Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 430: Luxury suit

"Baby, ready to bask in the sun!"

He Shan's body suddenly radiated light, illuminating everything nearby.



The monsters suddenly screamed, and in the entire overlapping area, there were sounds of ghosts and wolves howling. These sounds were constantly reflected in the cave and became even more terrifying.

And He Shan finally saw clearly the scene here.

Surrounded by a hard rock wall, the color of the rock wall is black and green, with disgusting slime hanging on it, and on the wall, there are densely packed monsters.

These monsters are like lizards, but with six feet, their heads are like orangutans, their mouths are bigger than orangutans, their teeth are sharper, and their eyes are reduced to the size of mung beans, which looks a little funny.

The skins of all monsters are pink and white, which is a little different from their terrifying appearance. After they have light, their figures are very easy to identify.

In addition to these monsters, there are some small bugs on top.

These little bugs couldn't stand the light, and fell from the stone wall one after another.

At this time, some people may be wondering.

Didn't it mean that there can be no light in it, why did He Shan suddenly shine?

Note that the rules here are restricted natural light and artificial light.

Natural light refers to the light of fire, sunlight, or fireflies.

The artificial light is a flashlight or the light of a mobile phone screen.

But the light of trickery power is not natural light, nor is it artificial light. If it has to be classified, it can be counted as magic light.

So it can shine here.

Isn't such an obvious loophole uncovered by a sorcerer before, and used the ability to explore here?

Of course there are, otherwise He Shan would not have come up with such a way.

However, the original group of sorcerers, after exploring a small portion, withdrew from the overlapping area.

There are two reasons. The first is brightness and the second is consumption.

In the pitch black hell, although you can use the magical ability to glow, the effect of the glow is very weak.

The ability dedicated to light emission originally had a brightness of one hundred, but the brightness is estimated to be only ten. The light that flashes when the ability is normally used is almost invisible here.

And the consumption of lighting power is almost doubled here.

Therefore, the other teams of tricksters did not dare to take the risk of going deeper. Once the luminous trickster was out of strength or had other accidents, all of them would stay here.

But He Shan, there is no such problem.

Because the light he emits is not his own, but the equipment.

In order to enter this overlapping area, he specially selected and put on the brightest equipment when he disassembled the angel.

At this time, he was wearing a white armor, a glowing hat on his head, ten fingers with glowing rings, and a luminous white feather coat outside the armor, and a pair of golden lights radiating from behind. The dazzling golden wings!

In addition, he also carried an archangel shield in his hand, with the archangel sword floating around him, two long swords from Guos, and a dozen more from the angels. The brightest sword...

Although the light on these things has been weakened, the brightness of all things combined is enough for He Shan to use.

For the other monsters here, He Shan dressed up is no less than a walking flash bomb.

Even if other people knew He Shan's exploration ideas, they couldn't replicate what He Shan did.

Because apart from He Shan, it is impossible for other people to gather such a set of luxurious equipment.

As soon as he activates the effects of all equipment, it becomes a ‘really blinking your dog’s eyes’.

While all the monsters were unable to move, He Shan controlled the long sword, bleeding these monsters one by one, muttering while killing the monsters.

"You don't evolve some protective colors. If it grows into the same color as the wall, I'll find some of you."

Soon the monsters nearby were all hunted and killed by He Shan.

Then he extinguished the light of his weapon and again carefully explored the overlapping area.

Is this the fear that the light in the magic props will dissipate cleanly?

No, he is fishing.

The body is full of light, and those monsters who perceive the change of light far away will definitely not be close to He Shan.

Only in this way can the monsters in the overlapping areas have a desire to attack He Shan.

Although He Shan's Lingshi could not be used to observe the environment, it could still be used to see the number of monsters nearby.

When the number of monsters increased, He Shan broke out and wiped out the nearby monsters.

After playing for a few waves like this, the number of monsters in this overlapping area is already running low.

Finally, He Shan finally met the domain owner here.

It's hard to describe what it looks like. It has a body like a worm, but its skin is obviously tougher than a worm. It also has lizard-like claws and a terrifying big mouth like a lamprey.

After seeing He Shan, this monster instinctively covered his face, and it was also pierced by this light.

If He Shan wanted to kill it at this time, it would be easy.

But He Shan put away the light on his body instead, leaving only the brightness that he could barely capture the domain master.

He came to the overlapping area, in addition to catching monsters and strangers, but also to exercise.

Only when he gets into a bitter battle with Yaoyi can it be effective for him.


Walking out of the overlapping area, He Shan looked at the sun in the sky, feeling a bit dazzling.

After staying in a place like the Dark Hell for a long time, suddenly coming to a sunny place, I feel more or less uncomfortable.

Of course, He Shan won the battle between him and the domain master.

The power represented by He Shan's equipment alone is actually exaggerated.

That domain master ability, almost all above its actual combat ability, there is not too much fancy things.

Body enhancement mouth of swallowing, the claws of soul-shattering, the burrowing technique, and the super-sensing sense. These abilities constitute a monster that looks clumsy, but actually moves very sensitively.

Therefore, He Shan's battle was carried out heartily.

Looking at it from the outside again, the Dark Inferno Prison is not so dark. The entire area is covered by huge rocks that are more than ten meters high. Inside the rocks are dense and intricate tunnels.

The power of the overlapping area directly turned a flat piece of land into a strange rocky mountain.

However, such a rocky mountain is naturally a huge refuge, and it should be useful as long as it is modified.

Then He Shan checked the time and returned home.

As usual, taking a bath, eating, breaking up, and opening a shop, time passed day by day, and the plan to open up the roads of Jinpan City was about to begin.

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