Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 366: Liu Zhusu of Fear

Liu Fafa raised his head, looked at the young man standing next to him at the window, and said to him: "Now the Anomaly Authority is unreliable. I can only rely on you. There will be nothing tonight, right."

The man in black clothes with a long face in the corner of his eyes promised Liu Fafa: "Don't worry, it's just a few gangsters. I won't let you have trouble."

"After all, you are very useful to us."

This man, who is nothing like Liu Fafa, is Liu Fafa's illegitimate son, and his name is Liu Xingyu.

However, both of them knew in their hearts that they decided that there was no father-son relationship, but they had to act out the scene tacitly.

Liu Xingyu and the forces behind him wanted Liu Fa's money and Liu's affair to contain the abnormal administration.

And Liu Fafa wanted to use the power of Liu Xingyu to complete their delusion.

So when Liu Xingyu, claiming to be Liu Fafa's illegitimate child outside, and Liu Fafa's illegitimate child, the two began to be embarrassed.

"You are here, of course I can rest assured, but my son is still outside, he..."

Liu Xingyu interrupted Liu Fafa's words: "The only thing I want to protect is you. The life and death of other people has nothing to do with me."

"If you are willing to go out and go to your son's villa, I can go with you."

Hearing what Liu Xingyu said, Liu Fafa was silent. Once he got out of the building, he might be attacked by those outside. He was unwilling to take this risk.

And Liu Zhusu is also a holy emblem sorcerer, he should have no problem, it is more important to save his life first.

Seeing Liu Fafa shrinking, Liu Xingyu sneered secretly.

If it weren't for his money, Liu Xingyu would not have come to protect this old guy, and the little devil named Liu Zhusu, who had been secretly looking for Liu Xingyu's troubles, but this time he died and was clean.

As for the things outside, they are nothing more than some chickens.


Ten insect nest guards approached from different directions towards the center of Liu's house.

Except for the most central building, other members of the Liu clan each have a villa of different styles.

In each villa, there are different sorcerer bodyguards, but they can only hold on for a while in the face of a powerful insect nest guard.

Even if it was the siege of two Tier 2 sorcerers, the Worm's Nest Guards could deal with it calmly.

Until now, Liu's people still knew nothing about these intruders.

They could only hear a scream every once in a while, and occasionally see a ray of flame flashing in the darkness.

Although ignorant of these enemies, none of the magicians went out to investigate.

They all hope that other people will bring intelligence to themselves, and they don't want to go out and take risks.

The darkness and the unknown gave these people great fear.

They would rather stay in their own house than go out to explore more possibilities.

If they attacked with all their strength from the beginning, only relying on He Shan and the ten insect nest guards would not be able to do much.

But everyone was selfish, and instead let them be eroded by most of their strength.

Finally, He Shan and others advanced into Liu Zhusu's room.

Liu Zhusu himself is a holy emblem sorcerer, and through the ability of spiritual vision, He Shan discovered that there are seven sorcerers here.

So he didn't care, but took five sorcerers and prepared six people to deal with Liu Zhusu.

As for the remaining Worm Nest Guards, let them deal with the remaining others.

Finally, everyone, together deal with Liu Fafa and others in the main building.


The screams outside gradually stopped, and the air was deadly silent.

Liu Zhusu's expression changed slightly. Did these invaders have all been killed, or... they had already set the target on him?

"They must have skipped me here. I have a holy emblem sorcerer, three second-order sorcerers, and four first-order sorcerers..."

"Those intruders don't want to head to head with me."

Although he kept comforting himself, Liu Zhusu was panicking now.

The biggest fear is the unknown, and the actions of the worm's nest guards simply took the concept of ‘secret action’ to the extreme.

Liu Zhusu didn't know the number of the opponent, the strength of the opponent, or even what these people looked like.

He only knew that the tricksters in his family had been defeated one by one.

And those invaders were full of murderous intent on him!

One of the sorcerers with rosacea walked into the toilet.

Liu Zhusu did not stop this. Although these tricksters were controlled by his ability, even the controlled tricksters had to eat and drink Lazard.

This is human nature, he didn't want to and didn't need to stop it.

The rosacea schemist is a master of drinking, and his biggest hobby is to drink small wine by himself, so he goes to the toilet a little bit more frequently.

He just stood before the toilet, before opening the zipper, two black palms fell from the ceiling, grabbed his neck and dragged it into the ceiling!

After a while, Liu Zhusu suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Ye Yu, go see what's wrong with the old drunkard, did he fall into the toilet?"

Ye Yu was the black-haired girl's name. After hearing Liu Zhusu's order, she opened the toilet door.

As a result, she found that there was no one in the toilet, only a pile of yellow water stains.

"Old drunkard, disappeared!" Ye Yu said with some horror.

Liu Zhusu's ability to hypnotize is not to turn a person into a tool person with no emotions, but to become a "loyal" and "adoration" of his good subordinates.

So these seven tricksters all have their own hobbies, and they are all afraid!

Liu Zhusu swallowed, got up from the sofa, and walked to the toilet door step by step. After seeing the scene here, his calf was a little trembling.

He yelled loudly: "It is nothing to dare to attack, we will not be separated again, and will not let you have the chance to defeat one by one!"

But no one responded to him, and the next second, the change was highlighted!

In the room, on the ceiling, on the floor, and on the walls, black palms stretched out one after another, dragging all his men away.

There were fighting sounds from upstairs and downstairs and next door, but the fighting was over soon!

Guards of the Worm Nest, you don't need to break them one by one, you can do it together!

In the room, only Liu Zhusu and Ye Yu were left.

"Who are you guys? Come out to Lao Tzu. What kind of heroes are you doing sneak attacks here, but just some despicable villains."

Liu Zhusu was fully aware of it, but he knew nothing.

The perception ability of the second-order sorcerer is actually very strong, but the worm's nest guards are born with the ability to hide their own breath, they are natural assassins.

"Hey, do you really want me to come out?"

"Then I will come in, don't be scared."

A sound came from outside the door, and the top soundproofing of this room seemed to have failed.

Liu Zhusu fell into the ice cave, and then the door was unscrewed...

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