Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 344: Ants can bite people

Weird Decomposition Guide Text Volume Chapter 344 Ants can bite people too. Do you think we are explaining it to you?

"What does it mean?"

   "Aren't they just answering my question, why isn't this explaining to me?"

   The meaning of these two people's words is that their actions on the earth are like throwing trash into a trash can, and He Shan holding the decomposing machine is like an ant crawling on top of gold coins.

   And He Shan’s refutation shows that in the hearts of these two people, the earth and He Shan are not as weak as trash cans and ants.

   But those pitying eyes made He Shan realize that his refutation was absurd in the eyes of the two.

   "Where is the problem..."

   Before He Shan could think clearly, he found that his body suddenly became light and fluttering.

   He started to retreat quickly, and in the blink of an eye he crossed countless distances and returned to his body.

  After thinking for a while, He Shan suddenly exclaimed: "I understand!"

   Under the mask, He Shan's face was suddenly dripping with sweat.

   He finally knew what the pity eyes and the lofty look were all about.

   The conversation just now has never happened!

   is just his power, colliding with the power of the people behind the scenes.

   Then he and the two behind the scenes, each obtained some information from their strength.

   Because the opponent's power level is too high, the information obtained from the opponent does not directly enter He Shan's mind.

   Instead, it was revealed to He Shan in a way of conversation.

  Information is presented to He Shan in a concrete form!

  Because He Shan couldn't even see this point, he attracted the pity of the other side.

   For He Shan, he obtained some fragmentary but very important information from the conversation between the two.

   In order to obtain this information, He Shan put all his heart and soul into it and built a virtual scene instinctively. He didn't even discover his true state.

   And the other party has obtained all the information of He Shan from He Shan, and he will never experience the dialogue that He Shan has experienced.

   In the eyes of the other party, this is just like a slice of bread at noon today, the toast is a little burnt, this kind of information is very boring and will be forgotten when you wave your hand.

   "Hehe, hehe... Is this what we have to face?"

   He Shan suddenly said, making Li Yuansheng standing next to him feel a tingling scalp.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "You said, if I suddenly wanted to destroy this world, what would you do?"

   Li Yuansheng suddenly became cold all over his body, but he said firmly to He Shan: "Fight, even if the gap between us is like the sky, I will fight!"

   After He Shan listened, he nodded slightly and said something in his heart.

   "Then, I won't be frightened!"

   After thinking about everything that happened in his previous consciousness, He Shan understood what a terrifying existence the earth had to face.

   That journey of consciousness tells He Shan that the distance between the strange planet and the earth is desperately far away.

   But the other party still delivered the power.

   is as easy as throwing trash into a trash can. Although it failed this time, just pick up the trash and throw it out again.

   And he, the ant lying on the gold coin, did not really master this ‘gold coin’, as long as the other party bounced him away, he could take the gold coin.

   The laughter of the two made He Shan realize.

   When the strength is insufficient, even if it is an angry resistance, it is also a funny and cute move in the eyes of the other party.

   But He Shan would not give up on himself because of the huge power gap.

  He wants to keep going!

   The next time the opponent throws trash over, throw the trash back into the opponent's face.

   When the opponent stretched out his finger to the gold coin, he took a bite on his finger, and then went to tell him: "Ants can bite people too!"

   Due to his mood, He Shan's power output soared, and the speed of Qingtian's tooth blade increased.

   The sky-shielding giant let out a dull roar, but still unwillingly turned into a cloud and disappeared.

   The dark night sky finally appeared, and the stars in the night sky became much brighter than before.

   Li Yuansheng stood beside He Shan and swallowed!

   "Successful, the sky-shaking giant disappeared in less than twenty-four hours!"

   He looked at He Shan, with joy in his heart, and he even wanted to dance around in circles.

   He Shan shook his head and said: "This is not a giant that covers the sky, this is a projection of the doomsday... Oh, it's just a projection."

   "What is the doomsday projection?"

   Li Yuansheng still wanted to ask, but He Shan had already turned around and returned to the Suiyuan Shop in a flash.


   A monster bat with sharp teeth and fangs caught a girl hiding in the closet.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   He likes to **** blood, and he only likes the blood of young girls.

   In the previous few hours, every once in a while, he would feel physical discomfort, and the interval of physical discomfort became shorter and shorter.

  Many monsters were aware of something wrong and retreated to the original area.

   But this bat is a monster, and doesn't want to abandon the fresh blood available everywhere, so he is still searching for his prey.

   He pulled out the girl's hair, opened his **** mouth and wanted to take a bite, but as soon as its teeth touched the girl's skin, his body began to ache severely.

   The bat demon looked out the window and found that the sky-shielding giant had disappeared, and the starlight was shining down.

   And his body began to fade The pain that touched the soul made him cover his body and kept rolling, thick black smoke emanating from his body, like a huge plume of smoke.

   When the monsters die in the overlapping area, their bodies will slowly disappear, and now this process has been accelerated to the extreme.

   He needs to experience the sensation of his body being dissolved in order to finally usher in true death.

   In the process of the death of the bat, the girl struggled constantly, and occasionally hit the bat’s eye socket with a punch, and the bat suddenly dissipated into the air as fly ash.

   But the girl suddenly felt something abnormal in her mouth. She looked in the mirror and found that there were four more sharp teeth in her mouth...

   The girl walked to the window, looked outside, and found that there were such skyrocketing plumes of smoke everywhere on the street.

   Those are all monsters whose bodies are melting like ice and snow!

   Such a scene is very common throughout Central Continent.

  The monsters turned into flying ash, and many ordinary people rushed out, rushing to end their lives before the death of these monsters.

   Take advantage of this time to kill the monster, the probability of becoming a schemer is not high.

   But under the huge population, the number of new sorcerers is also very considerable.

   After all the black smoke disappeared, all human beings finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Some people walked onto the street, laughed at the danger to leave, shouted for their survival, and were happy to be a sorcerer.

  Some people are crying, they may become disabled, or their relatives and friends may leave...

   But all in all, this disaster is over!


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