Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 362: Gather intelligence

The two are discussing how to deal with Liu's.

Suddenly I noticed it, a strange breath.

A very tight guy who wrapped himself came out of the wall.

This person is one of the Worm Nest guards.

After seeing the worm's nest guard, Yuan Ying subconsciously wanted to do it, but she was stopped by Li Yuansheng.

Li Yuansheng knew that this was a person from Suiyuan Xiaopu.

The Worm Nest guard asked in a deep voice: "The manager asked me to ask you how much information I know about Liu."

Li Yuansheng was stunned for a moment, then handed the information in his hands to the Worm Nest guard.

After the incident that Suiyuan Xiaopu saved the world last time, he no longer guarded Suiyuan Xiaopu and was grateful for it, so he was willing to share the information he had just obtained.

The Worm Nest guard, after taking the information, turned into a shadow and left the room.

Yuan Ying asked Li Yuansheng suspiciously: "Why did Suiyuan Shop investigate Liu?"

Li Yuansheng waved his hand: "Fengren Street is the Fengren Street of Suiyuan Shop. If Liu wants to annex Fengren Street, he will naturally be known by Suiyuan Shop."

"This group of guys, who has a bad idea, they have to come to Random Shop to be uncomfortable."

Li Yuansheng smiled, he guessed Liu's thoughts.

They may think that Fengren Street is a treasured land, so they want to use this place to recreate glory, and Suiyuan Shop just happens to be in this treasured land.

But Suiyuan Xiaopu is truly powerful, and the entire Lianhai City may only be known to Li Yuansheng himself.

Because of the existence of Suiyuan Xiaopu, Fengren Street is a treasure, and the Fengren Street without Suiyuan Xiaopu is worthless!


"Dad, dad, I'm going to kill that guy!"

Liu Zhusu, who was already unrecognizable, barked at his father with the support of two sorcerers.

Since childhood, Liu Zhusu has never suffered such a big loss.

"Shut up, go back to your room, and then not get out of the room for ten days."

Liu Fafa scolded Liu Zhusu.

After Liu Zhusu was exposed, he was immediately let go. After he has been in the market for a long time, he has already smelled a dangerous smell.

The best option now is to stop all actions and stay at home honestly.

Then people spread some news that Liu Zhusu had gone to deep mountains and old forests to exercise for three years before returning home soon, so he didn't register with the Anomaly Administration Bureau.

Hope this can confuse the anomaly administration.

The most important thing is not to let the Anomaly Management Bureau find out the number of strange magicians in their family.

In order to gain a chance to rise in this troubled world, Liu did a lot of dark deeds, and once these deeds were exposed, it would be a disaster.

It's no better now than it was a few years ago. At that time, even if they did something bad, there would be no problem as long as they didn't expose it.

The current anomaly administration is cruel and will not show mercy to any unstable factors.

"I hope this incident will just pass."

Liu Fafa's face was pale, he never dreamed that he, as his dependent son Liu Zhusu, would stumble this time in front of a second-order sorcerer.

Now in order to deal with the aftermath of this matter, the price they have to pay far exceeds what they can get from that second-order sorcerer.

At this time Liu Fafa thought that what they were facing was just Liu Zhusu's alone.

But he didn't know that his old bottom had already been taken care of by the Anomaly Authority.

And he was spotted by a terrible guy!


"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!"

A man in a black suit was blocked in a corner. The short and blood-toothed Li Daofu punched and kicked the man in the black suit.

"You Liu, do you think you can do whatever you want with money?"

The man in the black suit had half of his mouth full of teeth. He reluctantly said to Li Daofu: "I'm just a part-time worker..."

Li Daofu stepped on his neck and didn't lift his foot until he was about to suffocate.

"You are indeed only a part-time worker, but you are not at all soft when hitting people. Everything I have done with you is what you have done."

"In order to seal the house on Renrenjie, you used to beat three people like this. Now I only finished the two. I don't want to return the account of one person. If you are still alive for a while, I will let you go."

Li Daofu was glowing with golden light and clenched his fists again.

After He Shan killed the golden armor phantom on him, Li Daofu's mood returned to normal.

But he was still doing what he thought was right.

That is to punish evil and promote good.

A tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye is his rule. This black suit man had beaten three people to half death in order to buy a house, so Li Daofu also had to beat him back on him.

After the beating, Li Daofu spit on the man.

"Cut, you are lucky."

He straightened his collar and walked out of the room. At this time, all the limbs of the black suit were broken.

Recently, Li Daofu has been investigating Fada Real Estate.

Now in even Haishi, everyone knows that the properties on Fengren Street are not only valuable, but also very safe, so few people sell their houses through normal means.

But they didn't know that they chose to close the streets for safety, but it brought them danger.

When Fada Real Estate faces the sorcerer, it will send Liu Zhusu to influence the sorcerer with a hypnotic ability, so that they can sign the contract unknowingly.

In the face of ordinary people, they will directly use violence threats.

Most people, after being threatened by Fada Real Estate, will choose to compromise, after all, their arms cannot twist their thighs.

If a small number of people refuse to sell, they will be beaten up, and eventually they will compromise.

They didn't actually ask Li Daofu to help them get ahead, but Li Daofu couldn't stand it.

"It's you, are you always asking us for trouble."

A fat man in black with a disheveled hair and pocky face, holding a fan, slowly walked to Li Daofu in a very peaceful manner, looking extremely boring.

Li Daofu felt a burst of pressure on this person. This guy is at least a Tier 2 sorcerer. Although he is not afraid, it is also quite troublesome to deal After the death of the Jinjia Void, Li Daofu’s The strength has dropped to a certain extent, and is no longer as strong as before.

A golden balance emerged in front of Li Daofu, and then quickly deflected aside.

Li Daofu looked at the man solemnly: "I saw a great sin in your body... You should have killed a lot of people."

The man shook his fan and said, "I don't want to kill, but there are too many people like you. I don't want to kill it."

While the two were talking, Li Daofu's expression gradually changed, and he seemed to see something.

The man hadn't realized what had happened, only when Li Daofu was scared.

I saw in the wall behind the man, a figure wearing a hood gradually emerged, this figure holding a ferocious blade, and stabbing it into the man's body.

The blood on the man’s neck, like killing a pig, kept gurgling out...

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