "Do they think this is different from us?"

   "No, we are all the same."

   "hypocrisy, hypocritical!"

   "I heard that an interesting mortal planet was captured recently. The native creatures inside are more beautiful than El Elves. Would you like to raise some?"

   "No, I prefer to raise something stronger, like fighting demons or giant dragons."

   "Cut, weird XP..."


   Listening to the conversation between the two of them, He Shan couldn't help but stop them.

   "I blocked your plan, and I have a decomposition machine in my hand, don't you have anything to say to me?"

   Hearing He Shan's words, the two guys who couldn't see their faces glanced at each other, and then they started laughing, bending over.

   The figure on the left turned around and said to He Shan.

   "Do you feel frustrated because you did not throw the trash into the trash can?"

   "Will you be jealous of the ant for stealing your money because you fell on a coin on the ground and climbed onto an ant?"

   He Shan heard the contempt in this tone. He wiped his sweat with his hand and said, "I won't explain so much to trash cans or ants."

   The person on the right was taken aback for a moment, and showed a look of pity at He Shan: "Do you think we are explaining to you?"

   "Sure enough, things like mortals are too ignorant and weak..."

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