Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 429: Inky Hell

"No, it's impossible..."

The demon in suspenders fell to the ground with an expression of pain.

His body was burnt, all wounds made by the pepper boomerang.

The domain owner in this overlapping area was defeated by Miao Miao!

A group of brilliance slipped from the domain master's body into Miao Miao's body, and a faint light of gold and iron flashed in her eyes, and now she had mastered the third ability.

She looked at the sky that showed the original color, with a smile on her face.

Now she finally lived up to He Shan's expectations.

Then with a tired look, she walked back to the Suiyuan shop, and sat down on the ground as soon as she entered the door.

He Shan hurried over and looked at Miao Miao in surprise.

His original purpose was actually just to make Miao Miao reach the first-order limit of strength.

Anyway, he has a lot of pronuclei in his hands, as long as Miao Miao exercises to a certain level, he can complete the promotion.

But he didn't expect that Miao Miao would be so steamy and directly completed the promotion!

"Hurry up and rest, don't get tired."

Listening to He Shan's words, Miao Miao closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"If I'm tired, I can't help me with work."

She did not hear this sentence.

He Shan asked Jade and Mei Shi to take care of Miao Miao, but he left home.

He is going to explore for the third time after Tier 3.

The plan to open up the Jinpan City channel is dangerous even for him, so he must seize the time to improve himself, and exercise during this period is the best choice.

After Miao Miao woke up, she found herself lying in a cartoon bed.

The reason it is said to be in the bed is because the bed looks like a huge cardboard box from the outside.

From the inside, the style is very cute and full of girlish hearts.

This is her own bed.

When she was about to lie in bed, she suddenly found that the bed seemed a little panic.

When I turned around, my face turned black.

I saw two pairs of boots and two pairs of gloves on the bed!

The boots are walking boots and repulsive boots, and the gloves are a shadow chain claw and a repulsive glove!

Obviously what He Shan meant was to let her not be lazy after waking up, and finish the work that should be done quickly.

I'm afraid of thinking about many things.

After thinking about it for a while, she deliberated on the true purpose of everything before.

Not to make her better, but to make her a tool person.

As a result, she immediately hated it.


Overlapping areas to be explored this time.

The name is Inky Hell.

As its name suggests, everything in this place is completely dark.

The rule here is that no natural light or artificial light can be illuminated here.

The sky, the earth, everything is pitch black.

The sun's brilliance disappeared completely, even with a flashlight, it couldn't be lit here.

The flame will not emit any light, but will burn silently, burning people who accidentally touch it.

This overlapping area has been formed for a long time.

But many tricksters just went in for a few minutes and then backed out again.

Also, I didn't come out after I went in.

The completely dark environment has turned this into an excellent hunting ground-a monster hunting ground, rather than a human one.

The monsters inside have already adapted to the dull environment.

But if the sorcerer enters, he will be directly deprived of a sense, and it is difficult to adapt even if he has made some preparations in advance.

This time, He Shan was only making some attempts.

From the outside, the pitch black Hell is like a huge black pillar, it is a kind of pure black, and even what is wrapped in this thing is a huge entity, or pure air.

Outside light, when it touches the overlapping area, it will be swallowed up immediately.

He carefully stepped into the overlapping area and stepped on the ground, feeling a moment of slippery, and his feet felt very heavy, as if stepping on a big rock.

Then his eyes became dark, and he couldn't see anything in front of him.

This pure darkness immediately made He Shan's heart frightened.

He will not be shaken by this fear, and he also thinks that he is not afraid, but this fear still appears inexplicably.

Many people have never experienced pure black since they were born.

Even if you close your eyes and prepare to sleep in the dark, what people perceive at that time is not pure darkness.

With the darkness, there is so far.

The unknown is the most terrifying thing.

At this time, He Shan didn't know whether the slippery feet he was stepping on was moss or flesh and blood on the ground.

I don't know if the oncoming stench breeze is the natural air flow in this overlapping area, or whether there is a monster sticking to his face and drooling at him.

I don’t know if it’s on a solid ground or a trap that has been laid out. There are sharp spiked wooden stakes inside, and under the stakes are densely packed venomous snakes, scorpion centipedes...

He Shan grinned and laughed at himself.

"I still don't scare myself anymore, thinking about it for a while, even I guess I'm going to escape."

He wanted to pat his face to make himself more awake.

Then his hand, before touching himself, patted another face.

He Shan was stunned for a moment, and when he touched it carefully, he found that this face was cold, rough and moist, and it had big sharp teeth, nose and eyes...


He Shan was frightened immediately, and with a hard hand, he directly smashed the eyes and nose of the face in his hand.

The poor monster rolled all over the floor in pain, and the wailing roar spread throughout the overlapping area.

"My hands are covered with things, just tap it."

He Shan wiped his hands disgustedly, and then slowly walked towards the interior of the overlapping area, with a long sword floating around to explore the way.

The long sword would occasionally touch the surrounding things to see, and to He Shan it felt like a huge cave, surrounded by hard rocks and slippery moss.

Suddenly the air in front of him became fresher, and a blast of air blew directly on He Shan's face, as if he had reached a relatively spacious place.

He Shan walked a little further, and heard a faint sound, like something crawling, squeezing and colliding.

This overlapping area has been in darkness all the time.

So the monster inside does not rely on sight to check the surrounding situation, but on hearing.

Precisely because they are all sensitive of hearing, in order to avoid attacks from their companions, these monsters are all very light without exception, so light that ordinary people can't hear their existence.

Now that there is such a clear sound, it means that the number of monsters here is already very large, and the monsters can't move because they made a sound.

He Shan felt a tingling scalp when he thought of the sights around him.

Not because of fear, but because of excitement.

He chose this overlapping area because of the environment here, and he felt that he had a way to deal with it.

But in the previous groping, he didn't show his preparation.

Now that there are enough audiences, it's time to make a big debut.

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