Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 363: Action begins

"My name is Ai Dajin, and I used to be high-spirited."

"I got a high-ranking Lizhou passport, and I can make money from nonsense in Zhongzhou."

"But later, Li Zhou fell, and I became everyone shouting in Zhongzhou. Finally, Liu took me in and helped me gain strength."

"I have done a lot of things for the Liu family over the years, thinking that one day I can get a high position when the Liu family succeeds."

"But I didn't expect that my path would end today."

"If I can do it again, I will learn..."

The fat man in black swallowed his last breath, his head was stepped on by the Worm Nest guard.

In fact, Ai Dajin's strength is not bad, but the sorcerer is actually no different from ordinary people before he activates his abilities.

Although his abilities may be terrifying, but being stabbed in the neck abruptly is also dying.

Li Daofu asked in a deep voice, "Who are you."

The Worm Nest guard pointed to his clothes, and Li Daofu suddenly understood.

"Manager, let me come to you and ask Liu's evidence of crime."

Li Daofu frowned and asked, "Why did he come to me? How did he know that I was investigating Liu?"

The Worm's Nest Guard did not answer.

Li Daofu hesitated for a while, and handed the information in his hand to the Worm Nest Guard.

Then he walked to the vicinity of the residence of the Liu family and found a house to live in.

He knew that Suiyuan Xiaopu was unfathomable, and he also guessed that Suiyuan Xiaopu was about to do something against Liu.

Li Daofu wants to witness the demise of the Liu family for himself!

Central Continent Anomaly Administration, Director's Office.

Lao Buxiu locked the door and secretly flipped through an exquisite picture album. When he saw the excitement, he suddenly saw a shadow coming in!

"It's heavily guarded, how did you get in?"

"My store manager, I want to ask you for a favor." The Worm Nest guard whispered.

Lianhai City, the urban construction department, a dark figure walked in...

He Shan waited at home for two hours, and the ten Worm Nest guards went home one after another.

Piece by piece of information was placed in front of He Shan.

Some are evidence of the Liu family's crimes, others are the number of Liu's properties in Fengren Street, and some investigations have made it clear about the Liu family's defenses.

He Shan looked at the information in his hand, his face gradually becoming gloomy.

Liu's power in Fengrenjie only made He Shan feel offended.

But after seeing what Liu had done to buy the house here, he was not calm.

Being hypnotized is just the easiest way.

When dealing with tricksters, Liu's family should also pay attention to the influence. They are simply unscrupulous when dealing with ordinary people.

In this chaotic period after the catastrophe, even if ordinary people disappear in place, they will not attract the attention of others.

He Shan took a roster of characters and wrote and painted on it. Some of them must be killed, and some depend on the situation.

Now He Shan has decided to deal with Liu's.

But to be honest, Liu's power was a little beyond He Shan's expectations. Even if he added ten Worm Nest guards himself, he didn't have the confidence to handle Liu's family.

But He Shan changed into the Worm Nest Guard's clothes and went to Liu's residence with them.

He mainly wanted to get acquainted with the situation first and leave a mark on Liu's residence.

Once encountered a crisis situation, he will immediately abandon all the Worm Nest guards and return to the Sealed Street by himself.

After getting dressed, a group of eleven people set off from Fengren Street.

"Damn old man, I will replace you sooner or later!"

In a huge and gorgeous house, Liu Zhusu was cursing in a low voice.

Liu Fafa ordered him not to leave the room, so he really shut himself here.

He didn't like it, but he didn't dare to resist.

Although Liu Fafa this guy usually looks harmless to humans and animals, he was also killed by a **** storm, and he has established authority in Liu Zhusu's heart since he was a child.

A black-haired girl came over to appease Liu Zhusu, but was kicked aside by him.

This girl is the sorcerer who bleeds her blood during the day and rescues Liu Zhusu.

Her ability is to let her body fluids have the ability to heal.

But she is not a member of the Liu family, nor is she an employee of Fada Real Estate, and did not even know Liu Zhusu before half a month.

But now she is like Liu Zhusu's slave.

In fact, if it hadn't had too many tasks a few days ago, Ran Xue might be here now.

Liu Zhusu's ability is spiritual guidance.

Through a long period of special guidance, he can even turn himself into the most respected person in the hearts of his sorcerers.

Therefore, he alone has recruited many devastating magicians to the Liu family!

It is precisely because of his ability that Liu Fafa attaches great importance to him and promised to pass the Fafa Group to him in the future.

He has always worked very hard, but after he suffered a loss this time, Liu Fa's attitude chilled him.

So his grievances against Liu Fa-fa also broke out.

Of course, as a sorcerer, Liu Zhusu can use his own ability to control Liu Fafa.

But although Liu Fafa didn't have the ability, but the resources he possessed could make a holy emblem sorcerer jealous.

In addition, Liu Fafa also had a loyal illegitimate son beside him.

Liu Xingyu!

This Liu Xingyu’s ability is even more weird than his spiritual guidance. He only knows that that ability is called the ‘Magic Heart Seed’...

Suddenly Liu Zhusu noticed that the outside world was a little noisy. He walked to the window, and before he could look out, he found that the entire area where Liu's family was located had all the lights off!

Even the lights in the room where Liu Zhusu was located suddenly stopped, and they were cut off here!

"Someone is coming to attack?"

Liu Zhusu picked up the phone and wanted to find the Anomaly Management Bureau, but when he thought of the secrets in his home, he emptied the dialed number and contacted others again.

He wants to call all the tricksters he controls into his room.

Although he has the strength of the Saint Emblem level, he still wants to further ensure his safety. UU reading

There were screams from outside, but seldom heard the sound of fighting, as if there were some invisible shadows, harvesting the lives of the Liu clan.

But seeing the tricksters gathered in his room, Liu Zhusu felt more at ease.

The black-haired girl with a hollow face lit some candles around the room.

The room lit up, and the dim light of the candle gave Liu Zhusu a sense of security.

The opponent looks so strange and terrible only because they are hiding in the dark, but as long as they don't separate and confront each other from the front, those invaders are definitely not their opponents.

But I don't know why, Liu Zhusu suddenly felt that he was a little cold.

It's as if it's being stared at by something.

He raised his head and looked out the window and found a figure wearing a black jacket, standing outside the window looking at him, and wiping his neck.

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