Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 367: How much is your life worth

A figure dressed in black walked into the room.

He was wearing a black combat uniform with a hood on his head and he couldn't see his appearance.

But Liu Zhusu recognized at a glance that this guy was the guy who made the gesture of cutting his neck before, and his voice was inexplicably familiar.

This person is of course He Shan. The clothes he wears are the same as the Worm Nest Guards, except that he does not have the white long clothes printed with the word "Suiyuan" on the outside.

So no one will associate He Shan with Suiyuan Xiaopu.

"Who are you, why did you suddenly attack me Liu?"

Liu Zhusu didn't ask the other party how to retreat, and now the two parties have become feuds, and only one party can die to stop this dispute.

"Why attack?" He Shan pursed his lips and took off his hood, revealing his original face: "Of course it's because of you!"

Seeing He Shan's face, Liu Zhusu suddenly began to tremble like a conditioned reflex.

He remembered again the fear of being dominated by He Shan and the humiliation of being hung on the street lamp.

But what made him puzzled was why He Shan came to kill him at night after just beating him during the day?

According to the normal routine, shouldn't it be him Liu Zhusu to retaliate against He Shan?

Even if He Shan is the protagonist in the movie, he should have survived after being retaliated by Liu Zhusu, and then he came to the Liu family to avenge Liu Zhusu.

After beating people during the day, they brought people to the victim's house to destroy the door at night.

This style is completely the big villain in Li, even their Lius are not so bold.

After seeing He Shan, Liu Zhusu realized that it was impossible to be kind today. He said to the black-haired girl beside him: "Ye Yu, get me around him, and I want to get around him desperately!"

Ye Yu, a petite figure, immediately showed a ferocious look and rushed towards He Shan.

She lay low on the ground, like a female leopard, very agile.

He Shan shook his head, took a step back, avoided her attack, and punched her abdomen with his right hand like lightning.

This punch hit her diaphragm and immediately lost her fighting ability.

Ye Yu has two abilities. One is that body fluids have the ability to heal. Whether it is tears, saliva and blood, it can be used for healing.

Another ability is to give it the ability to fight like a beast.

But this is too weak for He Shan.

He Shan grabbed her shoulders, didn't let her fall, and said softly to her: "Now the nightmare has passed. If you sleep again, all this will pass."

In fact, today, what caused He Shan to have murderous intent on Liu Zhusu, besides Liu Zhusu's hypnosis of He Shan, there was also the existence of Ye Yu.

According to Li Daofu's investigation, Ye Yu, who was next to Liu Zhusu, was originally a famous first-order sorcerer in the next city.

Although she is not good at fighting, she can heal other wounded magicians.

Ye Yu used this ability to freely treat more than 20 sorcerers and hundreds of ordinary people who were left with disabilities.

But when Liu Zhusu went on a business trip to the next city, he took a fancy to Ye Yu's ability.

On a dark and windy night for a month, he took a few vicious sorcerers, invaded Ye Yu's home, and killed all her relatives in front of her.

Then use her abilities to force Ye Yu to brainwash her and let her serve Liu Zhusu alone.

Because of this, Ye Yu's eyes were so hollow and hopeless.

After seeing the introduction about Ye Yu, He Shan made up his mind to kill Liu Zhusu and do it himself.

After subduing Ye Yu, he said to Liu Zhusu: "You know my strength, this little girl can't stop me."

Liu Zhusu did not answer, but directly attacked the two.

A green light glowed from his body, and countless bamboos grew up beside him, then turned into a huge bamboo spear, and pierced toward He Shan and Ye Yu.

There are walls on both sides of He Shan's current location, so in a short time, it is basically impossible for him to take Ye Yu and avoid it.

Liu Zhusu was born in the family of merchants, and he was quite familiar with his words and looks. He saw that He Shan had a compassionate heart for Ye Yu, so he let Ye Yu entangle He Shan.

Then he launched an attack, attacking Ye Yu together.

He Shan avoided, Ye Yu would die, and he didn't have any loss.

If He Shan chooses to protect Ye Yu and resists the attack, he believes that He Shan will definitely be injured.

A Tier 2 sorcerer, if he resists his full attack and is unscathed, then he doesn't need to be confused.

"You really are a dehumanizing thing..."

He Shan sighed, two sly copper coins were bounced, and a round toothed blade appeared, and the toothed blade began to rotate violently.

The mighty bamboo spear, when it entered this toothed blade, was smashed into pieces, and He Shanfen was unscathed except for the bamboo shavings all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Liu Zhusu suddenly lost his intent to fight.

He didn't want to be tortured to death by He Shan as before, and then hang on the street lamp.

He Shan is not in a hurry to chase, because he is not alone here.

As soon as Liu Zhusu ran to the window, five Worm Nest guards appeared at the same time and swung their daggers.

A purple-black flame was burning on the dagger, which was a powerful magic flame.

Many green bamboo walls appeared on Liu Zhusu, but these bamboo walls only blocked two magic flame daggers. He was pierced into the waist on the left and right sides by three daggers, and one of his arms was cut off by a knife.

"You are really ugly now, you don't have the grace of a holy emblem sorcerer at all."

"You told me that money can buy everything. Now I want to ask, how much is your life worth?"

Liu Zhusu's eyes lit up: "I can give you money, as much as you want. There is a black gold card in the drawer on the left side of my desk with 70 million in it, and..."

He said a lot in a series, and that was a number that shocked He Shan.

He Shan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is the password."


He Shan took out a credit card reader from the spare decomposition bin, and after confirming the amount and password inside, he looked at Liu Zhusu with a smile on his face.

"You did a good job. The money can indeed buy your life. I believe it won't kill you anymore."

Then He Shan pointed to Ye Yu.

"After she wakes up, she will decide your life or death."

After hearing this, Liu Zhusu's face suddenly became ashes, and then he was about to resist desperately.

But there was a flash of red light in He Shan's eyes, and the red color began to spread on his body. Before Liu Zhusu could react, he kicked his head and fainted immediately.

He Shan put all the defeated people in this villa into the spare decomposition warehouse.

Then there was a smile on his face: "Next, there is only one thing to deal with."


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